How adopting a, “What Would James Bond Do?” mindset can help you create a life and lifestyle that constantly brings you a steady stream of the kind of women you’ve always wanted to meet, date and seduce, and the kind of life circumstances and people you need to reach your full potential, and achieve your grandest goals and dreams.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who has been following my work for about six months. He is 50-years-old and has always been in great shape his whole life. He used to be a beta male pleaser who never had any problem meeting and attracting beautiful younger women, but was never able to keep them in his life for very long. When he first found my work, he was dating a woman with Borderline Personality Disorder and had basically become her manservant, butler and taxi driver since she didn’t drive. He was constantly at her beck and call, and she totally drove him nuts.
He shares some recent success stories of how he has radically transformed how he attracts, interacts with and seduces women who are clients of his. He shares some of the things he says and does to communicate his interest so they actually start pursuing him. It’s another great success story of how you can quickly go from being a doormat to women to having James Bond-like success with women who can’t get enough of you. He even had a wrist band made up with the initials WWJBD which stands for, “What Would James Bond Do?”
What Would James Bond Do?
Greetings Coach,
I hope this letter finds you continuing to prosper and be well. What you are doing for us men, your female clients, and for the better good of all I am sure is paying dividends well beyond the financial aspect. You should be proud of all that you are doing!
I have been following you for over six months now. I follow up and keep track of your emails, recent cases and have watched as many of your videos as possible. I can’t say I’ve watched them all, but I am pretty darn sure it’s well over 80. I am now on my 6th reading of your book, but find that my mind tends to race ahead wanting to finish out or assume what is going to be stated next, so after this reading I am going to set it aside for a while, maybe a few weeks or a few months, and then dive back in as though it was all new material. (If you get serious with a woman, you will need the information in my book on relationship skills.)
You showcased one of my earlier letters, and did a video called, “The Power Of Learning To Say “No”.” At that time, I had been involved with a younger woman with an emotional dysfunction known as BPD, Borderline Personality Disorder. I am 50 years old, and she is in her mid 30’s. I am still in great shape, as I have been working out with weights since the age of 16, and I have a very masculine, rugged handsome look, as I’ve been told, that has always attracted women, especially younger women. (The reason younger women like older, handsome, successful guys is because they know how to court women.) Unfortunately, my looks were not enough to keep most women, especially younger girls that were exploring their sexuality. I was needy, highly emotional, reactive, and the inner poet in me had a tendency to write out these long, drawn out sappy emails. I did have “accidental” moments of dominance as I enjoy kinkier aspects of my sexuality, but I realized that it was because I was role-playing in my mind. I wasn’t really a true, dominate alpha male.
This girl that I mention that is BPD, really took me, or should I say I allowed her, on a wild emotional ride for two years. (No one will ever do or say anything to you that you don’t invite them to do.) Because of insecurities, I was at her beck and call, would take a daily, sometimes twice daily, commute of one hour round trip to go see her, since she doesn’t drive, at her request, was her taxi, and I endured a lot of emotional abuse. I was a pleaser and pretty much submissive. The thought of seeing someone else never crossed my mind as I felt I could not find anyone better. After she dumped me for about the third time, I totally fell apart to the point of being suicidal. (It’s never that bad. Pain is temporary. When you feel the depth of your pain, it will dissipate.) It was at this time that I came across your work. I also discovered that I had unknowingly been suffering from being codependent. I looked over my life, and realized that my weak, codependent, beta male behavior had left a trail of failures, not only in my personal life, but professionally as well.
I stopped dating for about 3 months, had no contact at all with my then BPD girlfriend, and dove into your work as well as other “Life Coaches” such as Ekhart Tolle who wrote “The Power of Now.” I also did a weekend marathon where I watched almost all of the James Bond movies and subscribed to the website, I looked over the various James Bond girl profiles, especially the old school 70’s girls, and asked myself, “What would these women think, if I as James Bond had written and sent them some of the sappy emails I had a tendency to send, or the desperate texts I had become accustomed to sending?” The realization was obvious. I also went to a local shop in town that makes customized t-shirts, jewelry, etc., and had them make me a black rubber band that I wear on my wrist that has the letters WWJBD, meaning “What Would James Bond Do?” written in white. When asked what my band means, I simply say that it is my “spiritual amulet.”
