How you can change your approach to dating and picking up women to go from being blown off and treated like an option, to women treating you like a priority and telling you that you can have anything you want inside and outside of the bedroom.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares two stories about two different women he has dated. The first story is about his experiences dating a woman he met in church, what happened and why his interactions with her went sideways before he found out about my work. She treated him like an option and an afterthought. She also jerked him around quite often.
The second story he shares is about his new experiences with a woman he met online and how radically different and amazing his dating and sexual experiences with her are compared to the first one. Recently during sex, while she was giving him a blowjob, she told him he could have anything he wanted. She treats him exactly the way he wants to be treated and is consistently feminine, submissive, flexible and easy to be with.
Anything You Want
Hello Corey,
I wanted to take a moment and thank you for this awesome program. I can give you a night and day story of when I did not use your program and when I did.
PART 1, (without your program): I met a nice young lady at my church. She is in her twenties and I am in my thirties. She is finishing college, and I currently hold a full time job. We exchanged numbers one day after church, and we immediately began hanging out. Without reading or knowing your program, I did a lot of weak things. I texted her every day with the lame ass, “good morning,” or “you’re beautiful” text. I texted her throughout the day about boring, mundane shit. At first, she met up with me often, but as I texted more and more, she slowly began to want to meet up less and less. (There was nothing mysterious or exciting about your texts. It’s a scientific fact, women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear. They need time and space away from you to wonder about you and for their feelings to grow.) She only agreed to meet up if we were exchanging gifts or for something special. (It sounds like your dating devolved into you buying gifts as a bribe for her spending time with you.) I slowly realized the pattern. However, I began reading your book and watching your YouTube clips and slowly started pulling away. About two weeks before Valentine’s Day, she started texting me more. In the past she had shut down many of my advances for dinner and meeting up, so I never extended the offer again. (Why would you want to go out with somebody who continually turns you down?) I realized that she should be the one who reaches out if she really wanted to meet. Plus, I was a little cautious because I felt like she was starting to text because we were closing in on Valentine’s Day. I never texted her after that day, and I haven’t heard from her since. I am quite okay with that because I have been dating another woman who is truly fucking into me.
PART 2, (with your program):
Photo by
As I previously stated, I am dating another woman. I met this woman on an online site and things have been great. I told her early on that I do not like to use the phone too much, and that I am so much better in person. (Right off the bat, he’s telling her what he wants and expects.) She and I had gone on two dates before having sex. (Like I talk about in my book, most women will sleep with a guy by the second or third date.) After watching one of your programs I got up the nerve and told her that I wanted to taste her lips. She immediately asked me if I had been drinking. I realized that she wanted me to be a man and, as you say, “penetrate her” on many levels. From that point, I’ve only used the phone to set dates. This past weekend, we hooked up for dinner, came back to my place and she literally sucked my dick and told me, “You can have anything that you want.” This is a far cry from the first girl. The difference was maybe their attraction to me, but I think the main difference is my attitude. I taught the second woman that, I could take it or leave it. (You didn’t even have to say it. It’s just how you acted.) Even today, she only uses the phone to text me short messages and she knows not to call me unless we are getting together. (Thanks for being a great example and leader. Thanks for being another guy who’s giving the gift of a masculine man to a woman.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“People will only treat you the way you invite and allow them to treat you. People who have high standards, a high self esteem, who love themselves, who value themselves, and who perceive themselves as being a gift and a blessing to other people, will act in ways that are consistent with that perception. Therefore, they will never tolerate abuse, rudeness, being taken for granted, being jerked around, and people who try to waste their time. One of the best things you can do for yourself to improve the quality of your life, is to set healthy and loving boundaries for other people of how you want and expect to be treated. Like minded people, who share the same goals and values, will treat you the way you want to be treated out of respect and appreciation for who you really are. Anyone who does not respect, adhere to and follow the high standards you have set for yourself should be given the gift of missing you on a permanent basis. The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it. That means that you should walk away and never look back from people who violate yourself, your standards and your dignity.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
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