Like a man craves and thirsts for water in the hottest desert when he has none, so must you crave success. You must thirst and hunger for success in achieving your goals and outcomes with all your heart. When you choose and decide what your true goals and dreams are in life, you will know when they are your true hearts desire. How? You will feel a burning desire, a hunger, a calling from deep inside of you. You will feel the same kind of excitement like you did when you wanted a Christmas gift, birthday present or simply something you saw in an advertisement as a child. Something you really wanted to the point that you drove your parents NUTS asking about it. Probably to the point where they got so tired of hearing you talk about it, that they bought it LOL 🙂
You know when you really want something. When you feel its meant to be. You have to want your desires with all your heart. The kinds of things that make you feel excited just like you were as a child when you really wanted something.
Me? When it came to Christmas I would literally shake with excitement when Christmas got really close. I would spend a whole year contemplating what I wanted from Santa. You gotta pick stuff that is that kind of exciting.
When you decide that you want to accomplish something, most of the time you have no fucking clue how you are going to accomplish it. But your heart compels you to move forward, research, etc. You model the success of others to speed up your own success. You choose compelling goals that get you so excited, that you get up early in the morning and stay up late working on them.
If its a new business, you will invest your time and money into something that pays you little to nothing at all in the beginning. You don’t care that you are dumping your hard earned cash into figuring out your business model if you are an entrepreneur. You crave success and its exciting to work on it. Its so fun that it does not seem like work. You’ll lose money on it for years despite all your friends and family telling you to quit. Something compels you from inside like a madman to figure it out.
“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently… they’re not fond of rules… you can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them, because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as crazy ones, we see geniuses, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones that do.” ~ Jack Kerouac
You must be who you are, what you should be is not important. Something that makes you feel so good that it sets you on fire to think about the most ridiculous dreams you can think of; and then resolve to go for it no matter what happens. No matter the obstacles or how long it takes you to figure it out. lost money for 7 years before they figured out their business model. Look at them now. They dominate. They are the biggest retailer in the world. A multi-billion dollar company. Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO is a genius. He believed in his vision more than anyone else. He made everyone else keep believing on his team as well. They made it.
Adversity is preparation for greatness” ~ Andy Andrews.
If things seem like they are chaotic in your life, just change the meaning that you give the circumstances of your life. As I’ve said before, achieving your goal or outcome is not what’s important. What’s important, is who you become along the journey to achieving your goal or outcome.
Look at Gerard Butler the actor. He went to school to become a lawyer. After graduating, he gave it all up to become an actor. Everyone told him he was foolish. Every day he worked at becoming the best actor he could be. Just like an NFL athlete tries to get a little better and improve their skills every practice, every game, every year he plays until his body or his heart are no longer into it; Gerard worked at his craft. It took him a decade to become the superstar he is. He never gave up and he was relentless in his trying to get better and succeed.
We were all created to be great at something. Every one of us has unique talents and abilities. Only by listening to our hearts desire can we discover our own latent talents, abilities and skills. “Devote today to something so daring even you can’t believe you’re doing it.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
What keeps people from going after and achieving our goals? Fear. Human beings have two primary fears. Fear that we are not enough, and fear that we won’t be loved. In other words, fear that we don’t have what it takes to succeed, and fear that people won’t love us if we do or choose something that others do not feel is appropriate for us.
If you fear something, you need to let go of it. ITS AN ILLUSION!!!!!! What you fear you attract, what you look at disappears. FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Let go of your fear. Your life has a purpose. God had a purpose in mind when he designed you the way you are. If you don’t know what you purpose is, you can discover it by learning to listen to and trust your heart and inner feelings. Not your mind. The mind is the part of you that says I am what I do, I am what I have, I am my reputation, etc.
Until you have fulfilled your purpose in life, you can not be harmed. I can prove it to you.
You should never feel ashamed of who you are or what you want. As long as what you want does not interfere with the free will of another. Only keep people in your life who want to keep you. If people don’t accept and celebrate who you are and encourage you to be at your best, then go find people to spend your time with who do. Fuck em. Its their loss if they missed out on you. “A friend is someone to whom you can speak aloud.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer. “If a friendship or partnership requires the violation of your self and your dignity, its not really a friendship.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer.
If you’re looking to meet the woman of your dreams, but have yet to meet a woman who will give you the time of day, It just means you are going to meet someone better down the road. When will it happen? When you are ready, and she is ready. Just try to be your best and be the best version of you that you can be. Jim Rohn once said, “I’ll take care of me for you, and you take care of you for me.”
Work at getting a little better, learning more, growing more confident, taking action, etc. each and every day of your life. Do what you can, when you can. Find a way, not a way out. Live your truth. You are unstoppable when you stand in your truth. You can not be harmed. You will be protected and guided. “The force will be with you, always.” ~ Master Obi Wan Kenobi.
Get excited, decide what you want, resolve to pay the price to get it, persist without exception and most importantly, take relentless consistent action towards its attainment. “Faith without action is meaningless.” ~ Buddha
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“The difficult takes a long time. While the impossible, just takes a little while longer.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer
Vicky says
What a great resource this text is.