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I am an RMT, registered massage therapist, working on my Masters in Acupuncture. I do massages on men and women professionally at a high-end spa, including some very successful alpha females. (He’s in a target-rich environment. The women just show up, and when he feels attraction from them, he drops the hint.) In the past, I completely missed a lot of subtle cues that these naked women on my massage table were sending out and I’m sure they thought I was gay. I am always a consummate professional while at work, but NOW when I notice that a particular woman I am doing a massage on is turned on or seems to be attracted to me, I give them my card afterwards and extend an offer for a cup of coffee, or an invite to dinner if she is especially attractive. (He makes it their choice.) Thus far, in each instance where one of these women mentions or asks about my massages during a date, even if it’s the first date, I offer to do a “private session” at no charge, but they must do exactly as I say. The usual response is a look of amazement and the phrase, “Really?” I don’t say a word. I simply lift my glass or cup of coffee, maintaining eye contact with a smirk until she says something, usually “okay,” or “that sounds interesting.” Once we get to my place, have a few drinks and the tension and all the right cues are there, I stand up and tell them I want to give them a tour of my place. The last place I lead them to is the room where I have my massage studio. (You must always think about the logistics of seduction ahead of time. He did a great job of this.) I then tell these women to get undressed, and that I am going to give them an amazing massage, but I emphasize they must do exactly as I say. It seems that, regardless of who this woman might be, there is dead silence, they stare at me with a baffled look, tilt their head to one side as I look them dead in the eyes until they turn away, and then they usually begin to remove their clothing without any further questions. I’ve yet to be told no, or given any resistance. Once or twice, all I am asked is, “You’re not going to hurt me are you?” To which I respond, “No, hun. You’re going to enjoy this, and if at any time you want me to stop, all you have to do is tell me, but the massage comes to an end and you agree to go home. Is that agreeable to you?” Every time this happens, the once assertive alpha female looks away or to the ground like a shy schoolgirl and nods her head or whispers out a barely audible “okay” or “yes.” I do a complete and legit massage for about 45 minutes and never go straight for her breasts or cookie until I know she is ready. (Notice how much time he’s taking to make her feel safe and comfortable.) If the vibe is right, and she is in the moment, I also introduce blindfolds or an old silk tie to bind their hands. I don’t ask or hesitate — always assertive, maybe aggressive, but never abusive. Follow up dates are always a sure thing, and the kink is really amped up. Wash, rinse, repeat. If they want to continue getting professional massages, they have to be at the spa following all professional protocol. There are 2-3 women that are clients that I now see on a regular basis, but I have set out clear understanding that I am not looking for anything long term. (This guy has created a life where he has choice with women.) I have also started to learn about how to make a woman squirt. Based on my research, less than 1% of men know how to make a woman have a G-spot orgasm. I am also getting better at this, and having greater success especially after a good massage, but don’t have it down pat. When it has happened, the result is amazing and a follow up date is definitely guaranteed!
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About this time, the girl with Borderline Personality Disorder reached out. I told her I was glad to hear from her and would love to see her, but that I was very busy and couldn’t make the drive out to see her. She actually took an almost 2-hour commute by bus to come to my place. (Notice how the power completely flipped.) Instead of making dinner, as I probably would have in the past, I waited until she got there, and told her we were making dinner together. We talked, cooked, had some drinks and prided ourselves on the great meal we made together. Instead of waiting until she initiated intimacy, I went in for the kill when she flipped back her hair, put down her drink and lied back on the couch. We had “crazy, crazy” sex that involved hair tugging, ass spankings and no holds barred. Since then, she now initiates all calls as well as texts. I make sure any responses are non-emotional, direct and short. Instead of me asking her where we stand on the relationship, she now brings it up, to which I say that I greatly enjoy her company, and I like things as they are for now. Although I don’t tell her, I now know she is not girlfriend material, but the sex is crazy amazing! (We were born and put on this earth to live like this. This is your birth right.)
We both have agreed to keep things casual, we alternate where one week she takes the commute to see me, and when I have time, I go to her. Any time she becomes bossy, crazy or bitchy, I take a long, purposeful deep breath, tell her that I understand she is frustrated, but that I don’t find her attitude or tone acceptable. (Let your partner know your life is a drama-free zone, you don’t put up with that bullshit, and if they want to be in your life, they have to communicate like an adult. Show through your actions, that is not acceptable behavior and you are happy to let them go forever.) This is followed by a stare down to which she will huff and proceed to begin a long-winded explanation of some sort of conflict or tension she is experiencing at work or with a friend.
I no longer concern myself with what someone else might be thinking, but more about what I am feeling, and do my best to ascertain why I feel a certain way. Like a recovering alcoholic, I daily struggle with 40+ years of co-dependence, but I now catch myself whenever someone asks me for something. I do it because I want to, not because I feel I have to. I now practice the art of asking. If it’s at a restaurant or bar, I go out of my way to ask for something. I have had to let go of several friends and associates that basically told me I was a selfish asshole because I was no longer their go to gopher or Johnny on the spot. (I did a video called “Why I Don’t Care What You Think,” and everyone should adopt that mindset. The right people that love and accept you, and embrace you fully for who you are, will tolerate it and stick around.) I’ve learned to focus on what people actually do, and not on the honey that drips from their tongues. Also, there is a great deal of importance in maintaining eye contact, especially during a tense moment or testing by a friend, customer or lover. My book of business for massages is growing by leaps and bounds. I keep things very legit and professional, and very selective about whom I date as far as clients. I am happier than I ever have been, go on at least 2 dates weekly, and I’m doing my best to make up for time lost in self-pity and fear.
