What you should say and do if you are newly single and want to play the field for a while, or if you simply are not looking for a relationship, but some of the women you are dating are trying to lock you down to a commitment.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who is dating and sleeping with three different women on a regular basis. He says the sex is mind-blowing. However, he’s having a great time and feels like life as a single man is fantastic. Before he found out about my work, he used to be very intimidated by beautiful women, and had no clue how to understand them.
He shares some success stories of what he’s learned, and how he now has the confidence he once was lacking. He even shares a story about a woman he was dating a few years ago who blew him off when he would not commit to her. She reached out to him recently, and they started hooking up again. He says things couldn’t be better, and he wants to share his success story to encourage other men to read my book so they can get the same results.
Hi Coach Wayne,
Life as a single man is fantastic. I sleep with three women regularly, and the sex is mind blowing. I am very upfront that I am not looking for a committed relationship and just want to enjoy their company. (He’s being totally honest from the get go. Not all women will be cool with that, but that’s okay. If your lifestyle is great, then be awesome at it, and others will want to emulate you.) I see other women along with the usual three. Right now, I am being pressured by my favorite one. She asks me why I don’t want to be in a relationship, and I tell her that that’s not what I am looking for. (She wants to lock you down to a commitment. You just have to be consistent.) I also remind her that I told her from the very beginning that I am not looking to be tied down at this point of my life. (Live your truth and be proud of it.) In the end, I had no choice but to walk away. I haven’t spoken to her in two years. Out of the blue, I received a text from this person. (Always leave the door open in case they change their mind.) I didn’t reply back for about two weeks. We have had a few encounters since then, and I am happy to say, that things couldn’t be better. The sex is great, and she seems to understand that I am not looking to be tied down. Life is good, and the sex continues. I thank you because I once was that guy who didn’t understand women, and frankly was intimidated by beautiful women. I now have the confidence that I was lacking, and beautiful women no longer intimidate me. (You’re a guy who shows up and acts like a man is supposed to act.) I wanted to share my success and tell other men to read your book because it will greatly increase their chances of getting the beautiful women they have wanted. (Just apply the things I teach, and you will see that it works for you.)
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“You must be who you are, what you should be is not important. Life is your oyster. You can make it whatever you want. If you want to settle down, get married and spend the rest of your life with one person, then do that. If you want to have multiple girlfriends whom you have an open relationship with, then good for you, do that. If you want to have three girlfriends and be exclusive with the three of them, then do that. The bottom line is, that no matter what form of relationship you choose to have, like minded people will be supportive, while most other people who have different views on relationships are more than likely not going to have anything nice to say. Live your truth without fear or shame, and be unapologetic about it. Life is short. You should create a life and lifestyle that is to your liking and continually circulate until you find other like minded people who share the same goals and values.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
David Louis says
I’m tired of hear about these guys who use the excuse of waiting for the right one. If they don’t want a relationship they are at a place where they can’t handle one or they can’t cut it even with the “right one.”
It’s Okay if you don’t mind being called Mr Condom Man! A bit sad.