Why women who cheat and monkey branch to other guys and back are incapable of loyalty and for the streets.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss 2 different emails from 2 different viewers. The 1st email is from a guy whose girlfriend of 2 years never actually broke up with her previous boyfriend and is dating them both and he only just found out. She doesn’t know that he went through her phone and knows everything. He wants to know how to confront her.
The 2nd email is from a guy whose wife of 7 years monkey branched to a guy they met about 5 months ago, but now she says she made a mistake and wants to come back. They are still hooking up, but he wonders if she is capable of loyalty or for the streets. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the bodies of their emails.
Hi, I’m Coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter. And the topic of today’s newsletter is going to be Are Women Who Cheat & Monkey Branch For The Streets?
Well, for your viewing enjoyment, we’ve got two emails that I’m going to go through with you today. Two different guys. They both got kind of similar issues here, dealing with character issues. So, the first one, this guy’s been dating his girlfriend for about two years, but he found out recently after going through her phone that she didn’t actually break up with her previous boyfriend. And she’s been with him the whole time and lying to both of them.
And so, she doesn’t know that he’s gone through her phone and he’s like, “How should I confront her about this?” So, it’s like, obviously it’s not the kind of situation you want to be in. You spent two years of your life and he’s insistent that he’s totally in love with her and she’s head over heels in love with him. But yet she has two guys, basically. And so that guy, he’s actually in Croatia.
And the second email, this guy married to his wife for seven years. And then I guess there was this guy that they met about five months ago, and then she monkey branched from him, because he admittedly fell down on his duty as a man. And for a long time in their relationship and you’ve probably heard me say that women will put up with you going through a difficult patch for maybe 6 to 12 months. And if you don’t pull yourself out of that dark hole, it’s like they don’t want to be the man in the relationship.
And so, this guy’s going through a difficult time, whatever he was doing, things that his wife was not happy about and had been complaining about for a long time. As he says, he was unable to keep her attraction level high. Communication wasn’t good, and he says that she didn’t actually start hanging out romantically with this guy, until they were broken up.

But it’s obvious she lined him up while they were still together. And so, after he moves out, apparently this other dude moves back in. But the twist in the story is that they’re still hooking up. And now she’s saying, “Oh, I made a mistake, I want to come back. I want you to be the father of my children.” And some interesting things have happened. A lot of Jerry Springer-ish type of emails last week.
Good Cannon Fodder for stuff to learn from, and some pretty absurd situations and things that are going on. You know, like the one that I did the other day, totally absurd behavior and, I roasted him pretty good. He was a guy I coached because, quite frankly, he needed it. He needed that pattern interrupt. He needed that. He needed to be shocked by what I said, because that’s the kind of thing that jerks a knot in somebody’s ass, especially when they’re doing things that are in other words, they’re just sandbagging their own success without realizing it.
And so, what that does because people do more to avoid pain than they do to gain pleasure. And if you associate a lot of unpleasant emotions with the ridiculous behavior, then they’re naturally going to be repulsed by it and move away from that and towards the behavior that feels good. It’s like kind of rewiring the brain by the reactions that I put out. So, with that said, there’s always a method to my madness.
That’s why this stuff that I teach is so effective, because I teach what works. And even if you think I’m full of shit, maybe you’re new here. If you just apply what’s in My Book, you will get way better results than you’re used to getting. And the evidence is all over the internet. It’s all over the book reviews. It’s in the Reddit forums. If I was totally full of shit and was teaching things that didn’t work, it would be everywhere.

And plus, on top of that, if you think I’m full of crap, you can read My Books for free at UnderstandingRelationships.com. Just subscribe to the email newsletter, and then as soon as you put your name and your email address and password in the boxes, then poof.
Both My Books will show up 3%, Man, Mastering Yourself, and you’ll even be able to read my First Quote Book is also in the members area.
First Viewer’s Email:
Hi Coach,
How are you?
I’m doing great. How are you doing?
I will try to explain my situation as fast as possible and would appreciate a lot if you answer this question in your video newsletter so other guys in similar situations know how to handle it.
Yeah, that’s the beauty of sharing all these stories is like this. I have a global audience. This guy is from Croatia, so it’s like, I’m dealing with people in every cultural, religious and spiritual background in my work, and men and women all over the globe, they respond innately to certain things that create attraction or repel the other person. And once you understand that and you act natural, instead of the dysfunctional way that we’ve all basically been taught by our news and our media, and ideas that the elite want us to adopt because we’re just the unwashed masses, of course.
The useless eaters like Yuval Harari, the little insect guy, that’s Klaus Schwab’s asshole, buddy, if you will. He’s like, “What are we going to do with all these useless people when we have all this new technology and all this DNA stuff? We’re going to have to give them some virtual reality and give them a pod and give them the bug paste and they’ll own nothing, and they’ll be happy. They’re just useless people.”

