How to successfully seduce your virgin girlfriend by overcoming her resistance to sex so you make it a great experience for both of you, & make her first time special & memorable. As I talk about in my book, when you are in the process of trying to seduce your girlfriend, you want to take two steps forward and one step back at times based upon the level of resistance she is offering you. The most important thing is to maintain a woman’s level of safety and comfort so she always feels that if things are going too fast that she can ask you to stop, and you will respect her wishes.
The idea is not to give up at the first sign of resistance, but simply to recognize that you are moving things a little too fast and to simply slow down enough to where her level of safety and comfort can grow to the point where she loses all inhibitions and becomes horny enough to let you have your way with her. All women have a natural fear of being forced to do things sexually with a man before they are ready. It’s like a pot of boiling water on the stove. When you first turn on the heat, nothing much happens. But over the course of several minutes, the water gets warmer and warmer until it gets so hot that it boils. The idea is to make a woman so horny that she wants you inside of her. The following is an e-mail from a YouTube viewer who has successfully modified his approach after initially failing to have sex with his virgin girlfriend a week ago. He did what I suggested and was able to seduce her and have great sex. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
Hey Corey,
I hope you’re good. Thanks for uploading the video about what to do when my girlfriend says no to sex. I followed it and have been reading your book as well. So since that video I set up a date with her to just go bowling to have some fun and a laugh. The night was great. Then after the date I just said, “fancy coming back to my place?” At first I could see in her eyes that she wasn’t so sure after how badly I fucked up the last time she came to my place. (Nice way to read her body language and being aware.) So I said, “well I got a surprise for you, so it’s your loss if you miss out on this surprise.” She said, “oh what is it?” with a glint in her eye. I said, “now where’s the fun in telling you what it is? Come back and find out, or you can go home and be bored for the rest of the night.”
(Nice way to be mysterious.) Being as curious as she is she came back. I had the candles all lit (Nice touch. Women love candles!) and we got to having some fun once again. Instead, this time around I didn’t just go for the jeans like before. (Smart, you were patient.) I did as you said and was kissing her neck and stroking her arm as I teased her. That got her in the mood because she started pressing against me like before. I then said, I’ll be right back. (Nice way to back off suddenly. You got her wound up, and then backed away a little bit. This builds sexual anticipation and tension.)
I’m gonna go get that surprise. I came back wearing an army uniform lol. She told me on the first date when I was getting to know her how much she loved uniforms, and especially the army uniform. She was so shocked and said, “I cant believed you remembered something like that and did this for me.” (Translation: “You are making me feel really special and like you really care about me.”) I grabbed her and pinned her down on the bed and took control. (You gently lead women where you want them to go. You maintained her safety and comfort level and then made a bold and masculine move when you saw she was ready. She was beaming when she saw you in uniform.)
I’m telling you Corey, I’ve never seen her so horny. Dude, it was insane. Everything was so different this time around. (You were prepared and took your time.) I had control over her and in the end she couldn’t take it anymore. She grabbed my hand and put it down her jeans. I had already gotten so much more from her than I did the last time around. Then after fooling around I went for her jeans. This time she just allowed it. In fact she even helped me get them off lol. (She passed the point of no return. It was sex or bust.) We had awesome sex. Then as I was laying there and looking into her eyes, she thanked me for making her first time so special. (It’s an incredible honor to take a woman’s virginity. She will remember that night for the rest of her life.)
I just wanted to share this success story. (Good job!) Thanks for showing me Corey what I was doing wrong from when I last contacted you. I shall continue to read your book and change the silly things I do and I can’t thank you enough. (You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.)
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
gilber alonso werner huber says
hey there corey my issue is this my girlfriend is 19 and a virgin i do not get to see here much and i live in costa rica we have some what of a language barrier she does not speak very much english. i am 15 years older then her she has only had one other boyfriend and everything we do is new to her. i really do love her and plan to stay around for the long haul we have been dating for 6 months now she is more mature than a normal 19 year old. she is stuck on waiting to have sex until marriage i will wait. is ther something i can do to easy her mind to have full confidence in me.
