Be Friendly To Everyone!

Jun 10, 2012 by Coach Corey Wayne
Be Friendly To Everyone!

Here’s why you should be friendly & talk to people everywhere you go to help improve your social skills. If you notice, most strangers when they walk by one another try to ignore each other as if they don’t even see each other to avoid conversing. It’s as if they are afraid to talk to each other. Talking to people anywhere and everywhere I go is like breathing to me now. However, there was a time in my life when I was much younger and I was terrified to talk to other people. If you talk to my friends from high school, they would all tell you that I was very shy and quiet. So if you have a hard time talking with other people or engaging other people in conversation, but you wish to improve your skills so you can start meeting and dating the types of women you’ve always wanted so you can have some choices with women, then you need to get into the habit of being friendly to everyone everywhere you go!

A great topic as a conversation starter is the opinion opener. It’s where you simply ask an opinion or advice from a person or group of people you would like to interact with. Women especially love to talk about the topic of dating and relationships and offer their opinion, advice or insight on what they think you should do. A lot of things I talk about in my book and in my articles are controversial to many people and can be fun topics to ask people their opinions about. Some people in general become uncomfortable when you talk about the topics of sex, pickup, dating, relationships, etc. Ultraconservative or politically correct people will often get offended or upset when the topic is discussed in the brutally honest way I talk about things. Always being worried about offending other people and trying to bend yourself into a pretzel so people will like you and accept you, will only make you miserable and resentful. Not everyone is going to accept or like you in life. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.

You should always say hello to people everywhere you go to start out with. Everyone likes a friendly kind person. The world has enough assholes! This way, everywhere you go you naturally will recondition yourself to expect and to get into the habit of having conversations with random people in the grocery store, the checkout line or other public places where there are lots of people who are having similar experiences as you are. Most people have dull and boring lives, but are more than happy and willing to engage in a conversation with a friendly person. Yesterday I was walking outside with a box of doughnuts in my hand, and an old woman who is smoking walked in front of me and immediately turned her back to me so she would not have to make eye contact with me. As I was about to pass her she turned to the left and continued to have her back towards me. I simply said, “how are you?” She was very friendly and eager to return my greeting and make a funny comment about my box of doughnuts. I totally lit her up and made her feel good when I could of just as easily walked by and ignored her like she was ignoring me. That’s something to think about.

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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” ~ Dr. Seuss

Published on June 10, 2012

Reader Interactions


  1. This is how you can be dropped anywhere in the world and be able to build a life. Engage with people. Engage with life. I appreciated the last bit of food for thought. (Donut story)

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