How you can create a huge turnaround in your personal and professional life, even if you feel like it’s impossible.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two email success stories from two different viewers. The first email is from a twenty-nine year old guy who used to be awful with women. Chasing, needy, clingy and unsuccessful. He shares how he turned his life around after being really skeptical about my work at first.
The second email is a success story from a guy who has been following what I teach for about a year after getting dumped. He shares how he turned his life around, had many successes with other women and what recently happened when his ex got back in touch with him. You won’t believe what she said to him after she saw his phone blowing up with messages from another woman he was dating. It’s a surprise twist that will leave you with a laugh, smile and hope that you too can have a great success story in the future if you apply what I teach. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the bodies of their emails.
First Viewer’s Email:
Hi Coach,
I’ll try and keep this short. I’m 29, and until I was 27 I was just awful with women, chasing, needy, everything. In fact, many stories you bring up in your video newsletters, I’ve been there and got the t-shirts. And it culminated into a long list of women that “coulda been the one” that things never got past first base with.
A few years ago, my missing link as you would say, a really stunning woman, she really got to me. We had a great spark, but I acted weak and needy and she tested me a lot. After a few dates she ghosted me, and it was really painful because we had known each other as friends before things went romantic.
I found your work as things started quickly going sideways. I was trying to find ways to “make her mine.” Still, I wasn’t prepared and didn’t know the fundamentals. You know man, it was really painful when she ghosted me.

Yeah, that sucks. You experience pain, and you recognize that your approach is not efficient. Typically, people come to me, not because things are going well, but because they’re experiencing pain and friction in their life.
I’ll give you an example. I have a place in Orlando and a place down in South Florida, and last year I think I spent two nights at my place in Orlando. A big reason was I just didn’t like the neighborhood.
And after the coronavirus hit and we had all of these lockdowns, I had to email the manager to ask permission to have my housekeeper come and clean my house. It’s like, I’m living in a luxury building, and I’m asking permission from an employee if I can have somebody clean my house? I don’t think so.
Plus, I just really didn’t like coming up here to hang out. The community around here, because of the leftists that run the city council, they just let the homeless people, the mentally ill people, kind of run rampant. On top of that you’ve got protests out there, and some have gotten a little violent.
So, I was experiencing a lot of resistance in a city I used to really love and enjoy hanging out in, and it just got to the point to where, at least where I was living, I dreaded being there. In the past week, I finally moved out and it’s like man, what a different vibe. It’s just a completely different feeling. I improved my quality of life by simply changing where I lived. It was a good attitude adjustment.
Life is supposed to be easy and effortless. When you think of your friends and the people you get along best with, it’s just kind of easy and effortless to be with them. You want your whole life to be filled up with those kind of people, ideally. It’s going to make you feel better, and if you feel better you smile more and you’re more attractive. You get noticed more by women.
What both of these guys have done in their emails is recognize that things weren’t working in their lives, they were experiencing pain, and they recognized that they needed to do something differently. That’s life. It’s just a constant process of change.

And every now and then she’ll appear into my life with a short message or call, and then disappear again. I reached a point where I just thought, I’ve had enough of the way my relationships with women are going, and I knew I needed to change.
So in other words, he got to a point just like I did where I was living, like this fucking sucks. I’ve got to do something about this. Pain is life’s way of gently pushing you in a new direction. Friction, resistance — I’ve experienced all of that.
Like I said, when I was going through these emails I was like man, this is exactly what I’ve personally gone through with my living situation. So, I’ve now improved the quality of my life, and I’ll actually spend more time up in Orlando because of it. I’m excited about it.
Long story short, things never worked out with that woman. I also notice as I’ve grown that she had a lot of negative qualities that I overlooked.
You’re projecting your fantasy of what you thought she was. Now that you can kind of see things differently, since you’ve been through my first book “How To Become A 3% Man,” it changes the way you look at things. Like Wayne Dyer used to say, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Most beautiful women are incredible, but some are manipulative and know they can have their way with you, so they push you around. (I guess that’s how they test the weak from the strong though. And in this instance, I was definitely weak.)
Yeah, you’re spot on with that dude.
That’s what happened in my case. Changing plans, cancelling, being hot and cold. It drove me crazy, and it honestly nearly broke me.

