Have You Ever Felt Like Giving Up On Your Dreams?

Sometimes life seems to get incredibly hard if not downright impossible. When we get into a fearful state where we are afraid we don’t have what it takes to succeed or that our peers will not love and accept us as we pursue our dreams, it can feel totally hopeless. We don’t like the pain or fear we feel so our natural instinct is to run away from what we fear and somehow end the pain. For most people this involves working jobs they hate, staying in relationships that no longer serve them, neglecting their health and generally living a life that is less than they are capable of living. You know you want better than you have now, it just seems that what you want is way far off into the future. So far off that at times, you feel like saying “fuck it, what’s the point?” When we choose to chase after an audacious goal, it becomes easy to get discouraged with you look at the enormity of the task you have undertaken. Much of your time may be spent working on, spending money on and spending countless hours trying to figure out how to make an idea into a profitable business model. While you spend all of your valuable time and energy on these endeavors, actual results, profit and/or the reward you are seeking are years in the future. Most of the time quite frankly, it can seem like an exercise in futility. You may ask yourself “why should I spend my time and money working on something that may never come to fruition?” Most people when faced with these challenges or emotions will give up and…