I would argue that he is useless, and he should be tried at Nuremberg 2.0. but I digress. I’m not going to go on a rant about all that. Those people are evil, and have committed crimes against humanity, and they’re continuing to do it. Anyways, back to our regularly scheduled email here.
The situation goes like this: I am in a 2-year relationship with my girlfriend (we’re both in our middle 20’s) and 3 days ago, I found out that she lied to me about being single. She told me a few different times different information about ending her relationship with her ex. There is also the same story about her past, a few different timelines between her boyfriends, etc.
So, she’s habitually lied about her past. Character is Destiny. “When somebody shows you or tells you who they are, believe them the first time,” is Maya Angelou would have said. And so, I mean, once a cheater, always a cheater, if somebody is just constantly lying, she learned this in childhood. And the likelihood of her going, “Oh, I’ve been a horrible person my whole life, and dishonest, and a ratchet, and I’m going to be a good person now.” That almost never happens, it’s like there’s a 99.9999% chance that, that person is going to stay the same.
People don’t change, but they may become a better version of themselves. A liar, a cheater, dishonest people, they’re just find better ways to cover it up, or not be as egregious with their dishonesty so they can get away with it a little bit more. But if somebody’s going to lie to you and pretend that they broke up with their ex-boyfriend and you’re in a two-year relationship with them, and the whole time they’re still with the supposed ex-boyfriend, that you just you can’t work with that man.

You can’t make good wine from bad grapes. You’re not going to fix that. You’re not going to change that girl. You imagine two years in a relationship, the amount of lies that she’s told you and the amount of lies that she’s told this other guy. Who knows? Maybe there’s a third dude out there that neither one of you even know about.
But then again, he’s already gone through her phone. But it’s not good. This chick, party girl, friends with benefits, Fuck buddy, sex playmate, not girlfriend, not wife material. You just, you just don’t, you wear a raincoat. You don’t want to slip one past the goalie. Especially if you’re one of those guys that lives in a blue state.
There is also the same story about her past, a few different times.
So, it’s like everything she told him about her past is like turned out to not be true.
Because I noticed she lies to me, I went through her phone (not my proudest moment.)
But quite frankly, I mean, knowledge is potential power. It just depends on what you use it for. And in this case, she’s lying to you all the time and you’re like, something ain’t right. And you go through her phone, and then you get the real truth, and then you can have some fun. Because now you know the truth because you’ve seen her phone, but she doesn’t know that you’ve seen it.
And saw that she lied to her ex about love bite (apparently, she drank too much and hit her neck somewhere) and told him that she would never cheat on him.

“Told him I would never cheat on you Honey.” That’s what she told the supposed ex-boyfriend that she’s still with. “Oh yeah, the hickey? No, it’s not a hickey. I fell and hit my neck. It just kind of looks that way. It’s just don’t be silly. Silly. Come on. You’re the only one for me, Honey.”
Real story that I gave her that hickey when we had sex (BECAUSE SHE TOLD ME SHE IS SINGLE) and her ex was suspicious about that.
Yeah, totally could have happened. Totally could have fell and hit a fence post or something. Just, pffft, whoa, looks like a hickey. It’s like pop blood vessels, but, you know, smack-down on a fence post, or I accidentally slammed my head and the car door. And that’s where the hickey came from.
She is in head over heels in love with me and I love her back.
Yeah. Okay, buddy. It’s like, that’s hmm. I don’t agree with that.
But this crushed me and destroyed my trust in her.
Well. She belongs to the streets.
She doesn’t know that I know the story which she told her ex. How would you confront her and handle this situation? Is there hope to save this?
She belongs to the streets.
Or is she just a cheater and liar who belongs to the streets?
Well, you guessed it, she belongs to the streets. Irredeemable.

