Women want to be in a love story. They want to run into a man unexpectedly and FEEL attraction for him. Its a moment where things just flow. It “just feels right” and like its meant to be.
This is connection and mutual interest with a man who is calm. Relaxed. At ease, but also exciting and dynamic. He seems fearless in being true to who he is. He makes no apology for the way he is. He brags not, for he lets his deeds and character speak for him. He is comfortable expressing his feelings of attraction for a woman naturally. What he likes about her. How she makes him feel. She’s feeling the same thing he is. It’s ok just to be with each other and enjoy the moment and their connection.
Maybe a polite “hello” “hey” “what’s up” or some other innocuous opener has turned into ten minutes that passed like seconds. Time stands still. He invites her to have dinner with him. She can’t say no because he looks right thru her with total confidence. He invites her to have dinner with him right there in the hotel lobby. Only minutes after first meeting.
She has other plans, but suddenly she is canceling them to have dinner with him. Maybe she offered to cancel her plans because they were having such a connection. Maybe he simply said “would you like to have dinner with me?” and she just blurted out yes.
He doesn’t look at her like he’s ashamed for being attracted to her. He expresses it totally naturally and authentically. Because its simply the truth and the way he feels.
He’s not interested in whether she likes him or not. He’s only interested in speaking and sharing his truth. He is moved and drawn to her. He already knows before he invites her to dinner that she is going to say yes. How can she say no to a man who has no fear of her? He only has desire and simply acts as if she and him are going to end up in bed together. It is simply a matter of time. So until she’s ready to have sex, he will just enjoy letting her talk and the process of getting to know her.
Its a magical moment. It feels like it was meant to be. Maybe for a night. Maybe for a lifetime. The length of the relationship is unimportant. Loving and giving to one another unconditionally. Without holding back. Is the only thing that matters. Its living in the moment. Letting destiny take its course.
Enjoy the ride. Because you don’t know when you’ll be this way again. Maybe they both become inseparable the entire time they are in town together. When its time for him to fly home. She may leave her career and job to follow him. He loves to have her.
Then they live happily ever after. That’s the love story she is dreaming about. Is this the guy? She’s not going to let this opportunity go by. She is going to take this opportunity to find out if its just fate, or a fling. Either one is acceptable. Let go of an outcome. Just accept and enjoy whatever happens. Its a gift. She’s a gift. Enjoy her radiance and her beauty.
That is what you have to create with women. Just let it flow. Stop worrying about phone numbers. If she likes you. What you should say. A good pickup line. If you’re going to get laid. If your breath stinks (always have breath-mints, maybe she needs one too!). Just enjoy asking her open ended questions. Not ones where she can answer yes or no to. Let her talk. If her interest is high, she will not want to leave your side. If its low her body language, facial expressions, demeanor, and the tone of her voice will communicate and demonstrate boredom and disinterest. Her body will also be pointed in the direction of the exit. So pay attention to the signs and body language!
So just enjoy talking to every girl you meet. Who cares if you piss a few off. You will. You’re not gonna get them all. Not all girls are going to be attracted to you. Some you will swear are your soulmate… and yet… they wouldn’t even give you the time of day. It’s her loss. Let go of getting attached to any one girl. When you’re cool being alone, then you will get them all.
The ones that like you will be interested in telling you anything you want to know and ask of them. They feel at ease around you. They feel that you will accept them as they are and love them with all their flaws and faults.
Love her for who she is without judgement. Let her be who she is. If she likes you… you won’t be able to get rid of her. If her interest is low she won’t feel like sticking around. You will be able to feel and see it. Then you can simply say, “hey, well I gotta run, but it was nice meeting you.” No need to talk more or get her number. If she’s not enthusiastic about talking to and being around you when you first meet, there’s no point going on a date with her. There’s no point in calling her. A girl with high interest level in you will contribute to the conversation and be interested in who you are and what you do. She will be curious. Stand too close. Touch your arm and come up with all kinds of ways to be close to you and touch you. If she has high interest level she will make it obvious the longer you talk.
ALWAYS ASK FOR THE NUMBER BEFORE YOU SAY GOODBYE TO HER IF YOU ARE UNSURE OF WHERE YOU STAND!!! If you have no phone numbers you have no one to practice on. So get your ass to a busy mall and start saying hello to people 🙂 If you don’t ask for phone numbers. You won’t have any girls to call. Most importantly, you won’t have any girls that call you. Once you get good at reading interest level and truly knowing what you want in a woman, you’ll only talk to women who express high interest in you. It becomes easy the more you practice. Repetition is the mother of skill.
Waiting for the girl who you will flow together effortlessly with is the way to go long term. In the meantime, you can enjoy the all you can eat never ending buffet of different kinds of beautiful women. And you’ll learn what you really like and whats most important to you. You will get clearer and clearer over time about the type of woman who is most ideal for you. So enjoy the thousands of flavors. Once you have peace with yourself and women, misses right will show up exactly when she is supposed to.
So relax man. Its in the bag. This much I know for sure! Thank you for reading this message!
“For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories.” ~ Plato
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
Wiseman says
You’ve hit the ball out the park! Inrecdible!
David Louis says
“A little bit of tonge?”
Now, now, Corey, that’s what I call pushing it.
Personally, I wouldn’t be attracted to a women who would wear that one.
No class. Just ass!
Hey, but I’m British and adverse to STD’s.
David Louis says
That was big of you Corey.
Sorry I didn’t kiss butt and just spoke my mind.
It’s all a bit down market to me.
Can you imagine James Bond hopping into a VD clinic. Not quiet. Go figure!
Playing the field is a dangerous game.
Destin says
Corey you are a great guy. You guide guys like us to the light. I have been utilizing some of your concepts and reading your book. I am constantly studying what you teach and little by little, I am seeing the things you’re talking about. I am like one of the guys getting caught up with being attached to one girl…I feel like that weak part of me is leaving me slowly. I just made a date with a girl I’m interested in. I’m not as nervous as I would be without your advice because I know every girl is practice (not to put them down). So thank you. The better I get at this, the more I read your book the more I’ll share my stories. Keep it real Corey, you’re the man!
Masala says
Thanks for the information you are giving us I have experienced some headaches in the past few days and now I see what I have done wrong
Q Ortiz says
“Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.”
– Confucius