Are Blacks Inferior To Whites? This is a question I got from Noah, a black guy who lives in Zambia, Africa. Africa has a long history of whites oppressing blacks. This came in the form of physical, emotional and mental oppression. For hundreds and maybe even thousands of years, oppressing whites have told African blacks they are inferior. If a lie is repeated often enough, it becomes accepted truth or conventional wisdom. Only with time, education and love can this scar of the undeveloped world being oppressed and exploited by the developed world heal. Here’s his email:
Hey thanks for all the teachings. My question really is of the two, blacks and whites, who is more intelligent? To start with, I am black and every time I am faced with a lot of things that I fail to comprehend, take Africa for example. It’s far from reaching the development that is in America or the UK. Why is this so? Is it because Africa is mainly filled with blacks, and the States and UK with whites? In every aspect of life whites seem to be dominant. Is it because they are more intelligent than blacks? Or do they have a brain which is more advanced than blacks? Or is it something to do with the skin color?
When you look at some of the significant discoveries that were made a long time ago, the majority of the guys involved are the whites, if not all. When it comes to the big names of science and other subjects, you will find that the names known to us are of whites. Isaac Newton, etc. I have never heard of any known black scientists of way back in 1900 or so. In most fields of study or schools, you will find that black people like me tend to struggle just to go thru university, but for whites its like it is in their blood. The just go thru without any difficulty.
What am I asking? What is really the difference between whites and blacks apart from their skin color? Why do they seem to think more fast than blacks? Why is it that for someone like myself to make it, I have to go thru the hardest things of life? For whites it’s too simple. They make it big. Why do whites seem to think more advanced than blacks? Hey, there is this kind of joke in my country Zambia. A white guy from europe, a yellow guy from asia, and a black guy from Africa went to God to get blessings. God gave the white guy the knowledge of being a great thinker and discoverer of great things. To the yellow man he gave him the ability to make wonderful things. When God asked a black guy what he wanted he said, “oh me, I have only escorted the two guys. I do not need anything.”
I know you have the knowledge in this question please. Noah.
Here’s my response to Noah:
Hi Noah,
Perception is reality. As you think, so shall you become. Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” We each see the world based upon our beliefs and our model of the world. Einstein once said, “we have one fundamental question to answer… Do I live in a friendly or a hostile universe?” If you believe you live in a world where blacks are inferior to whites, you will look for every piece of evidence to support that belief. People don’t give up their beliefs or model of the world until it no longer works or is proven invalid.
When I coach my clients, my goal is to get them to push past the point of wanting to give up or where they think their limits are. I guide them to take action towards things that I know they will succeed at. This builds confidence in themselves. The stronger the confidence, the bigger the challenge they are willing to take on next. Human beings can accomplish incredible things when they are certain of the results. Unfortunately, life has a habit of showing up in ways that can be disconcerting sometimes. Your belief system and model of the world will determine how you react to such things. Optimistic people tend to ask empowering questions like… “What’s good about this? What can I learn from this? How can this help me grow and become a better human being? Etc.”
The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions that you consistently ask yourself. When bad things happen, pessimistic people tend to ask very disempowering questions such as… “Why does this always happen to me? Why do things never work out for me? Why do white people always have it easier? Etc.”
So if you ask yourself good quality questions, your brain will be forced to come up with good quality answers. If you ask yourself poor quality questions, your brain will be forced to come up with crappy answers that make you feel disempowered and worthless.
As a white guy who has been on the receiving end of violent racism more than once, these words of wisdom may give you some peace: “No one will ever do or say anything that is not a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves in a moment.” Everything human beings do can be broken down into two primary outcomes: 1) Trying to get love, or 2) Trying to give love. Many times, unhappy people try to meet those primary goals in very dysfunctional, violent and sometimes cruel ways.
When someone calls you a “Nigger, cracker, honkey, whitey, wop, gook, dink, slope, knuckle dragger, haji, beaner, spic, kike, jew, useless eater, sand nigger, etc.”, you must understand that, that person is just projecting their own self hatred and self loathing onto you. They have become so full of self hate, guilt and self loathing that they project it onto to others. Its the only way they can feel good about themselves. They’ve become addicted to meeting their needs in a very dysfunctional way.
The bottom line is, when you study quantum physics and the scientific nature of the universe, you learn that the same force that grows your fingernails, beats your heart, grows your hair, etc. is also growing my fingernails, beating my heart and growing my hair as well as every other living thing in this universe. That is a scientific fact. Scientists over a hundred years ago discovered that this entire universe that we see as the physical world around us, is held together by an invisible, intelligent and conscious mind.
Here is part of the acceptance speech of Max Planck as he accepts the Noble Prize for his life’s work studying the atom:
You can tell by the date of that speech that science long ago has discovered the hand of the creator in every thing on this planet, and the entire universe.
The very first thing that forms of the human body after conception and the cells start to multiply, is the heart. Your heart is the oldest part of your body and everything that is the physical you literally came from and thru your heart.
