This is what an alpha male looks like. Look at the position of his arms and legs. Look at how he dresses. Like a man. He is comfortable, takes up too much space. He looks relaxed and confident, but intimidating and like he’s not someone you want to fuck with. If he was at a bar his beer would be down at his side also. The only thing I would change is he would be smiling.
Who is this guy? His name is Marcus Luttrell. He is a retired US Navy SEAL. He is the real deal and definitely not somebody you would want to fuck with.
He is also the Lone Survivor of SEAL Team 10 and operation Redwing in Afghanistan. He was part of a four man team inserted deep behind enemy lines. Early in their mission, some sheep herders came upon their position and discovered them. They temporarily detained the sheep herders. They knew if they let these guys go that they were probably sympathetic to the Taliban. They debated killing these guys, but since they had no weapons and could not prove they were enemy sympathizers, they let them go. Afterwards they all knew they had probably signed their own death warrant. They proceeded to re-locate to a better area and hide. The only problem was, they were in such a remote area, that the only place to hide and take cover was where they were. Everything else was barren mountains and steep cliffs. Absolutely no vegetation or cover.
Well, only an hour after letting the sheep herders go, 80-150 Taliban fighters descended upon their former position. There was only one place the SEAL Team could have gone. They were totally exposed in the open. No cover. He and his three comrades started taking heavy small arms and RPG rocket fire as they moved down the mountain. If they stayed, they’d all die. The only place left to go was down. So they jumped and slid down the mountain. They fought and returned fire for a little bit, and then jumped further down the mountain when the Taliban firing became too much. They lost most of their gear, weapons, communication equipment, etc. as they tumbled down the mountain. The Taliban were relentless in their pursuit. Plus, they had the high ground. Not good.
Four highly trained NAVY SEALS against over a hundred enemy Taliban fighters. Marcus watched every one of his buddies die in front of him. They killed around 70 of the Taliban with their accurate high powered sniper-type assault weapons. Even though they made every round count, it was just too many people to defend against.
Another 16 members of SEAL Team 10 died as they tried to come to the defense of and rescue Marcus and his buddies. The Taliban shot an RPG in thru the open back door of the Chinook Helicopter they were riding in as it tried to land and deposit them on the mountain side. He watched helplessly as the helicopter exploded. Burning team mates and good friends of his fell out the back of the helicopter as it crashed down the mountain. The RPG hit the fuel lines spraying the occupants with burning fuel.
By the time Marcus got to the bottom, his back was broken. All of his team mates were dead and he was all alone. He had been wounded several times and was only able to crawl. He crawled into a village where they took him in. This was done because of “Lokhay Warkawa”, a Pashtun belief that any stranger in need of shelter must be given it. The villagers sheltered him and provided medical aid, and refused Taliban demands that Luttrell be turned over to them. The whole village would defend Marcus to the last person under “Lokhay Warkawa.” After several days one of the village elders trekked twenty miles (32 km) to a US base to reveal Luttrell’s location, and he was finally rescued six days after the battle by US forces.
His commander who he watched die in from of him, Lt. Michael P. Murphy, was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously.
Marcus penned a book to tell the story of his lost comrades. It is titled “Lone Survivor” and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you get yourself a copy. It is the most harrowing, behind enemy lines, story of survival and sheer will of the human heart I have ever read in my life! Every time you think the worst is over, the Taliban close in on him. It is a MIRACLE he survived.
I don’t care what problems you might have. This guy and the story of his teammates is inspiring. If you can adopt his mindset there is ABSOLUTELY nothing you can not accomplish in this life!
Deep down, this is what makes a woman feel safe around an alpha male. He would defend her to the death if she were in danger. Its total confidence. You must believe in yourself first before anyone else will.
It does not mean you go around and try to intimidate people. Its just a presence that says, I am not afraid. If you come at me, I’m gonna come at you 100% and give it the best I can without holding back. After everything Marcus has been through, I doubt there is much he fears in life. He has a look of contentment and peace about him. Just like an alpha male should.
All of your struggles and tribulations define who you are. If you can find a way to be proud of who you are and what you have done, you will have a life of no regrets. There will be nothing to be ashamed of. Every moment we decide to either give life our best shot or give up. Its our choice.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“God’s favor is greater than the obstacles you face. Remember – If God brings you to it, He’ll bring you through it.”
Adam says
As someone who is Afghan (Pasthoon) in our culture even are enemy cannot be refused if he/she comes to our door for help. It is part of our code of Pasthunwali.