Here’s why you don’t have to worry about competition from other men who want the same woman as you. As I say in my book, only about 3% of the men in this world understand how to successfully pick up, date and have an effortless relationship with the type of women they want. That means that only three out of every hundred men actually know what they are doing with women. Once you learn to apply what I teach in my book successfully, you’ll be in the top 3%. This knowledge should give you the confidence to hang back when other men are trying to get the attention of the women you like. Most men operate under the illusion of action where they think they have to do something to create attraction and cause a woman to like them. This causes them to say and do things that are not congruent with who they are. Women can sense and feel when a guy is being inauthentic. If you don’t feel comfortable acting like yourself around women, women are not going to feel comfortable talking to you. By learning to identify body language and indicators of interest that communicate a woman has romantic interest in you, you will be able to successfully interact and create attraction in women that grows towards you. You’ll know exactly when to come forward, and when to back off. It’s learning to master the mating dance. When other guys try harder to gain a woman’s attention, by hanging back and relaxing, you can watch in slow motion as other men do and say things that turn the woman off, and drive her closer to you. As they chase her more and try to force something between them and her, she will turn to you in hopes that you save her from these needy men who do not know what they are doing. The following is an e-mail from a reader. He is excited to learn that 97% of all other men are at varying levels of cluelessness when it comes to understanding women. He asked for some clarification that will help him build his confidence and worry less about other men ripping off the girl he wants. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
Dear Corey Wayne:
You seem like an authoritative figure on the topic, so I thought it would be good to ask you. Do you think that 97% of men really are not good with women? (It’s not what I think, its what I know from interacting with, interviewing & coaching thousands of men and women over the years. I can look at people and see their shortcomings, low self esteem, lack of confidence, etc. When you know what to look for and what success feels like, its pretty easy to spot those who are not successful. It shows up in their voice tonality, words they say, expressions and body language. If you knew the knowledge in my book like you should after reading it 10-15 times, then you would know exactly what I am talking about. However, I can tell you still have a huge knowledge gap that can only be closed by learning what I teach better, and applying it successfully so your confidence grows.) I am not challenging your estimate, just want to honestly know if you are just speaking loosely or is that an accurate estimate. (Go to the mall and observe the couples. Most women are leading the men around by the nose. They follow like compliant good little boys. Most often the woman has no makeup on, she’s overweight, got butched short hair, and she looks like a pissed off bitch from hell. That tells me she is in control of the relationship, and he’s simply trying not to do anything to piss her off. She’s mad because he is weak and she has to be the man in the relationship. Our divorce rate is over 50% and most other married people are at various levels of unhappiness and misery; but just not miserable enough for either one to get up the guts to leave. They stay in the relationship “for the kids” and therefore, they raise kids that are just as emotionally fucked up and inept as themselves. Most women I talk to think my 3% figure of guys who actually get it is high. Ask them yourself. If you know what healthy alpha male behavior looks like, it’s easy to look at other men and read it in their body language that they are clueless.) It is hard to tell by observation for me because men will never admit weakness with women, and it seems like many people have a girlfriend. (Most people are living lives of quite desperation. If you apply what I teach long enough, you will develop your own sensory acuity so you can recognize it too.) I know that before I figured it out through seduction material, I was clueless too, although I had many women attracted to me because I had high social status, charisma, and am good looking. I must admit I still felt powerless and found the whole process mysterious. But I am asking you because if that is a true estimate, that is a definite confidence booster to know that I am on the minority of insiders. (3 out of 100 guys get it. I really enjoy the rare occasions when I do bump into these guys. We have fantastically interesting conversations about women! We are rare, but our numbers grow everyday. I am happy to back off when a guy wants to move in for the kill so to speak. After a few minutes, he’ll talk her right out of liking him, even if he’s better looking than me, and then she will come and find me. Then I always say this to her: “He’s doesn’t get it does he?” She’ll say, “nope.” Men may pick the women they like and want, but it’s the women who do the choosing. Step up your game so you don’t talk them out of sleeping with you. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Impatience never commanded success.” ~ Edwin H. Chapin
You are here: Home/Attraction/ Why You Have No Competition
Published on February 26, 2012
About Coach Corey Wayne
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
Reader Interactions
Corey reading ur book for the 3rd time. using all the videos this time. so far I’ve used ur shit and it works. need to nut up some more and take more action. thanks for all the content man.
I’ve read your 3% man eBook 3 1/2 years ago, got the audible audiobook and listened 30+ times.
I then got your Mastering Yourself audiobook and listened at least 3-4 times. (That things way longer lol)
With a new skill/approach I learned recently, I am now going through your How to be a 3% man PDF and making a Google Doc outline breaking down your book line for line. I plan to do this for Mastering Yourself as well.
Right now, I am on page 5 where you say, “Google Corey Wayne Why You Have No Competition.”
Thank you for your remarkable work, Coach. I’ve watched my relationships change right in front of my eyes. You’ve also taught me on how not to waste unnecessary energy on people.
PS. One of my favorite lines in How To Be a 3% Man: “The girl that went with Carl only wanted someone to go with; she had no real interest in him. Carl promptly decided to fall in love with her.”
Got hold of a copy of How to be a 3% man from a friend. He sent me an e book and encouraged me to read it. It is revealing most of my weaknesses and I totally agree that I am one of the97%.We have decided to read each chapter and discuss.
Joe says
Corey reading ur book for the 3rd time. using all the videos this time. so far I’ve used ur shit and it works. need to nut up some more and take more action. thanks for all the content man.
Q Ortiz says
Greeting, Coach.
I’ve read your 3% man eBook 3 1/2 years ago, got the audible audiobook and listened 30+ times.
I then got your Mastering Yourself audiobook and listened at least 3-4 times. (That things way longer lol)
With a new skill/approach I learned recently, I am now going through your How to be a 3% man PDF and making a Google Doc outline breaking down your book line for line. I plan to do this for Mastering Yourself as well.
Right now, I am on page 5 where you say, “Google Corey Wayne Why You Have No Competition.”
Thank you for your remarkable work, Coach. I’ve watched my relationships change right in front of my eyes. You’ve also taught me on how not to waste unnecessary energy on people.
PS. One of my favorite lines in How To Be a 3% Man: “The girl that went with Carl only wanted someone to go with; she had no real interest in him. Carl promptly decided to fall in love with her.”
Thanks again. Keep rockin’ out.
Marcallex Spencer says
Got hold of a copy of How to be a 3% man from a friend. He sent me an e book and encouraged me to read it. It is revealing most of my weaknesses and I totally agree that I am one of the97%.We have decided to read each chapter and discuss.
This is an interesting book man. I love it.