How Network Chiropractic Care can help you to master alpha male body language effortlessly to attract the women you want & reach your full potential.
In this video coaching newsletter, I interview Dr. Dominick D’Anna, who is one of the best NSA chiropractors in the world. We discuss how Network Chiropractic Care can radically change your physiology and body language from one of fear and uncertainty to alpha male body language, so you can win in all areas of your personal and professional life.
We also discuss the body language of attraction and confidence and how an unbalanced and out of alignment structure affects your posture, confidence, inner peace, self-esteem, openness to change, willingness to try new things, and how Network Care helps you to get unstuck, so you can make the changes you need to make to achieve your dreams.
You’ve probably heard me talk about Network Care for years. I talk about it in my books, and I wanted to bring Dr. Dominick D’Anna in today so we could talk about body language and how Network Care can help you get over your fears, improve your level of confidence, and what it can actually do for you.
In my experience with Network Care, it’s just like working out. Each time you get work done, your body’s going to loosen up a little bit. In my article and video, “Body Language That Attracts Women,” I talk about how your chest being out, your head being back, and your shoulders being back affects your physiology and what you’re actually communicating.
If you observe most people, you’re going to notice their shoulders are going to be rolled forward, their head’s forward, their chest is forward, or if they’re in a bar, they’re sitting with their drink covering their emotional center, and that means they don’t feel comfortable. Whereas, guys who are relaxed have their arms and their drink down to the side. It’s a very relaxed, nonthreatening, open type of physiology.
If you’re having a hard time implementing things that are in the book, it’s more than likely because your physiology is kind of jacked up. You could be doing and saying all of the right things, but if your physiology is communicating fear, anxiety, nervousness, where you have a threatening type of body language, women aren’t going to feel safe and comfortable around you. Even though they may be laughing with you, they’re still going to shoot you down.
Dr. D’Anna: “Or even worse, you’re going to attract your ex-girlfriend. That bitch, that reactive person. You’ll think, why is it I keep attracting these emotionally volatile women? They’re beautiful and they seem nice up front, but end up being emotionally hijacked. You get in the same verbally abusive relationship you had before, and the reality is, like attracts like. If your physiology is in a certain place, you’re going to attract the same.
It’s interesting, in our office sometimes we do muscle tension scans that map out the muscle tension pattern the person has. That tells us a lot about behavior. It makes sense that if you see it a certain way, your behavior’s likely to be a certain way. Couples always have the exact same physiological patterns. And the reason why that affects behavior is because your physiology and your body is your reality filter, so your story about life, how you perceive life, is not consistent with the circumstance, it’s consistent with where you’re at.
Like attracts like, so if you want to do all the great stuff that Corey just said, but attract a different type of person, like you connect on another level of consciousness personally, someone who is kinder, gentler, more chill, more successful, then you literally need to have your physiology at that place in order for that person to connect with you.”
Each time you get worked on, you loosen up a little bit. My recommendation is that if you don’t have a great Network Chiropractic doctor in your city or country, it’s definitely worth your time to get on a plane and come to Orlando, Florida and let Dominick work on you over the course of a week. After seven entrainments over the course of a week, that will really help you loosen up. By the time you hop on a plane to go back, you’re going to feel different. You’re going to notice it in your physiology. It’s going to feel better to have your head back and your shoulders rolled back.
Dr. D’Anna: “It will be more natural. It won’t be forced.”
As I discuss in my video, “Body Language That Attracts Women,” if you haven’t had Network Care, you’re forcing your body into those states, and as you go through life, especially as you get older, your physiology bends you into that position. You’re literally stuck there. Your muscles hold you in that physiology, and that is your reality. That’s how you experience life.
When Dominick works on you, your muscle tension drops in your spine, and you’re just naturally going to relax and open up, feel more chilled out, feel more peaceful. Everybody will feel safer around you, including women. Kids will tend to come up and hang around you more. Strangers will hang around you more. Even animals will actually feel more comfortable being around you, because you’re giving off a vibe of peace, of being relaxed, of being calm and of being safe. That draws people to you like moths to a flame.