I think the other statement is the case, but still, I would like to know how you would handle this situation.
Best regards from Croatia,
Well, Bob from Croatia, we know that your girl belongs to the streets. And if you’d like to get one of these sweet mugs, CoreyWayneShop.com. But I mean, in this case is that you just look at bottom of her actions. She lied for two years. You know, she lied to him. You know, she lied to you. You’re not going to change her. You’re not going to fix her. You’re not going to save her from her crappy childhood or the trauma that she experienced. Whatever.
It sucks, whatever happened that caused her to become this way, but this is on her family. This ain’t on you. It’s not your fault. You’re not responsible for her behavior. Character is destiny. However, as the man, and the leader of the household, or your relationship, you got to recognize that your fair maiden is a backstabbing hoe bag. And you can’t fix it. You can’t make good wine from bad grapes.
I mean, you can have some fun with it, and say, “Hey, so that ex-boyfriend you had, he’s completely out of your life, right? You’re not, like, still with him or anything or still dating him, right? Oh, no. I broke up with him, too. Oh, really? Huh? Oh, that’s interesting. And remember that hickey that I gave you? It’s like he didn’t think it was a hickey. He thought you fell and hit a fence post or something.”

It’s like, “Well, why are you asking all this?” It’s like, “Well, I kind of went through your phone because I’ve been catching you in so many lies. And it turns out you have two boyfriends, and I’m one of them. So, congratulations on you for having two boyfriends. Well, actually, you have minus one now because I’m no longer your boyfriend.”
And if you still want to hook up with her, which I wouldn’t, I would not. But I know how you guys are and what you want. It’s Fuck buddy, Friends with benefits, Sex playmate. It’s like we can hook up. I’m going to practice safe sex. I’m going to wear a raincoat, but we’re never going to be exclusive. You’re never going to be my wife. And you’re never going to be my girlfriend again. Because, quite frankly, you weren’t my girlfriend. You were somebody else’s girlfriend and you lied about that. And so, what you’ve done is egregious.
Me personally, if I was in your shoes and I found this out, I’d be like, “Here’s all your stuff. Have a nice life. I wish you all the best, but we can’t be together anymore because your behavior is just it’s crossed too many lines.” And to be in a relationship for two years, it’s like pffft. Yeah, whatever, dude. You’re not going to fix that. You just cannot work with this. Pull the plug and move on.
Because the other thing you got to keep in mind is if you keep somebody like this in your life, you’re telling the universe you’re okay with liars and cheaters. And guess what? More liars and cheaters will be drawn to you and attracted to you because you’re open to it. But when you cut them off and you boot them out of your life because of this ratchet behavior, then you’re telling the universe, “Yeah, I don’t jive with that.” And so, you’ll still attract them. But you got to be strong enough to just say, “No, I don’t jive with that. No, thank you.”

Second Viewer’s Email:
Dear Corey,
I have been following your work and improving myself since my wife of 7 years monkey branched to a guy, we met 5 months ago.
Sorry dude, that sucks.
I have never had trouble dating pretty and loyal women.
Well, she doesn’t sound very loyal.
And I never thought I would be saying “My wife left me for someone else.”
Yeah, I remember when after I got married and then was getting a divorce, I was like, I can’t believe I’m getting a divorce. Like, I was barely married a year. I was like, ooof, that wasn’t something that I was “Yeah I can’t wait to tell everybody about this. This is great. This is so awesome. And my proudest moment. Hey, everybody. I know I got married a year ago, but we split up. Because I was a total bitch and should have never married her in the first place. But I did it anyway because everybody told me I needed to.” I was living my life according to other people’s expectations, and I made myself miserable.
We are from different countries and met in college when I decided to study abroad. We dated for 4 years before getting married and 2 months after the wedding we decided to move to a different country. At first, we had usual fights but nothing out of the ordinary.
Well, men who understand women do not argue with them.

After 3 years of lock downs unable to travel, go to restaurants, or even get a stable income
That’s why Klaus Schwab and the rest of his WEF Jerkoffs and the global elite should be tried at Nuremberg, because of what they did to the world and to the people and all millions of businesses. People committed suicide, people that were harmed, relationships that were destroyed, families that were destroyed. Fuck these fucking psychopaths.
Now I realize I was unable to maintain her attraction level over 51%.
Yeah, it’s pretty hard to maintain your masculine center when you’re locked down. You’re not allowed to go to your business if you don’t take a shot that you disagree with or you have other comorbidities and reasons why you can’t really take those things. And they’re like, well, if you don’t take the shot, you’re going to lose your job and your income.
A lot of people took it and had problems and had complications. Other people said Pound sand and they lost their job. They lost their homes. They lost their businesses. Just untold amount of suffering and misery for these jerk offs and their “great reset.” So, it’s going to be hard to maintain a relationship when your income is not stable, you’re not able to socialize. You’re not able to see your family members. Ugh, it’s just it’s so infuriating to even think about all this stuff.
Her communication was clear, but as you say in your book I didn’t listen, and our polarity was a mess.
He’s talking about the sexual polarity. So, it’s like he, in essence, became the chick.