Anna says
What if you are a girl waiting to be deflowered? Wanting him to make the first move because you are afraid to, but knowing he is afraid, of practicaly everything in the realationship. He wont ever have a different opinion on anything because he is afraid that if he does, that i would brake up with him. Its been a year, im tired of waiting but so scared, i want things to move forward but i am so sure he wont make the first move. But i dont think i can. Please help.
amanda j. says
When i was 16,all of my friends had been deflowered when they were 14 and 15 and at 16,i was the only virgin in the group!My bestie,Jenny,had been deflowered a year earlier at 15,so i leaned on her to help me.I didnt want my deflowering to be something cheap and unmeaning full! I wanted it to be special with my boyfriend Brad.That comming weekend i went to jenny’s house for a sleepover on friday and saturday nights as her parents were going out of town.Friday night we were sitting on her bed and i told Jenny about my desire for my deflowering to be special and like i was a bride on my wedding night!Her closet doors were open and i saw a big white box on the shelf and asked her what was in it and she told me it was her First Holy Communion outfit from when she made it at age 14.She told me that if i wanted to be like a bride for my deflowering,i could wear her communion outfit and i thought that was a great idea.She took the box down and put it on her bed and opened it.She took out her cute,poofy,short sleeve communion dress and showed it to me and i loved it! Then she took out her veil and her lace anklets and her white mary jane shoes and i told her that would be perfect for me to wear.She then took out the white tee shirt and a cloth diaper and white plastic pants and told me that they are what she had to wear under her dress. I knew the outfit would fit me as i was a little smaller than her.I then texted Brad and told him of our plan and that he was to come over at 8 pm saturday night.That saturday night,i took a shower,then Jenny pinned her communion diaper on me,then i put the plastic pants on over it,then the tee shirt,followed by the dress,veil,lace socks and the shoes.I felt very cute and girlish in the outfit! Brad showed up at 8 pm and i came out of Jenny’s room and his eyes lit up!We started kissing,then after a few minutes,he put his hand under my dress and felt the diaper and plastic pants and got very aroused!He then undid his pants and got out his hard penis and pushed me to my knees and made me suck him! He came in my mouth a few minutes later and i swallowed it.Then we went to Jenny’s room and he undressed me and we got on her bed and he took my virginity!
wasihun jacky says
nice advice!!!
Fre says
Nice advice.Thank you very much. but I have a question about :-
How long should a women stay with out making love after she is deflowered( after a man deflowered her)?
Does it has problem to a women to have sex for the second time on the same night/day after she is deflowered( after a man deflowered her).
Thank you.
Scott says
I’m 33 as of a couple days ago. I have been alone for over 10 years. there have been plenty of attractive woman I wouldn’t mind being seen with that I found attractive but I haven’t had any real strong feelings for them beyond the standard lust and physical attraction.
I finally found someone who I felt very strongly for. among many feelings I’m familiar with including feelings that I thought I was in love in the past but this time more feelings than I can explain all of the old feelings I know and even several new feelings I don’t know.
I felt I couldn’t love her because we just met and don’t really know anything about each other so I didn’t think any of the feelings were love tho they were so strong and some completely new. I really cared about her but there is 14 years and 5 months age gap.
I can’t believe the one girl I fall for was so young but I didn’t care about the age difference. we were both adults of 18 years old or over and she was the first person I felt so strongly for and cared so much about despite not knowing her very well and just meeting.
I tried to get to know her and even told her that I cared about her more than anyone I ever have before and that I would like to get to know her better.