Dr. D’Anna: “When there’s more peace inside, there’s more peace outside. You know, muscle tension is a short term strategy. Your body is actually really, really bad at storing tension at all. It’s supposed to be a short term pattern. Say you have a traumatic event or your have a confrontation. Your body gets tight. It literally stores the tension that is consistent with the amount of emotional charge that you had at that time. And it’s almost as if the tension is supposed to be a short term holding pattern until you can get out of that stressful situation, so you can go home and take a breath and say, okay let’s recover now. Let’s let all that stuff go and move forward.
The challenge is that most people don’t recover, and I’m sure there was a good reason for it. They had a really tough childhood, or they have a rough job, their ex-wife is busting their balls or their ex-girlfriend is giving them a tough time, so they’re all tight and they wonder why they’re having a hard time. Well, if muscle tension is supposed to be a short term strategy, (not moving forward and being stuck in the past is consistent with all that tension, again another short term strategy), then how are you supposed to move forward?
The care we provide in our office is designed to help you re-check in, re-experience the energy, the emotion, that you didn’t fully deal with, (because if you did, it wouldn’t still be there), and then help the person resolve it. So what ends up happening is, as we work with people progressively, getting the body more and more cleaned up of your past, the person is more in the present and they’re more in their nature, rather than their wounds, if you connect with that statement.
How many times have you been in a scenario that’s really stressful, and you reverted to the same old behavior? That’s because your physiology is in an intense state, and as we clean up the tension, our clients that come in say, “You know, I have the same job, the same kids, the same stress and the same relationship, and stuff happens, and people are like, you handle it completely different. Instead of getting sucked up into the drama, it’s like I’m responding and I’m being cool. And I notice that people around me are responding totally different. It’s almost as if I wasn’t aware of it, but how people respond to me has more to do with how I show up. It’s almost as if the more I get me cleaned up, people actually view me differently and respond differently.” What is that worth?
When you approach a woman, they’ll fish and they’ll push buttons. They troll you. And the more they like you, the more they test you. If you pass those tests, you’re good, but if they find a button, you’re screwed, because they go after it. What’s happening is, at that point, the woman is energetically in control over the man. The guy gets uncomfortable, his voice changes, he starts talking faster, he gets defensive. Any time a person has an emotional charge, what that means is you have an unresolved wound, and that person just found the button to activate it. You’re toast.
So what do you do? Anything you have an emotional charge on, that unresolved wound is a doorway into your stuff to help clean it up, so we can help you to be a clear vessel. To get a woman to want you, you have to get your emotional shit together. Getting your emotions squared away, and getting your physiology in a place where you can talk to counselors and therapists, there’s definitely benefits to be had there, but what they don’t control is how you show up. When you’re cool, you don’t need someone telling you what to say. You’re just cool. You give off that vibe. When your body is tense and you’re reactive, you can say all the right things, but its coming out the wrong way. The work we do at our office cleans up all the unresolved emotional buttons, so you show up cool and handle it cool.”
You’ll get trolled, but you don’t react to it. You tend to respond, you find humor at it, you laugh, you joke around and you don’t get butt-hurt. Because as soon as a women sees you getting butt-hurt or you have an emotional charge with something, you’re out. She can sense that something is off, she doesn’t feel safe around you, and you can literally see the body language and the physiology of her change to one of kind of turning sideways, like she’s trying to escape.
Dr. D’Anna: “Behavior is an outflow of how you see it. It’s an end product. It’s not something you can change in itself. For example, people that sign up to different businesses to lose weight, I’ve talked to people that own those type of businesses and asked them, “What’s your success rate after a year?” and they said 98% failure rate. Only 2% are able to lose the weight and keep it off. It’s because they’re trying behavior without cleaning up whatever motivated the dysfunctional behavior. They didn’t clean up the wound that motivated the whole thing.
The behavior is cool, but if we can work with a person in a way that cleans up their issues they’re storing in their tissues, now the person is cool. Then when they integrate behaviors that work, they can actually apply them effectively because they’re able to be that person that would naturally say those things.