Yeah, if you don’t have your shit together, if you’re not emotionally centered, if you don’t know how you are and what you want and especially understand the fundamentals in my book, and you encounter a woman you really like and who likes you, but she’s strong and she sees that you’re acting like a bitch, oh man, she’s going to test the shit out of you.
As soon as you start flailing around, she’s not going to stick around very long in the beginning if you’re just constantly making mistakes. She’s going to say ‘Oh this guy’s a bitch,’ and then she’s going to move on to somebody else.
At first I didn’t trust your work, because I was one of those guys, “who is this shaved haired fucker, what is he talking about?” But sometimes the truth slaps you in the face and wakes you up. I discovered your work online, have listened to your YouTube videos over and over on repeat, (now I’m like “good afternoon shaved head fucker, let’s go with your wisdom again!”)
I got the audiobook (for free) and regularly give it a play when I’m cycling or running errands. And yes, I’ve read your book +15 times. Every 6 months or so, I’ll dig it out and have another read.
This guy is a serious student. He experienced so much pain, he said I’m not going back to being that guy anymore. I’m not interested in going back and living that way.
The Kindle version is good, because you can use the app on your computer and make highlights and comments. I even write comments of examples where I’ve screwed up in the past and what piece of wisdom to use if the same thing happens in the future.
Anyway, I just want to say a massive thank you. I’ve undertaken radical improvements in the past few years. I noticed what works, and I have had some of the most incredible loving connections with many women, and have also been so much more confident and courageous in other areas of my life too. Life is progress. It’s a long journey, and I’m not perfect by any means, but I’m slowly going in the direction I dream of.

Again, I just want to say a massive thank you to you and your work, and a recommendation to all your followers – READ THE BOOK 10-15 TIMES. LEARN THE FUNDAMENTALS. It changed my life, and I’m forever grateful. My gratitude will manifest by my sharing your advice to friends, and also through continuing to work towards being a 3% man.
Every time I read great success stories, these are guys who have read the book a dozen times or more. They’re serious students. When I encounter people, whether it’s in phone sessions or emails, they’re either brand new to it, or they’ve only kind of skimmed the book, and they just haven’t really learned the information well enough to be competent and proficient at it. But that’s what I’m here for. I’m here to help you fill in the gaps.
That’s why I also enjoy doing phone sessions with people. I’ve done tens of thousands of these things over the years now, and I’ve pretty much heard every situation a guy’s going to have. By listening to him, listening to the tone of his voice, I can tell what he’s doing right, what he’s doing wrong and what he needs to do differently. Once you understand people, you’ll see it’s just patterns. Pattern recognition is all it really becomes.
So, good job dude. Thanks for the great success story.
Second Viewer’s Email:
Hi Corey,
I always knew I’d eventually send you a success story, and today’s the day. I found your work after a 5-year relationship ended. All I cared about was getting her back, and I was determined to follow your guidance, no matter what. I was very excited when she reached out, but she gave me a ‘maybe’ answer when I tried to make a date. As much as I wanted to try and convince her to get together, I knew I had to take away the offer.

Part of loving yourself, valuing yourself and acting like a high-value man is when you extend an invitation and the woman is like ‘ehh,’ or you want to hang out with somebody you think is a friend and they’re like ‘ehh,’ or you try to get a client to come to your place of business and they’re like ‘ehh’ — you want somebody that’s excited, that’s enthusiastic and at least will give you the opportunity to hear you out and hear what you have to say.
Why would you want to hang out with somebody who has mediocre interest, even if she is smoking hot? Because most of the time it’s going to be like pulling teeth to try to facilitate a conversation. I like things being easy and effortless, and when you’ve had that enough in your life, you’re just simply not going to put up with bullshit from anybody else, especially as you get older.
That was nearly a year ago. It was really difficult to not reach out, but I had faith that patience would pay. During that time, I got very comfortable meeting new women and inviting them out for a drink. I went on a lot of dates, and my confidence grew exponentially. I finally realized that I am actually a stud.
Good job dude.
I recently found a sexy new quarantine buddy who adores me. There’s nothing better than a woman with high interest, (and she’s a giver too).
After a round of indoor Olympics with my new girl, I see a text from my ex, the first in nearly a year!
Isn’t it weird how that happens. You think “Oh, I’m never going to hear from her again,” and as soon as you meet somebody else, the phone rings or you get a text. That’s happened to me so many times over the years, it’s just fucking bizarre. It all happens at once.
Long story short, I just had an awesome night with my ex and won another gold medal. My ex kept saying I’m now the confident man she always knew I could be. When my ex found out I’ve got another beautiful girl blowing up my phone, she said “let me know when we can have a threesome.”

How awesome is that? Good for you dude.
I’ve got options with women now. I am happy to send you a donation, no amount of money can possibly repay for the priceless wisdom you spread.
I appreciate donations, and if you’re so inclined you can go to my website UnderstandingRelationships.com. There’s a toolbar you’ll see at the bottom of your screen, and you’ll just click on the donate button.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Friction, pain and resistance are life’s way of telling you that your approach and thinking are not optimized and need further refinement in order to accomplish your goals. Like water, life tends to favor the path of least resistance. With enough time and patience, even the hardest materials can be worn away by flowing water. Being slow to change your mind but quick to change your approach when things are not working helps you to experiment more and find the path of least resistance. The right lovers, friends and people you really need in your life tend to show up effortlessly when you least expect it, as long as you are taking consistent action, learning from your mistakes and refining your approach. Constant action, even when success seems far off or hopeless, is the hallmark of people who expect things to eventually work out in their favor.“
~ Coach Corey Wayne
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