She was the breadwinner, and I was at home feeling bad for myself and the situation.
It’s like, yeah, you just that can’t go on for years. Six to 12 months is what I’ve seen. And I’m coaching guys who’ve been married for 30 plus years to their wives, and always had a solid relationship. Kids are amazing. They’re both have great careers. The husband and wife are just killing it. Guy goes through a difficult time, business failure, or he has a health challenge or whatever, and he turns her into his mommy. You get about 6 to 12 months; a woman will put up with it. But if you don’t get your shit turned around, and you’re just going to flail around, and it goes on for years, you’re going to end up with something similar to what’s happened to this guy.
I was a bad leader, and usually get into arguments I thought I should win.
Even when you argue with women; even when you win, you lose. She’ll get revenge at some point.
I wanted to have fun, but she was in her masculine and too concerned about money.
Well, you no longer were the leader in the relationship anymore. You were like her child. She became your mommy. Women say that all the time. It’s like I became his mom.
She started talking about her attraction towards the new guy.
Yeah, when women do that, they’re basically saying, “Hey, that’s the guy I’m going to replace you with, but you don’t have to worry about him. He’s just a friend from work.”
I was not uncomfortable by her having male friends nor jealous at all.

Well, when she tells you about the dude from work and she’s all “you don’t have to worry about him. He’s just a friend.” “When you say he’s just a friend. Ooh, baby, you. You got what I need. But you say he’s just a friend.”
I never imagined she will throw away the marriage.
Well, remember, women don’t care about what a good dude you are. They only care about how they feel about you. And when you flail around for 2 to 3 years and just want to sit at home and be a kept man, eventually she’s going to tire of that. She doesn’t want to be the man in the relationship. That’s not why you got together.
As she and her family are strict religious people and won’t approve her to remarry.
Yeah well, none of that shit matters. The only thing that matters is the emotions, and she wasn’t feeling it for you.
I was also feeling unwanted in the relationship as withholding sex was her way to handle things.
Well I mean, obviously you probably didn’t know about my book back then, but if you did and you apply what’s in the book, women are going to be the ones that are wanting sex more than you. That’s just the way it is.
I had promised before marriage not to smoke weed but the circumstances and conflicts allowed me to roll a joint with some friends.
Hey, it’s just a joint.
That same week she snooped.
Of course. That same week. Of course. That same week.

She snooped on my phone and found the conversation with my friends.
Oh, busted.
She told me I had broken a promise and I must leave the house immediately.
Well, it’s not so much the joint, dude. It’s the fact it was all the other behavior. She just basically took that one thing and was like, That’s it, It’s over. It was already over before that because by this point, she was looking because this is one of the ways that women break up with you is they look to pick a big fight and then you have a big fight and the guy is thinking, oh, we just had one fight. And she left me. It was like, oh, it’s like, no. It’s like the fight was like the grand finale of the relationship. There had to be something that would just that’s it. I’m out of here. You smoked one joint. That’s it. That’s it. The whole marriage is over.
I started looking for a place to move thinking it was going to be temporary.
Yeah, about that.
In the meantime, she started hanging out with my replacement
Remember, she full disclosure, this is one of the things that Doc Love used to say. Women don’t lie and men don’t listen. So, in other words, she told you about the other guy. She just hadn’t slept with him yet, but she was lining it at all up. And so, she picks a fight with you. “Oh, you smoked one joint. That’s it. It’s over. Move out. Get out of here immediately.”
And 1 month after I moved to my new place, the new guy moved in with her in the place we used to live.

Ouch. So that’s how it works. So, you could say, and I understand why Doc Love would say that Women don’t lie. Men don’t listen. She was telling him what was going on and what he needed to do, and he didn’t listen to her. And she also told him about, “Hey, that dude from work, he’s just a friend. But he sure is nice and he’s pretty handsome. He just seen the shirt he was wearing today. He was just he looks so good. My heart went pitter pat.” But as full disclosure, you could say she was telling you, as Dr. Love would say, it was womanize.
I was devastated and questioning myself, but we kept in touch as we are still legally married and have to deal with divorce documents. I rebuild myself and after 3 months of living with the new guy, she is reaching out, I am following your advice of losing the relationship but keeping casual sex as I have accepted, she is now with someone else.
She’s living with another guy and she’s still sleeping with you who happens to be her husband. She belongs to the streets.
The connection is good and meeting her gives me an ego boost.
It’s your life, man. You do what you want, But this hoe ain’t loyal.
I am trying to date new women. She says she doesn’t regret what she did.
Of course, she doesn’t. At least she’s being honest.
Because she didn’t want me at all at that time.
In other words, she was so turned off because women don’t dump men that they’re in love with. They dump men that their feelings are just gone for. And in this case, she had a new person lined up and the joint, which really wasn’t a big deal, but she made it a big deal. That’s what women tend to do. They tend to take the little things and they go, Oh, that’s the end of the world. We can’t be together. You smoke one joint in seven years, that’s it. It’s all over.