Awareness is everything. You have to have self-awareness before you can be emotionally intelligent, be aware of who it is you’re talking to. Who is the person being, and how can I show up in a way to connect with this person? There’s a difference talking with someone and you’re just trying to get somewhere, versus just being cool or indifferent, which is huge. Truly being indifferent means you’re just showing up to see how this flows, and you’re cool with it however it pans out. And women pick up on that.
If you can show up in a way and be emotionally intelligent, you can steer, guide, control the conversation, almost like the women tend to do intentionally that we’re not always aware of, but you can do the same. You can do it in a way that you can recruit that person to just be so inspired by who you are and how you show up. Talk to that person. What seems to be important to them? Start conversations they’re really passionate about and comfortable with. The next thing you know, you have this amazing rapport with the person that you developed, because you’re aware of yourself and the other person enough that you knew the right questions to ask. The person will tell you what they want to talk about, but you have to be present, you have to be peaceful, you have to be cool to pick up those subtle cues.”
That’s why I talk a lot about being in the present moment as opposed to being in your head, because women can sense that. If you’re talking to somebody and you’re focused on, What am I going to say? Does she like me? Is this going well?, she can tell you’re somewhere else. She will pick up on that, and she’s not going to feel comfortable. If you have self-awareness and are in the present moment, where everything else dissolves away, you’re enjoying the conversation and sensing what happens next.
Dr. D’Anna: “Every person that comes to my office shows up with a basic fear pattern. As we work with that fear pattern and work to release it, the person is like, “I didn’t even know I was fearful. And once you worked with me over a few visits, I was aware my head was forward. My shoulders are forward. I wasn’t even aware of that.” It’s amazing to see that in a short amount of time, their business dealings are different, people are responding to them differently, how they feel different, their focus is different, their self-talk is different. When fear is resolved or reduced significantly, you approach whomever you want. You talk to them and you’re just cool. Then you can really be in the place that Corey tells people to be, that place of indifference.”
If you’re somebody who is afraid to talk to other people and worried about what other people think, you really just haven’t spent a lot of time in your life interacting with other human beings being total strangers, getting Network Care will actually make that feel natural. You’ll feel comfortable and look back and think, why was I so afraid of it? Your physiology is going to be whatever your experience is, so if you’re locked into a depressed state or a fearful state, everything you do and every way you experience the world, it’s going to be through that filter of fear.
Dr. D’Anna: “It’s almost as if the world gives you an excuse to play out wherever you are anyway. Anxious people are always anxious. Nervous people are always nervous. People that get pissed off, it seems like everything is an opportunity to get pissed off. As we work through those patterns, it’s amazing to hear people say, “I’m not angry anymore.” The body is the source of all emotion. If you want to change your emotions, you want to change how you show up, you have to change the body. As we show the clients their tension patterns and how to manage that better, I find that so rewarding, because I’ve shared with that person things they can do on their own, so they can show up on their A-game. You’re not a bad person. You’re just a person whose physiology is incongruent with what the mind knows.”
It makes you more intuitive as far as body language and reading other people. You can look at other people and size them up instantly. You can see the alpha male that normally you would be intimidated by, you can look at him and see his head being cranked forward, his chest being cranked forward, and picking up on some of the things he says. You can tell he doesn’t have the confidence that you may have assumed he had.
It’s the same if you’re talking to a woman. If you see she has a fearful physiology, that lessens the fear that you have yourself. It almost makes you feel like you have an unfair advantage. And if you’re in a sales or business negotiation, you can see that body language and fear that other people have around you. You can sense it. You can size everybody up and tell where they are emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. That in and of itself makes you feel a little more confident. And the more confident you feel, the more expressive you’re going to feel. The more you’re going to be willing to say things and not hold back. And that’s what really makes you attractive. Being who you are, not holding back and not really giving a flying fuck about what people think about you.
If you’d like to go see Dominick D’Anna, you can go to his website, BeSimplyWell.com or call his office at (407) 599-9182.
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Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
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