Your cells need three things to thrive and survive:
1) Oxygen
2) The proper nutrients
3) The ability to eliminate waste
If any one of the three are missing, imbalances will arise as a result. The imbalances will cause dis-ease in the proper functioning of your body’s organs, cells, systems and structure. Traditional medicine goes after the treating of the symptoms of disease (cancer, fatigue, body shutting down, etc.) instead of the causes of them (highly acidic diet, lack of exercise, poor circulation, bone and body structure imbalances, negative thoughts and emotions and a backed up internal sewer system).

You can be eating the healthiest and most nutrient dense foods on the planet, but if your internal sewer system is backed up, it will eventually kill you. When we eat processed foods, cooked foods, or highly acidic or acid-producing foods (carbs, proteins, sugars), they all leave an acid ash in the digestive/intestinal system when they are metabolized by the body. This acid ash must be neutralized by 80 parts alkalinity to every 20 parts of acid. This 80 parts alkalinity comes from highly alkaline foods such as green leafy vegetables and grasses.
The typical diet of people world wide is abundant in protein, carbs, sugars and very little green vegetables. It is mostly 95% acidic instead of being 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. This ratio is optimal for the proper functioning and balance of your body’s organs and internal systems.
When we eat any acid forming, cooked or processed foods, our body surrounds this food with mucus to absorb/neutralize the acids/toxins/pesticides/etc. in the food. Over time this mucus sticks to the walls of the small intestine and colon. Over the years of this highly toxic onslaught of poor food consumption/choices, the small intestine becomes less and less able to absorb the nutrients from the food we eat because the walls of the small intestine has become caked up with hardened mucus and partially digested food. The colon also backs up as well with the same stuff. The small intestine can’t absorb the nutrients the body needs. The colon becomes clogged with the same mucus and stuck feces which continues to rot and ferment in your body. Micro-organisms that live in this sticky gooey toxic lining, burrow thru the walls of your colon and small intestine. You literally get feces and toxic bacteria leaking into your bloodstream. Your body must expend precious immune system resources just keeping all this bacteria at bay. You become susceptible to every common cold as your waste disposal system is overloaded.
When the colon becomes backed up, it prevents your body’s lymphatic system from properly draining into your colon. Unlike your body’s blood system which has a heart to pump your body’s blood supply, your lymphatic system has no internal pump to move toxins and wastes that your body’s cells release. The lymphatic fluid that surrounds all your body’s cells drains to the lymph nodes and then the colon. Since the lymphatic system has no pump it must rely on the expansion and contraction of your body’s muscles and tissues to move and pump the fluid throughout your body. When the colon is clogged up, the excess toxic waste of the lymphatic system builds up in your body’s lymph nodes. Eventually the cells of the lymph nodes mutate into cancer cells trying to stay alive in the acid environment. Traditional medicine cuts out or irradiates these cancerous cells (Hodgkin’s disease).
Do I think everyone who reads this will change their diet? No. Probably very few will. Its a question of desire, self-motivation and self-love. Most people would dismiss it as “too hard”, “I’d rather take a pill”, “if it shortens my life so what, I’d rather eat what ever I want.” If you are one of those people who have high standards for yourself like I do, then here is what I do…
I take two colon cleansing supplements. The first one is psyllium husk power. The other one is bentonite clay. I use a 16 ounce bottle with a top to shake and mix the powder with 8-10 ounces of distilled/reverse osmosis water. Put two teaspoons of psyllium husk powder in first after the water. Then two teaspoons of bentonite clay. Put the top on and shake vigorously for 15-20 seconds. Then chug the mix down. It tastes bland. I don’t mind it. For whiners that whine about not liking the taste, then add some organic apple juice to the mix to sweeten it. The reason you want to quickly drink the whole mix down is it gets thicker and thicker the longer it sits as the clay/husk powder absorbs the water.
I take these at least an hour before and 2 hours after any meal. Usually first thing in the morning, after meals or right before bed. When I was cleansing for the first time ever, I did this 3-4 times a day for a month. I do an annual cleanse using this mixture for about 14 days. This mixture when it enters the small intestine and colon, sticks to the mucus and impacted feces and partially digested food. As your small intestine and later your colon, move to push things along, the mixture sticks to and pulls the mucus/waste along with it during the natural movements of your intestines/colon. Food normally just slides by this mucus/waste. But the bentonite clay/psyllium husk powder mixture binds it up along with billions of bacteria to move them out of the body. This exposes the walls of your small intestine to your food so it can absorb the nutrients it needs. It also cleans out the colon and removes the impacted feces. Now your lymphatic system can drain properly. That is why exercise is essential to the proper functioning of your body. If you don’t move very much, you will gradually lose your mobility, and eventually your life.
If you want to learn what an alkaline diet is, here is a link to Dr. Robert O. Young’s website:
click here to visit Dr. Robert O. Young’s website
Here is the psyllium husks powder that I buy: Yerba Prima Yerba Prima Psyllium Husk Powder, 12 Ounce.
Here is the bentonite clay that I take: Redmond Clay Bottle, 10 Ounce.
Make sure you consult with your doctor before making any decision about your health and before starting any exercise routine.
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Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” ~ Thomas Edison
Patrick Quiambao says
Betonite clay is for facial . It’s safe to drink?