She agreed and said that the age difference didn’t bother her either. she is a virgin and she has actually not even had her first boyfriend yet so I was going real slow just going about our days as normal but trying to spend some time around her we talked hung out a couple times with other friends never really alone but I new some guys that said they liked her and so like an idiot I told her I really cared about her and I would like to get to know her and that I would feel better letting her know how I felt than to keep it to my self and wonder for the rest of my life what could have been but somehow somewhere down the road before the semester was even over she started to avoid me. I didn’t know it at first and I don’t know when it started but when I felt things weren’t right I asked her if things were ok and she would always say yeah. I hardly got to spend any time with her and there was a lot of other guys that hung out with her and I’m not usually the kind of guy to get jealous especially since we were just friends at the time but as I noticed I was the only one that never really got to hang out with her much so I never really knew what she thought of me. anytime I ask everything seemed fine. she said they were but I found out one day I went to the mall to pick up the last of the series of a collection of books I bought and I was told by a mutual friend that one of her friends said “guess who’s here” and they said it was me and she scoffed and walked away. so after I was told that I knew she was actively avoiding me despite things looking like everything was ok. I Don’t know what happened or why she started avoiding me. one of the friends said I creeped her out a little because I showed up at her work 3 times. she never said anything to me about it but its not like I was stalking her or anything I happened to shop at the mall and she happened to just get a job there I only made once special trip just to see her there and that was after she said she started working there and I told her that I would renew my membership discount card threw her when I got paid so I did except it was still valid so I didn’t renew it. that was the only time I went out there just to see her so I don’t know how I creeped her out by passing threw her work a few times. I don’t know what happened she always said things were fine and my age didn’t bother her and she didn’t mind that I liked her and wanted to get to know her.
I was crushed and heartbroken when I found out she was avoiding me. I didn’t know what to do so I messaged her apologized and told her I didn’t mean to push her away and that was what I was afraid of and didn’t understand why she never said anything.
She was the only person I ever had such strong feelings for and now she doesn’t want to talk or see me at all. I told her I would give her her space and I wouldn’t try contacting her unless she contacted me first that all she needed to do is let me know when we can talk again but I don’t know if just staying away and waiting for her to contact me is the right thing to do. I may never even be able to even be her friend. she might not ever want to see me again and that’s what made me think I was in love with her because of how much it hurts.
I don’t know what to do. I’m 33 years old and she is the first one I ever felt so strongly for I may never meet anyone ever again that makes me feel the way she does. what do I do?
do I just give up and just settle with someone I’m attracted to just because I never felt so strongly for someone before and now she is probably gone for good. or do I just wait and hope she changes her mind.
I would be happy with just being friends and being able to talk with each other. but if that happens what do I do. is my love life over. will I ever be able to feel like that again. I mean It has been 33 years and I never felt like that for anyone before.
I had my crushes and my lustful feelings that I thought I was in love but was just the lust talking plenty of beautiful woman out there but only one I ever felt like this for and maybe I will never feel that way again.
I don’t know what to do at this time in my life. I’m at a loss. what can I do to be in a happy relationship. will I ever be able to have a happy meaningful relationship. if I never feel that way again after all it took 33 years to find someone this time around every woman I even like and find attractive is either married or engaged. I can meet attractive people just fine but how do I just settle for someone who is attractive just because the one person I had such powerful feelings for doesn’t want anything to do with me? I don’t see how that would even be fair to to woman I settle for.
is there any chance I could still get her to change her mind about me at least talk to me again? if we don’t become more than friends if anything at all, how do I just settle. I’m getting to the point were I”m afraid I’m going to end up dying alone with no love in my life. and I just don’t know what to do.
Arianna says
You talk like if having 33 years old your love life is over. Just read your comment again, you seem SO desperate for this girl and as a girl around her age I will be scared too. You have 33 and want to settle, she is just starting dating. You don’t know much about her so you are idealizing her.
Grigor says
Did you both have orgasm
Chris says
Great advice however what if you dont have a place, you dont have a home thats yours to take a lady back to? what then? a hotel? seems seedy to me. Or her place? doesnt really put the man in control of setting a nice scene for sex to happen. Whats the answer here?
Q Ortiz says
Make a woman feel special and care about them and their experience.