When you look at our world, you can see there is a lot of chaos, war, genocide, exploitation, disease, dishonesty, corruption and a general lack of heart centered leaders. The Hopi and Maya (yes, they’re still around; there are 440 tribes of the Maya still alive and well today) along with thousands of indigenous tribes around the world all have sacred knowledge they have kept to themselves for the past 13,000 years. Their most sacred knowledge says regarding this time, that humanity is moving from being in their heads and their minds back to being in and living from their hearts. The intellect or mind sees separation and needs to classify and label everything it sees and hears in this world. This mind aka “the ego” is the part of us that says… “I am what I do”, “I am what I have”, “I am my reputation”, “I am my relationship”, “this should be there”, “that should not be there”, “I like this” “I don’t want that to be there”, etc. It sees separation and division. The heart would never create anything that is harmful to another or impinges upon the divine free will of another, because the heart knows, all life is one. As Max Planck discovered, the oneness of all life is a physical fact.
Every spiritual tradition tells us that the lord is within your heart. Learn to follow your heart and you will learn to listen to what God’s plan is for you. God has created us to each be unique and special. He had a purpose in mind when he created and designed each one of us. When we learn to trust and listen to our hearts, we learn to trust and listen to God. Only then can our life truly unfold according to Gods will for us. The Koran refers to this as “submitting to the will of Allah.” We’re all meant to be great at something. What that is, can only be discovered by following and learning to trust your heart.
We have taken on (our mind and intellect that is) unenlightened perspectives that have caused us to see separation between God, nature and each other. Therefore, this has allowed the mind or intellect to classify and rationalize away the humanity and beauty of most of Gods creation. The rational mind feels nothing. It simply feels it is being benevolent and generous. The mind does not understand that every living creature is in this world at this time because it is the LORDS WILL! The mind seeks to rationalize away all kinds of cruel and unspeakable things in order to determine who is a “have” and who is a “have not”. Who is the winner and who loses. Survival of the fittest. “Nothing personal, its just business” kinds of thinking.
Many of our heartless world leaders negotiate behind closed doors, pretend to like each other in public, while in private they loathe, backbite and scheme to fuck each other over as they fight over the worlds “scarce” resources. The results of their corrupt practices and deals are that they unfairly enrich the well connected, while the third world is allowed to starve, genocides to happen and general lawlessness and despair to be commonplace in countless poor and failed third world countries. Hey, its nothing personal, its just business. Its all mind. The heart is not involved. If the heart had been involved it would have been a win win deal for all and the suffering of the third world would not be allowed.
As the Hopi, Maya and thousands of other indigenous tribes around the world state, humanity is entering into a new era. An era where humanity collectively works together in a heart centered approach for the benefit of each other and our planet. Everywhere you look, the old corrupt oppressive financial system and governments controlled by the few is collapsing. Everything that no longer serves humanity is dissolving.
People around the world are waking up. We are seeing sweeping changes in our political system here in the States. Corrupt lying politicians who have been firmly entrenched in office for decades are being voted out for regular, down to earth soccer moms with no political experience. People are moving away from the corrupt, political dinosaurs that are the republican and democratic parties.
People world wide are tired of electing politicians who will do or say anything to get elected, and then break most of their campaign promises within hours of being sworn into office. Wikileaks recent publishing of diplomatic cables has exposed the worlds ruling elite for the selfish, self centered, self serving, two-faced, backbiting, corrupt, phony, inauthentic, and morally bankrupt liars, con-artists, and inept weak people they are.
Our president is black, but he’s every bit as dishonest, two-faced, devious, and as good a liar as any of the Clintons. Plus, he can read a teleprompter better than any other lying politician in history. He’s never run any kind of business, but he’s going to tell me what I can and can not do in business? Please. The only thing he has ever done is run for office. He’s a professional liar. That’s what he does for a living. What a swell guy. He couldn’t lead me across the street. Most people who voted for him are starting to realize he is just more of the same lying class of politicians. Harvard, Princeton and Yale. Bullets, bombs and banks. He’s not a black guy I am proud of. Do you want to know who I think is the greatest humanitarian and peace maker of our lifetime?
Nelson Mandela. He is black. He spent 27 years locked in prison illegally. They took 27 years of his life away. The prime years of his life were taken from him unjustly. His youth… simply gone. What’s does he do when he is finally released? He becomes president of his nation and he asks all of the millions of his formerly oppressed brethren to forgive the whites, and to find a way to build bridges and friendships. He’s the greatest heart centered world leader alive on the planet today. He has done more to heal humanity then all of the rest of the worlds corrupt elite combined. He is a man who is living the truth like Gandhi said… “be the change you want to see in the world.”
As far as blacks being inferior to whites? That’s bullshit man. Its simply a limiting belief of yours trying to take hold in your moments of weakness. Those moments when you feel like you just want to quit and give up. Especially when it seems like white guys have all the advantages. You know what? Sometimes they do. However, what people are capable of, and what they are actually willing to do, are often very far apart. White guys are struggling inside just as much as you are. Its a poor quality question and a question your brain must find a lousy answer for. Does it really serve you to be asking such nonsense of yourself? Its easy to quit. Its hard to take action towards your goals and persist for years and years and years without exception when you see little success or results for your hard work and effort. Find a way. Not a way out. Winners never quit and quitters never win.
