There is a night and day difference between the body language of a confident man who is successful with women, and the body language of an insecure man who is unsuccessful with women. Women can sense, see and feel this difference immediately.
If you are single and are hoping to meet the next great love of your life, but your body language sucks, you will have already lost and been judged as weak and unworthy before you even open your mouth. Therefore, by the time your first words leave your mouth, the woman you are hoping to create attraction with has already raised her emotional barrier to you. Your words simply bounce off her invisible emotional shield as she is contemplating ways to get rid of you quickly. Beautiful women are especially adept at rejecting men in seconds. Why? Because by the time you are meeting her, she has all ready been approached by thousands of other men before you, and perfected her words and techniques of rejection. So here’s how to create sexual attraction in women towards you by exhibiting alpha male physiology.
Men who are comfortable in their own skin have a peaceful, easy and relaxed air about themselves. They are patient and in no hurry to run after any pretty woman they see. They actually are used to women approaching them and simply do not have to try to meet women. Women come up to them and introduce themselves. Celebrities, musicians, public speakers, professional athletes, actors, corporate CEOs, politicians, etc. are automatically perceived as being leaders of men and women. Shallow men who do not understand women, dismiss and discount the reasons why this is by saying it’s because these men are rich. This becomes part of their story and justification why they don’t have the type of women they really want in their lives. What these women are really attracted to is the power or perceived power that these men project. However, just because a man is rich and perceived as being powerful, does not mean that he actually understands women. As a matter of fact, once women start talking to these men who are perceived as being powerful, but aren’t very powerful, they quickly get turned off and walk away. Their position of power and success only opens the door for them momentarily, but quickly closes as soon as they start talking.
That is why I say you must read my book 10 to 15 times to the point where you get to know the material so well that you could give a seminar on the topic. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, iPad or Mac in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE. Because even though you can use the following techniques to create the body language of a confident alpha male, you must know what to do and say once you start talking to her. Otherwise, you’ll blow it.
Eye contact is crucial. If you make eye contact with a woman, whoever looks away first is the least dominant one. Feminine energy is submissive, not masculine energy. Alpha males do not apologize or feel bad for making eye contact with others. If he sees something he likes, he enjoys looking at what he likes because he is used to what he likes… liking him back. Have a friendly smile that is authentic, but not forced. When you stand, your arms should be down at your side and relaxed. You must not be hunched over either. Your chest should be out, and your arms back like you are proud of you. Imagine that there is an invisible string that is attached to your breastbone that is holding your body up from the ceiling. If you are in a bar or nightclub or at a social event, you don’t hold your drink in front of your chest area. Your emotional center is right where your rib cage comes together in the inverted “V” shape underneath your nipples. When human beings feel emotionally uncomfortable, they tend to cross their arms or hold their drinks in front of their emotional center. Never do that, ever! When you are talking to a woman, make sure you face her completely chest to chest. If you turn your body sideways when you are talking to her, this will communicate submissiveness and a lack of confidence.
When you walk, you walk deliberately and with a purpose. You are not in a rush, but you’re also not a turtle. Men and women both will respond to you as the dominant one. You have a calm about you. A sense of well-being and all is well because everything in your life always works out for you eventually. You are used to getting what you want. Haste makes waste. Insecure men who are unsuccessful with women are in a rush. They talk too fast, and their laughter is full of nervousness. If you would like women to approach you first, CLICK HERE for the article I wrote on how to get women to approach you in public, bars, nightclubs, social event’s, etc. Another thing that is really important, is to not lean up against the wall, the bar, a column, etc., but to stand where you are as if you are taking up too much space.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“The first step before anyone else in the world believes it is that you have to believe it.”-Will smith
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