Why being able to walk away from any potential lover is one of the most powerful sexual attraction techniques that you can use to seduce the lovers that you want.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who met a woman he really liked in a nightclub. He effectively used the power of walking away on several occasions when she tried to jerk him around when he was either trying to set a date, or was on a date with her.
This had such a powerful effect on her and led to him seducing her successfully on a subsequent occasion after she had pushed him away while they were on a date together and almost had sex. In his email he shares exactly what he said and did that enabled him to overcome her resistance, flakiness, and hesitation in order to seduce her successfully.
The Power Of Walking Away
I considered myself 75% Alpha male until I watched your videos. Now I’m pretty close to 100%. Please allow me to share my success story…
I was out in the club about a month ago and I met this gorgeous, exotic Asian woman. I went right up to her, smiled, reached my hand out, and said “Hi, my name is Bob, what’s your name?” She told me her name, and I proceeded to tell her that she caught my eye from across the room and she looked absolutely stunning. (He is being honest and congruent. You want to be real and speak your truth with no apologies.) We had a few drinks and exchanged numbers. As I was leaving, I wanted to give her a hug and she said “you’ll have to earn that kiss buddy.” I responded with, “No big deal. I know I’ll kiss you next time.”
I texted her a few days later to set a definite date to go out to a lounge and have some drinks. She immediately responded with, “I would love to.” I picked her up, we went out to the lounge, and had a great time. She proceeded to tell me that she doesn’t usually kiss on first dates and that I shouldn’t try to kiss her. (It’s as though she’s daring you to do what she says she doesn’t want you to do, but if she’s showing the signs she wants to be kissed, you should kiss her.) I responded with, “I consider this a borderline date number two, so it’s perfectly acceptable for me to kiss you later.” (He uses playful humor and banter, so of course this will illicit a smile and a positive response from her, because she’s having fun.) After a few hours of food and cocktails, I bring her back to her place, walk her up to the door and begin to kiss her in the doorway.
She basically texted me nonstop for the next few days, and I scheduled another date to go see a magic show with her. She was very excited, and all for going with me. I purchased the tickets ahead of time online to get a discount. Three hours before the time of the show, she texted me saying she had to cancel because she wasn’t feeling well. My reply was, “Okay. Let me know if you change your mind. It’s going to be an awesome show,” and she never responded. This is generally where most guys fuck up and panic, but I just relaxed and knew she was eventually going to contact me again. (The average guy would see this as a cue to pursue her more, but if she values you, she will reach out to you. Act like a catch. This is the power of walking away.) One week later, she texted me asking me if I hate her? I told her that I didn’t hate her and didn’t know why she would’ve thought that. She showed up to my job with a bunch of homemade Asian food for me in Tupperware and told me how she had a hotel room right next to my job and wanted me to come up after I got off work. I thanked her, met up with her after I got off of work, and we began making out as soon as I walked into her hotel room. I had her stripped-down to just her panties, and as I tried to make a move down there, she tells me I should probably leave soon because her friend is coming over to spend the night. (Most guys would not react well in this situation, but if you perceive yourself as a catch, you will react nonchalantly. If you don’t lose your cool, her drawbridge lowers and all you have to do is walk into her kingdom.) I told her, her friend can wait and continued putting the moves on. She got dressed and told me I “really have to leave because a friend is going to be here any minute.” I responded with, “It’s all good. I know I’ll get you next time.” I gave her a kiss, and left.
She texted me immediately the next day saying how she was sorry and she couldn’t wait to see me again. I met her at another club a few days later for some drinks, and out of nowhere she said that she had to leave and it was nice to see me. (She is trying to see how he reacts. She is playing games to see if he loses his cool. However, the difference that makes a difference, is indifference.) I told her that it was nice to see her too, and gave her a kiss. I didn’t chase her or kiss her ass, and went back to the bar to have some drinks with some of my friends. Within 15 minutes, she texted me begging me to come back up to her hotel room again and see her. To make a long story short, I went back up there and I sealed the deal within 90 seconds of being in the room. Now this chick literally calls and texts me between three and five times a day. This just reinstates the fact that if you chase women, it will never work out.
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Being able to walk away from potential lovers increases sexual attraction. Being able to walk away communicates that you highly value yourself, what you have to offer and that you won’t tolerate being mistreated or taken for granted. Walking away causes the person whom you walked away from to pursue you, like you more, and make more of an effort to keep you in their life. However, if they don’t really care about you, they will let you go. It’s healthy in any relationship to set and maintain your boundaries of how you want to be treated. Otherwise, you open yourself up to becoming someone else’s doormat. People will treat you exactly how you allow them to treat you. No one will ever do or say anything to you that you don’t invite them to do.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Published on December 4, 2014
About Coach Corey Wayne
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
Reader Interactions
Hi coach corey, wandered if you could help, in regards to what I do if I want this girl as my gf, here’s her texts and mine
Hey, how are you doing?
Hey hey, I’m doing good. I have my head in my work at the mo cos its my last year. Really focusing!
I hope you don’t take this personally because its really nothing you’ve done wrong but I think its important for me to have some space/distance from seeing you. It just feels right to me.
I waited 2 weeks then sent this below
How are you keeping?
Hey, I’ve been good thanks! Focusing on work, keeping healthy. Boyfriends visiting. Feels good. How you doing?
I’m doing awesome, focusing on studying, work & gym. Keeping busy with these ?
I Sent two pictures of girls I’m dating
She did not reply, so I text back have a nice time to which she said thanks.
Been hanging out for 8 months, made a move after a, got pushed off, said let’s be friends, kept playfighting with me and flirting, haven’t seen her for over a month now
H says
Hi coach corey, wandered if you could help, in regards to what I do if I want this girl as my gf, here’s her texts and mine
Hey, how are you doing?
Hey hey, I’m doing good. I have my head in my work at the mo cos its my last year. Really focusing!
I hope you don’t take this personally because its really nothing you’ve done wrong but I think its important for me to have some space/distance from seeing you. It just feels right to me.
I waited 2 weeks then sent this below
How are you keeping?
Hey, I’ve been good thanks! Focusing on work, keeping healthy. Boyfriends visiting. Feels good. How you doing?
I’m doing awesome, focusing on studying, work & gym. Keeping busy with these ?
I Sent two pictures of girls I’m dating
She did not reply, so I text back have a nice time to which she said thanks.
Been hanging out for 8 months, made a move after a, got pushed off, said let’s be friends, kept playfighting with me and flirting, haven’t seen her for over a month now