How to avoid coming off as weird, creepy, desperate, needy and basically like a bad pickup artist when you are trying to get a date with a beautiful woman you just met.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss three different emails from three different viewers. The first email is from a guy who made so many mistakes when he met a woman he liked, that he got blown off pretty quickly with the, “I don’t have time for the whole dating thing” excuse, and then when he kept persisting saying he is ok with friends only (which was a lie), she tells him that she is getting back together with her ex boyfriend. It’s a train-wreck pickup attempt, but a good email to learn what not to do and what you should do instead in order to be successful in similar situations.
The second email is from a woman. She talks about how most guys are pussies and how they fuck things up pretty quickly, thereby ruining their chances with her. She sometimes is even so blunt and brutally honest that she says to guys, “don’t be a pussy!” She wonders what she can do because she says she is very beautiful, strong, feminine, but has a hard time finding a guy who has a spine. She asks my opinion on what she should do, and whether or not she should change her approach. The third email is from a guy sharing how studying and applying my work has helped him.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Successful and confident men take risks in spite of their fears and the potential consequences. They are busy, value their time and will not tolerate anyone in their life who tries to jerk them around. They tend to be authentic, speak their mind and never hide their intentions or try to fly under the radar when they have romantic interest in a woman. They will never agree to be “friends first” or “friends only” when their interest is romantic. They will never try to deceive a woman and pretend to only be interested in friendship to mask their true romantic intentions. They are respectful, empathetic and generally enjoy the company of most women, but will never allow any woman to take advantage of them. They stand up for themselves, are not ashamed of their sexual desires and are proud of who they are and what they have to offer. They quickly lose interest in women no matter how sexy and desirable they may be if their interest is not enthusiastically reciprocated. They prefer to keep searching instead of trying to change the mind of women who do not immediately see their value. They get right to the point and are only interested in either getting a date or getting rejected. They are not interested in fence sitters, drama queens, women who are involved with other men or women who are weak and keep numerous ex’s in the background for backup.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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