“You must be who you are, what you should be is not important.”
That’s a pretty powerful statement, isn’t it? The first time I read that, I paused and said, “Wow, that’s pretty powerful.” It sounds simple enough, but how many people really have the guts to try and live that statement? What usually happens when somebody tries to be who they are? Exactly. All the “helpful” people in their lives never seem to come up with a shortage of reasons why it will never work out for them and why they should give up their dream and not even try. I mean, we come into this world with wide eyed curiosity, and as we grow up we have friends, family, neighbors and just about everyone we encounter in life telling us who we should be or should not be. Well, I think I might be a little crazy because, since I can remember I have always let my curiosity get the best of me. I have always felt compelled for some reason to pursue my goals no matter how crazy or ridiculous they sound to other people.
I remember when I started my first company back in 1996. It was a real estate investment company. I bought and sold foreclosure properties that I fixed up. I quit a great job with Centex Rooney Construction Company as a project engineer earning $40,000 per year. This was a job I had gone to college specifically for. I got a degree that I spent 7 years acquiring, but I’m not a doctor. I just have a BS in construction management. I was married at the time, and my father in law, my Dad, everyone I worked with at Centex Rooney, and my friends told me I was crazy to quit my job and follow my dream. They said it was reckless and that I would lose everything. I borrowed $50,000 on my credit cards, bought two foreclosure properties in crummy neighborhoods and quit my job.
Only one guy was supportive of my decision. His name was Gary Wilson, and he was one of Centex Rooney’s top construction superintendents. Disney executives even wrote into their construction contracts with Rooney that Gary would be a superintendent on their jobs. I had a lot of respect for Gary. He was tough but fair, and he knew the construction business. Everyone respected him. I still chuckle about what he said to me that day. Before Gary came to work for Rooney, he had a concrete subcontracting company that his whole family worked at for about 25 years. They were very big and very successful, until a few big General Contractors went out of business owing his company a lot of money, never paying him. Gary lost his company and had been at Rooney for several years by the time he and I worked together. This is what he said to me… “Corey, I think it’s great a young guy like you going out and starting your own business, because you can always come back and do this shit.” We both laughed, and I never forgot his words of encouragement. His were the only ones I got. I remember the VP, Mike Wood, telling me when I resigned, that I can always come back; However, if I did come back, I had to come back for good. That scared the crap out of me. Why? I hated getting up in the mornings. I hated my job. I hated my life. I wanted to love my wife, however I had married not because I was in love, but because I was scared if I let her go to pursue my dream woman, that I would never find anybody else. I was a pretty weak man at that time.
Well, as my book tells, I finally figured out how to meet and date the type of women I had always wanted and have effortless relationships. It almost never happened. Had I allowed my own fears and doubts about myself to keep me from trying and sticking with it, I never would have made it, and you would not be reading this. Upending my life was dangerous, it was risky, and I loved it! That’s what men do…break through self-created barriers. I remember hearing this as a kid…”You’ll never know until you try.” The number one, most important thing that will help you become more successful with women is to be who you are. Be your own man, and follow your dreams. The same goes for women. Nothing is more attractive than someone who is passionate about what they are doing. It feels good just to be around people like this. If you are living your dreams and loving what you are doing, you will radiate that happiness and abundance. You will naturally radiate confidence. Confidence in men and women is attractive. A beautiful woman with no confidence is just as unattractive as a man with no confidence. Even if you don’t feel confident, by using what I teach in my book, your confidence will be built. How? The more you apply what my book teaches, the more you will see that it really works. Even when you don’t feel confident enough to do and say the right things on your own, you will appear confident by using my techniques. If you are ever feeling overwhelmed emotionally about what to do with a woman you are dating or in a relationship with, you can lean on my strategies when you are not sure what to do. They are the crutch to help you get from where you are, to where you want to be. Once you see they work, that builds your confidence. The more confident you are about what to do in every situation, the more you will naturally do the right thing and the less you will have to think about it. When you no longer think about it, but just naturally do the right thing, you have arrived.
I will leave you with one last quote for the day. It’s a powerful one that I have found to always be true…”Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” ~ Joseph Campbell. Persist without exception and you will eventually achieve anything you set your mind to. “When anyone tells me I can’t do anything…I’m just not listening anymore.” ~ Florence Griffith-Joyner
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
ramon jemison says
Coach corey is a straigt kickass guy. i admit i listen to hundreds of his videos and i learn something everytime.