How to avoid being perceived as a clueless creepy stalker who scares women into calling the police, filing restraining orders or fearing that you have bad intentions when you actually have good intentions. What is and isn’t appropriate when it comes to trying to pick up and date women who you like to attract them instead of turning them off.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who epitomizes what being creepy and acting like the stalker that all women fear encountering looks like. He saw a woman he liked and talked to her. He did not ask her out, but instead wrote her license plate number down. He then proceeded to show up in her town to try and run into her numerous times. He made the mistake of telling her that he wrote her license plate down when he ran into her the second time. He even found out where she lived. He showed up at her gym, areas that she frequented and even put several sappy love letters in her mailbox.
After ten months of his not taking no for an answer and ignoring the fact she had no interest, she had enough. The police contacted him and asked him to come to the police station. The officer told him that if he did not leave her alone, things would get very hairy for him. He writes in and realizes his behavior was inappropriate, but he also was so delusional that he thought she liked him even though she never showed any signs of interest. At the time, he seemed to think that his behavior would win her over.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“In order to attract a woman and maintain that attraction, you must continually make her feel safe and comfortable. If you are a man who has lots of choices with women, you are going to be focused on making sure you pick the right one. That means the best one for you who fulfills all of your needs, wants and desires. You’ll see yourself as a catch. If you are a man who feels he has no choice with women, you will be focused on trying to force, control and manipulate women into wanting you and being with you. That is a scarcity mindset. The reality is that there are about 7 billion people on the planet and about half of them are women. It is physically impossible to date all of the women who would go out with you when you act like a man who has abundance and choice. However, if you believe and act in ways that are consistent with not being worthy of any woman, you will scare away and repulse every woman you encounter.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
Stephen says
Wow! What the hell is he thinking? You handled that well Corey! If that was my daughter I would have been furious.
Ged says
I had a stalker that did that to me for many year. Since we were in 6th grade until I was 22 years old. She almost ruin my life. In some way she did it. I could not have a girlfriend that knew her. No one from school, Church or me home town. Until I went to college and met my first formal girlfriend that I married years later. She was from an other town 25 milles far. I really understand that woman. The stalker do not understand that your life goes in “hold”. You do not know when this person is going to show up and crash your day.
I will be honest this video was a tough one for me to watch.
Jake says
I wouldn’t call this “face palm material”, this is straight up jaw dropping!!