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Women want a man who they can totally submit to emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. However, they will not be submissive or vulnerable to just any man. They will only let men have their way with them who act worthy of this most precious gift of feminine submissiveness. Women want a man who loves himself, who respects himself, who values his time, who stands up for himself and what he believes in, and who is a charming, chivalrous gentleman who respects and adores all women. He’s a man who is direct, decisive and who goes for what he wants without fear of rejection or the consequences. He’s a man who believes in honor, always doing the right thing and living his highest truth. He shares himself and what he has to offer with like-minded people who are open to him, but he’s always willing to walk away forever without looking back from those who don’t value and appreciate him.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Published on February 4, 2015
About Coach Corey Wayne
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
Reader Interactions
Dale raaschsays
Dam Corey, I wish I would have started reading your stuff years ago. In my late 50s, just divorced after almost 30 years and was so beat down I was the consummate beta male gay girlfriend. My wife had cancer and her self image changed and I spend the last 15 years of my marriage trying to please and gave up being a male. A lot of clarity too late! So I am now out just starting to date and immediately put myself into the friend zone. Met a friend of some close friends at funeral, of all places, and she expressed an interest in me to my friends. I was 6 months into a separation and not ready for anything and once she found out I was divorcing didn’t want to see me until the divorce was final. She lost her husband to cancer 10 years ago had one 2 year relationship since and lives 5 hours away. She is beautiful, we have a ton of similar interests, rich and I thought totally out of my class (beta). She has thousand things going on and I am trying to rebuild my career, life and finances blah blah blah.
We had a couple unsuccessful attempts to get together with the couple we mutually knew but finally met, Saw her new place, had wine and lot’s of talk, went to dinner, lot’s of talk. back to her place more wine and talk. She mentioned getting together again, and I missed every sign, gave her a hug goodbye and firmly planted myself in the friend zone. Met 2 days later as I was heading back home; went for a walk with our dogs, more great conversation, some wine but no physical contact. Too much of a nice guy because of friends tie in and too many years of a totally unresponsive wife left me a eunuch and insecure I guess. Kicked myself all the way to the car. Verdict came back from my buddy’s wife this gal had really really enjoyed our conversation and how much we had in common but wasn’t feeling it but would still love to get together with me when I am in town. We traded a couple text since which she initiated but when I was in the area last weekend she was busy but she sent a text hoping I was having a fun visit.
I backed away and haven’t pursued but I am interested as she was fun and we match really well in a lot of areas. Spent the trip back listening to your videos and realizing I totally friended myself. Is there any way back? Will begin reading your book again tonight but could use an assist.
Dale raasch says
Dam Corey, I wish I would have started reading your stuff years ago. In my late 50s, just divorced after almost 30 years and was so beat down I was the consummate beta male gay girlfriend. My wife had cancer and her self image changed and I spend the last 15 years of my marriage trying to please and gave up being a male. A lot of clarity too late! So I am now out just starting to date and immediately put myself into the friend zone. Met a friend of some close friends at funeral, of all places, and she expressed an interest in me to my friends. I was 6 months into a separation and not ready for anything and once she found out I was divorcing didn’t want to see me until the divorce was final. She lost her husband to cancer 10 years ago had one 2 year relationship since and lives 5 hours away. She is beautiful, we have a ton of similar interests, rich and I thought totally out of my class (beta). She has thousand things going on and I am trying to rebuild my career, life and finances blah blah blah.
We had a couple unsuccessful attempts to get together with the couple we mutually knew but finally met, Saw her new place, had wine and lot’s of talk, went to dinner, lot’s of talk. back to her place more wine and talk. She mentioned getting together again, and I missed every sign, gave her a hug goodbye and firmly planted myself in the friend zone. Met 2 days later as I was heading back home; went for a walk with our dogs, more great conversation, some wine but no physical contact. Too much of a nice guy because of friends tie in and too many years of a totally unresponsive wife left me a eunuch and insecure I guess. Kicked myself all the way to the car. Verdict came back from my buddy’s wife this gal had really really enjoyed our conversation and how much we had in common but wasn’t feeling it but would still love to get together with me when I am in town. We traded a couple text since which she initiated but when I was in the area last weekend she was busy but she sent a text hoping I was having a fun visit.
I backed away and haven’t pursued but I am interested as she was fun and we match really well in a lot of areas. Spent the trip back listening to your videos and realizing I totally friended myself. Is there any way back? Will begin reading your book again tonight but could use an assist.
Q Ortiz says
What a shift.