And the guy saying it’s just one joint, I got to apologize for the one joint, and it’ll fix it. I was like, Nah, that was just the grand finale. That was the spark that lit the grand finale so she could say, Hasta la vista, baby. And then as soon as she blew that up, then she was with the new guy, and he moved in like 30 days later. Isn’t that nice of her? She’s such a peach. What a sweet wife. So, I’m going to read this one again because this is classic.
She says she doesn’t regret what she did because she didn’t want me at all at the time.
That’s pretty honest of her, though.
Plus the outcome is an eyeopener for both of us, we are now more mature, and she says I am the person she wants to have kids with.
Okay, that sounds swell. All while she’s living with the other guy.
She comes to my place, removes her clothes and ask if I want to cum inside….
Well, if it was me, I would say yes, but as long as I have a raincoat. Or you could just give her the pearl necklace instead. “A pearl necklace. She wants a pearl necklace.” I know ZZ Top song for you young-ins are like, “What? What the hell is he talking about? She is wearing a pearl necklace.”
I know she might belong to the streets.
Oh bro, she definitely belongs to the streets.
And is an expert manipulator.
Definitely. Definitely. Expert manipulators belong to the streets.
Her family is good but never paid much attention to her.

Well, this is why her family messed her up. Messed up her self-esteem in her delusional mind, she thinks, “Oh, this is totally okay.” Remember she’s living with the new guy who probably thinks he’s in an exclusive relationship with her. Meanwhile, she’s still having sex with her ex-husband to be. And she’s like, “Oh, big boy, I want you to cum inside me. I want you to put a baby in my oven.”
She says she made a mistake and she now realized but at the same time doesn’t accept she is a cheater.
Okay. I got a bridge to sell you, sweetheart.
As we technically broke up before starting the relationship with the new guy.
That’s not entirely accurate. She lined him up. She told you about him, and that’s what women do. That’s full disclosure. She didn’t lie. She told you about him. She just didn’t tell you everything. So, you can say she was lying by omission.
I love her so much and I know I made many mistakes I am willing to let her go but it’s easier said than done.
I know man, 7-year marriage. This is what happens, and if you go back with her and stay with her, then she’s going to be like, “I got away with it.” Next time you fall down in life, maybe it’s five years down the road or ten years when you got a bunch of kids and you’re busy with work or whatever, and she’s not happy. “Oh, the next-door neighbor, he’s so nice. He came over to help me fix the garbage disposal and he put air in my tires. He was just such a nice man. You were at work honey, and I didn’t want to bother you. The kids were going crazy and oops, it just kind of happened. He just kind of slipped and his penis ended up inside me. What a coinky-dink. It just happens.”

This is what happens with girls like this. It’s like they don’t value loyalty, monogamy. They don’t value family. And they’re going to line up a replacement behind your back when you’re when you’re not taking care of business. Love cannot exist where there is no trust. And if you take her back, she’ll just do it to you again the next time you fall down in life. Because shit’s going to happen, man.
I’m 53. It’s just there’s always calamities and things that happen in life, and that’s just the way it is. And you want a girl that’ll go through the ups and downs with you. You can’t just flail around for more than 6 to 12 months. That seems to be like the max, women have a max that their tolerance level is about 12 months, even if you’ve been together for 30, 40 years or they’ll be like, I’m moving out or I want you to move out. I’m not feeling it anymore because they want a man. They want a leader.
So, you can go through a difficult time, but it shouldn’t go beyond six months. You got to be able to figure out a plan within six months of what you’re going to do to turn things around. You can’t just flail around and try to make her your mommy and live off her salary and stuff like that and just, you know, crawl up underneath the kitchen table and suck your thumb into a little fetal position. That’s not going to work.
You have to take care of business. And so, in this case, I mean, she’s kind of a friends with benefits. I would proceed with the divorce while you continue to look for a woman who values loyalty, monogamy, exclusivity. But when she’s saying things like that, I don’t know what the laws are like in Croatia, but you slip them past the goalie in a blue state here, it’s like Ooof. The cards are totally slanted against the man. It’s just not fair at all.
I would love to know your thoughts on this.
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Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
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