Why dating and courtship is like the game of tennis and why you must wait for the object of your affection to return your call, text, email or message, instead of constantly bombarding them with continuous contact attempts in order to force a response. Why not waiting for someone to get back to you causes you to appear weak, desperate, creepy, stalkerish and needy, which will lead to permanent rejection.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who was in intermittent contact with a woman he had gone to college with over ten years ago. She is a very beautiful and successful musician. An alpha female who has many choices with men. She would often take a week to respond to his messages, but he always was patient and waited for her to do so instead of blowing up her phone to try and force a response.
When she came to his town to do a concert, he did a masterful job of letting her come to him, creating rapport with her group of friends and causing them to invite him into their inner circle. Once she realized that he was not like most other men, she invited him to spend the day with her, asked for his phone number and then started contacting him to make sure he would spend time with her. It’s a great detailed email that lays out all of the important steps, events and things he said and did to cause her to feel attraction and start pursuing him. This is what happens when you read my book 10-15 times and apply what it teaches effortlessly.
Get the Book “How To Be A 3% Man”
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Beautiful women have the most options and choices with men, but are often the most lonely and sexually frustrated women. Why? Most men simply can not handle being around a beautiful, sexy, smart, successful woman who has her shit together, without coming totally unglued, putting her on a pedestal, kissing her ass, acting like a wussy, treating her like a celebrity and turning her off. Every beautiful woman who is single and looking, is dying to meet a guy who is comfortable in his own skin, comfortable being himself, does not take himself too seriously, knows how to properly court and seduce a woman, will not let anyone walk all over him and simply treats her like a regular person. Guys who can do this, have their choice with women, have women constantly throwing themselves at them and always get what they want. Hence the common expression that most single and searching women utter, “All the good guys are either taken or gay.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
Kate says
Could it possible to see that letter on the site? It’s helpful.