Why success is caused by time, repetition and consistent effort instead of deadlines, time frames and speed.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different emails from two different viewers. The first email is from a viewer who is starting to make some progress with a woman he had been trying to date over the past six months. I discussed his situation and what he needed to do differently in two previous video coaching newsletters: The first one is, “Perpetually Stuck In Friends Zone” and the most recent one is, “The Weak, Dithering & Hesitating Beta Male.” In his latest email, he describes what he did and said differently and how he was able to progress things in the bedroom, whereas before he wasn’t able to even kiss her.
The second email is from a viewer who shares an email of a recent success story of how he was able to seduce a woman who originally called him rude, weird and overexcited on their first date. After reading just the first chapter of my book, he backed off and she actually called him a week later. By the time she called him, her attitude had completely changed and he shares his success of how he was able to hook up with her successfully on their second date.
First viewers email:
Hi Coach,
You featured my emails in two videos a couple weeks ago: “Perpetually Stuck In Friends Zone” and “The Weak, Dithering & Hesitating Beta Male.” In reference to the lady from my gym that I’ve been crushing on, I finally stopped the asking her out at the last minute shit. I asked her on a Wednesday to do something the following Friday, and she agreed. I started acting indifferent, picking on her, bantering, etc. On date night, I went to her house to pick her up. We had some drinks and shots before going out. We went out, played pool and just had a great time. After that, we went back to her house, and she asked if I was coming in, so of course I went in. We stayed up all night talking. Well, she was doing most of the talking, playing cards, hanging out. When the sun started coming up, she got up, came and laid her head in my lap and fell asleep. We both fell asleep. I was invited to take a nap in her bed. I was like, “Hell yeah. I’m not fucking this one up!” so we went to her bedroom, and I started fucking with her, kissing on her and shit. Finally I kissed her, and that shit was on point. What the hell was I worried about? It went flawless. After that, I proceeded to the two steps forward and one back method, got to third base and was rounding fourth, but I was sensing hesitation, so I backed off. I told you I was going to get this 3% man shit figured out, and I’m on my way to being part of the elite. I’m reading the book again and again.
Quick question…she has been initiating contact since that night. Is that normal? (Of course that’s normal. Feminine energy is all about bonding, connecting and opening up to receive love. She’s reaching out in hopes that you create an opportunity for sex to happen.) She has invited me out and over to spend the night about every night since the date, and I’ve been accepting. It’s okay if she’s initiating and pursuing, correct? (Yes, it’s her idea.) Should I just roll with it? (Yes.) It feels great. She blows my fucking mind. Its effortless, and just feels different. What the fuck? It’s kind of scary how this shit works! No matter what happens with this lady, I’m on my way from beta to alpha, and escaping the fucked up friends zone. (I hope you’ve sealed the deal here since you’ve been spending so much time with her, and not just kissing and fooling around.)
Thanks Coach,
Second viewer’s email:
Hey Corey,
I met this gal for pie seven days ago at Denny’s after texting and phone calls. During our face to face, she called me rude, told me not sit next to her, said I was weird and over excited, which I was, and didn’t thank me for paying for the pie. At the end, I asked her if we could merely kiss in my car for a bit. She turned that down with a look on her face, but “allowed” me to give her a hug good bye, during which she patted my back. There was no connection there so waiting seven days was no problem for me. I continued to work the online dating sites, and now I’m working them like they are my classroom.
Low and behold, seven days to the day, she calls me. In fact, she left me three messages today, I didn’t pick up because I didn’t really care, and we just spoke on the fourth call. The nice guy in me said to call her. She started off with, “Oh, I thought you met someone beautiful so you did not call me.” For the first time in my life, I ignored such an accusation and got into the “how you doing” phase. She dropped her accusation and talked with me. During that phone call, the only thing in my mind was hook up, hang out, and create that opportunity. It worked like a charm. I was not nervous at all, and kind of enjoyed it. I’m not sure even if I want to hook up a second time with her, but SHE is going to call ME tonight. I’ll take that.
Fucking awesome, and I just only finished the first chapter in your book. I can already start to feel that rush. (This guy’s not knocking it out of the park, but these two emails are good examples that every guy is at a different place. This guy has only been through the first chapter of my book, but he’s already seeing radical changes. Slow and steady progress is how you get to where you want to be in life.)
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How to Be a 3% Man
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“The key to achieving success in any endeavor and mastering things you are a novice at, is time, repetition, consistent effort and continually refining one’s approach. Unsuccessful people are unable to get what they want in life because they are hijacked by their fears, give up at the first sign of adversity, or quit when they don’t achieve success immediately or in the time frames they are attached to. Reaching your full potential is usually the result of multiple decades of effort. Therefore, if you’re going to spend several decades of your life becoming great at something or creating something great, the only way you will get there is by choosing to spend your time doing things you absolutely love. It makes absolutely no sense to spend your life doing something you hate. However, sometimes you may have to do something you hate temporarily in order to eventually do something you love. By having an emotionally compelling outcome or goal, you’ll be able to persevere and endure your temporary journey through something you hate, because you have hope and positive expectation of success. Without having an emotionally compelling outcome or goal, your life will feel hopeless, not worth living and unnecessarily short.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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