Two of our recent coaches of Super Bowl winning NFL teams are black. Hip hop, rap, rock and roll, blues and just about all of our modern music was invented by blacks. Countless black actors, musicians and entertainers from the ghetto, poverty and crime have pulled themselves out of the gutter to pursue their dreams. They never gave up and eventually succeeded, becoming Icons and multi-millionaires in the process.
What I see, is there is not a single thing a white guy has done that a black guy can’t do even better. If you can’t see that then you ain’t tryin very hard to notice 🙂
By the way, when I was in college, I had friends who never studied and paid very little attention in class. Black and white guys. They got A’s and I spent countless hours studying just to get a C or a B.
Anyway, back to our inept political class who think they are intellectually superior to the rest of us… Those that are the hardest to love need it the most. Why does a child misbehave? He is seeking love and attention. What about adults? Same thing. They need love, compassion and understanding. But it does not mean you lay down and take their shit and allow somebody to abuse you? If you let a bully push you around, he will continue to do it. The only way to stop him is to stand up to him. Very rarely does it need to come to violence. Violence is a last resort only to be used when your life is threatened. The worlds ruling elite are intellectual bullies. Thankfully, the people of the world are standing up in greater numbers everyday to put a stop to their fascistic (according to Mussolini, Fascism is the perfect merger of state and corporate interests) and oppressive ways of governing.
Like one of our Generals said when trying to make peace with violent insurgents in Iraq, “I stand here with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart. I want to be your brother and your friend. To have peace. However, I will kill you if you will not make peace with me.” He’s saying, I want more than anything to become your friend and brother, but if you won’t you will force me to destroy you.
As one of our newly elected Congressmen and former Iraq war veterans, Col. Allen West, said about the war the US is fighting. “We’re fighting radical Islam.” About the radical Jihadist… “We must find him, fix him, engage him or destroy him.”
The US Military has learned that it needs to focus on building friendships if it plans on winning the peace so they can withdraw and return home. “If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.” ~ Nelson Mandela
Jesus said, “forgive them father, for they know not what they do” when he was up on the cross. I believe he was saying, all life is one and my brethren do not see this and realize that they are killing a part of themselves in doing this to me. Forgive them father, for they know not what they do.
In the Koran it says… “if an innocent person is killed, it will be as if all of humanity has been killed.”
The cold war ended because of an act of friendship by US President Ronald Reagan. Gorbachev (Former President of the USSR), years later when asked about the moment when things changed between him and Reagan laughed and slapped his knee as he reflected on how things had not been going well between the two. He and Reagan were getting nowhere. Both were frustrated. He said, Reagan got up and walked around the room a bit and then took a deep breath. He turned around with a big smile on his face and said “I believe we got off to a bad start. I’d like to start over.” He reached out his hand to Gorbachev, with a smile and said, “Hi, my name is Ronald Reagan.” They both laughed and it lightened the mood. That is the exact moment when things changed between two superpowers.
When I was in middle school I attended a school that was mostly black. I was very small for my age. There was a lot of tension and racism between blacks and whites (early-mid 1980’s). Any white kid who was big or tall for his age would get picked on by multiple blacks. When he defended himself he was attacked by almost all blacks nearby. A mob of young black kids would beat the crap out of the white kid until teachers or the deans would show up to stop it. Almost every day I would dodge rocks and glass bottles thrown at me by hate projecting blacks walking home from school as I rode my bicycle home. White kids would get jumped by gangs of black kids in the bathrooms if they weren’t paying attention. It was very scary at times.
How did I survive this? I made it my life’s mission to be liked and friends with all the toughest black kids in school. They called me “little man.” No one fucked with me because I was their boy. I made them laugh and feel good and I was always a good friend to them. I never let any insults or racial put downs bother me. They teased me constantly. I always laughed them off or used self depreciating humor to communicate to them I was cool and unfazed by it. Over time, once they learned they could not push my buttons, they teased me less and less. Jesus said to “love our enemies.” When we react negatively to a word someone calls us, we give them power over us. I chose to take my power back and exercise self control. Besides, no one will ever do or say anything that is not a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves in a moment. Behind all anger is always fear. Fear of failure, fear that you’re not enough, fear that you won’t be loved, etc. Looking back, I know many of those kids grew up in horrible circumstances. They went to school and took it out on others. It made them feel significant.
That’s a lot to think about brother Noah. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
Mahatma Gandhi said: “The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing, would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems.”
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” (from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles, Harper Collins, 1992. From Chapter 7, Section 3)
Rodolfo Mondragon says
whoa! what a great blog! The value of the information is priceless. very genuine!
C says
As an African American I almost feel sorry for this guy. He doesn’t know about the many great black inventors who invented things though they never got credit most people know this. Most people know Benjamin Banniker was a brilliant scientist. In many ways blacks have been oppressed but that in no ways means blacks are not as good or intelligent.
If something is oppressed or suppressed it means just that, it is diminished or otherwise hidden somehow, which means you may not see it.