Pickup, Dating & Relationship
Phone Coaching
If you are a man who would like to start meeting and dating the type of women you’ve always dreamed of, and have truly effortless relationships where women never nag or argue with you, how to get a girlfriend, or how to get your wife or girlfriend back, this will be the most exciting message you will ever read.
Picking-up, dating, and having effortless relationships with the type of women you’ve always wanted is easy when you know exactly what to do and what women emotionally respond to. However, due to incorrect societal conditioning, misinformation, and the incorrect and dysfunctional examples presented to us by our TV and media, only about 3% of the world’s men truly understand women and how to handle their interactions with them. The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way!
My name is Corey Wayne, and I am a dating and relationship coach in addition to being a life and peak performance coach. I promise you faithfully that I can get you from where you are now to where you want to be. That means getting a girlfriend, dating multiple women, getting married, or helping you with any challenges you may be having with your wife or girlfriend.
I was not born successful with women. Even though I was a decent looking and successful guy, I was constantly getting blown off or jerked around by the women I really wanted. When I did have relationships… they were chaotic, argumentative, short-lived, full of drama, and would leave me broken-hearted time after time.
Thru a lot of years of struggle, hard work, research, and spending time interviewing men who were naturally successful with women, I learned over a five year period how to model what they did to get the same results.
Now I can walk up to any woman I want, get her number in seconds, and create a fantastic relationship full of passionate sex, romance, and most importantly, free of drama and arguments. My relationships are effortless now and yours can be too!
Here’s What You Are Truly Capable Of…
When you become a Man who is a “10” in his heart, & you date a woman who is a “10”, this is the type of thing she will write about you when she is your ex…
“Corey is a gift and a blessing in my life. I came out of a relationship where I was so emotionally hurt, that at the time it was almost unbearable. The thought of being with someone else was something I just could not even imagine.
When I met Corey, he didn’t approach me like most other guys, he had a certain presence about him, one that made him stand out from many other guys. We are very close and have both grown into the people we are today because of having the relationship that we have. Corey really understands how women’s mind’s work, and sometimes I am so blown away as I feel he can really read my mind. He always knows what to say and says the right things at the right time – I wish all men were like him!
Corey’s insights and understanding of women has taken my life to whole new levels.I am a completely different person today compared to the person I was before I met him. I have evolved into more of the woman I am today because of the gift that he has. He has shown me what true love in a relationship really is. It is amazing and is something I did not experience in my relationship before.
katie chimes
With the work that I do, I know so many people do not feel true, explicit love, joy and happiness in their relationships. Corey will teach you how to take your relationship to whole new levels – levels that you may think are almost un-imaginable.
Corey, I cherish you and I love you. Thank you for being one of the most important people in my life. You are an amazing friend and I continually look forward to growing more together.”
london, uk
This Is What Happens When Corey Coaches You…
This is an email I got from a phone coaching client:
Dear Corey,
Andre s.
I wanted to take the time to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making my dreams of getting with my dream girlfriend a realty.
Your book and personal guidance have changed my life and made me understand how women think and act. Let me describe my journey to love briefly…
After a short but very intense and exciting relationship I was left from one day to the other. My girlfriend suddenly turned our deep but short love affair off. I did not understand what has happened, neither was I aware of the exact reason until later.
3 months went by and I was still thinking about her and had that feeling inside of me that I can not let the past be, because I felt that she was THE woman for my life. The person of my deepest desire, friend and companion.
I kept thinking of what to do to win her heart again, since I knew and felt that she really liked me a lot back then.
As I was wondering what to do, I received your phone call. We talked about women and relationships.
You were telling me about your book and coaching sessions and I was excited about the fact that you seemed to be very understanding about woman in general. Luckily, I got a copy of your Book ” The 3% Man ” for me to read.
That evening I started reading the first few pages at my house, and my eyes opened up slowly but steady about the information provided to me. Since my thoughts were always around my past girlfriend, the ONE I did not want to let get away, I picked up the phone the next day to share my excitement about the material you have given me with you. To make a long story short, I asked you to coach me to get the woman of my dreams back into my life and actually make her fall in love with me.
Over the next 3 weeks my life turned into a roller coaster of excitement and passion to see and feel how your advice made turn things completely around. From the first recommendation of what to say to the point on how to react with my ex girlfriend, I was able to make her skyrocket her interest in me. No matter what my initial belief was, I was acting exactly as you suggested and my girlfriend turned into the person I wanted her to be for so long.
Over the past 3 months, I have experienced the greatest gift ever given to man, a loving and caring girlfriend which is crazy about me. I have become completely confident on how to read a woman’s mind, understand her thinking, reactions and actions. I can already predict on what she is going to do, say or not do.
Your personal coaching has put me in the driver seat and get me what I was looking for so long.
I get sweet text messages throughout the day from her, romantic dinners at the house, great excitement in the bedroom and the willingness to make our relationship grow day by day with her making the first step all the time.
Wow, what a woman ! Wow, what a coach you are!!!
We are traveling to Europe in a few weeks together and I will introduce my love to my parents.
Just within 2 months I have achieved what I was wanting! This would have never been possible without your help!!!
Thank you very much and I hope you will help many other guys to meet and keep the woman of their dreams.”
los angeles, ca
This is for a 1 Hour Phone/Skype (audio only) Coaching Session with Life & Peak Performance Coach, Corey Wayne. I will help you with any area of your life you need help with. Career, wealth creation, entrepreneurship, sales training, team building, leadership, starting your own business, goal setting, health & personal fitness, time management, overcoming limiting beliefs & life challenges, pickup/dating/relationships, etc. One easy payment of $1,250.00. I’ll contact you personally via email within 24-48 hours (weekends excluded) of your order to schedule your phone coaching session.
Get the Book “How To Be A 3% Man”
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*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
How to Be a 3% Man
Paperback | $29.99
How to Be a 3% Man
Hardcover | $49.99
How to Be a 3% Man
Paperback | $29.99
How to Be a 3% Man
Hardcover | $49.99
*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Get the Book “Mastering Yourself”
*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. **Free with a new Audible.com membership
*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Mastering Yourself
Paperback | $49.99
Mastering Yourself
Hardcover | $99.99
Mastering Yourself
Paperback | $49.99
Mastering Yourself
Hardcover | $99.99
*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Get the Book “Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations”
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*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
Paperback | $49.99
Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
Hardcover | $99.99
*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
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- Purchase a phone/Skype (audio only) coaching session for yourself or a friend by clicking here. Download the Amazon.com Kindle version of my book to your Kindle, Smartphone, Mac or PC for only $9.99 by clicking here. Get the iBook version for $9.99 from the iBookstore by clicking here. Get the Audio Book for FREE $0.00 with an Audible.com membership by clicking here or buy it for $19.95 at Amazon.com by clicking here. Get the iTunes Audio Book for $19.95 by clicking here. That way, you'll always have it with you to reference when you need it most. Thank you for reading this message!
From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur