How you can use my book, How To Be A 3% Man, to screen out toxic, overly emotional and crazy women, so you can have easy and effortless relationships.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a guy who writes in asking me if there are certain situations and women that my book, How To Be A 3% Man, won’t work on. He’s fifty-four years old and divorced. He made the mistake of not reading the book the recommended ten to fifteen times. Instead of learning the fundamentals and understanding the philosophy that it teaches, he tried using the book as a set of tactics to manipulate a crazy woman, in hopes that she would act normal.
I detail how the book worked as designed, but he simply ignored the red flags and tried to polish a turd, instead of simply moving on to find a woman who displays good qualities that would make her a good dating prospect worth pursuing. He became blinded by his emotions and desires, because she was hot, and ignored the fact that she acted like a total lunatic on numerous occasions. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
Hey Coach,
Big fan of your work. I’ve read your book several times, some parts more than others,

No cherry-picking my man. Read it 10-15 times. This tells me you probably went through it a couple of times, like “I’m gonna read this part and that part,” just trying to take a shortcut, but there are absolutely no fucking shortcuts to success. If you really want to learn about everything I’ve been through in life, you can read Mastering Yourself.
The thing I’ve learned more than anything in life is, everything you’re going to do always takes way fucking longer and way more money to get there. And if you’re not willing to put the time in and prepare ahead of time, you’re preparing to fail. Ninety percent of my phone coaching sessions could be avoided if guys would just follow the instructions and read the book 10-15 times.
depending on where I’ve been in the dating/relationship life cycle.
Again that tells me, you’re going back to the book like, “How do I respond to this text?” or “What should I say to her?” That’s somebody who doesn’t understand the flow and the philosophy. Instead of just responding and it being innate and natural, you’re having to stop and think about every thing you do and every thing you say. That’s what happens when you don’t read it 10-15 times. You don’t know the material, then you go to the book looking for the right answer or the right magic line to say, and nine times out of ten you’re going to fuck it up and make things way harder on yourself than it needs to be.
I am divorced and 54 years old. I met a woman a couple years ago. She’s divorced with a teenage daughter. She’s very beautiful and voluptuous. The sex was great.

That’s the thing when you date crazy women. The sex is always amazing, but dealing with their personality when you’re not fucking is just a nightmare.
She’s European and a socialist.
Well, I learned, because I had a girlfriend who was a socialist once, socialists don’t tend to accept personal responsibility for their own lives. We did an extensive documentary on it called “Why Socialism?” which is on my YouTube channel.
I’m conservative and voted for Trump.
You’re on the Trump train. I like this guy.
We often fought over the relationship power balance.
That’s another thing I noticed about my socialist girlfriend. She had a hard time letting go. She didn’t have a father growing up in her life, and she didn’t trust men, so she was always used to being in her masculine, and she was just a pain in the ass. I want easygoing, easy to get along with. That’s why the girlfriends that I had over the course of my life that I’m still in contact with, they have great attitudes and we still have a great relationship all these years later.
She’s a control freak with a horrible temper. I learned over our 2-year relationship she walked out on her husband and all her boyfriends, many were relationships upwards of 2-5 years. This was a red flag. She’s estranged from her family, can’t get along with her coworkers, has constant falling outs with neighbors, handymen, etc. and yells and fusses at her daughter in front of me.

That was something that my girlfriend also did with her kids, just always bitching at them. She was bitchy, grumpy, unhappy and she took it out on everybody around her. Who wants to deal with that? But hey, if you’ve never really had good pussy, guys are willing to put up with that until they’re not.
I became her manservant and tried to appease her, but she only ramped up her demands. She ragged on my family, tried driving a wedge between my siblings and elderly mother. She’d told me she hadn’t liked her ex’s family either.
She doesn’t like anybody, and you know why? She doesn’t like herself.
More red flags. She became increasingly distant, cold and combative. She never said the “L” word to me, so I gave up saying it to her.
Well as the book says, it’s always best to let women come to you. If you’re constantly going, “I love you, I love you,” and it’s not coming back, again, you’re not following what the book teaches. Saying “I love you” to a woman who’s not in love with you does nothing to raise her attraction level.
You’re thinking, “Well damn man, you acted weak and needy, and she walked all over you!” That may be true, but any time I pushed back – and I did all the time – she’d fly into a rage, and we’d get into terrible arguments.
We recently hit our two-year anniversary mark. I took her on a date. We exchanged anniversary cards. She must’ve expected more than a card, because on the way to dinner she said, “I guess American men are afraid of commitment.” I responded, “Was that a generic comment, or one directed at me?” She didn’t reply.
No passive aggressive behavior there at all. Nice.
At dinner, she started a public argument about Trump.

It’s also helpful to date women who have the same political philosophy as you. She’s just pissed off at men and has got some serious fucking daddy issues. That’s why she doesn’t like an alpha like Trump. It pisses her the fuck off.
She stormed away from the table and went to the ladies room. When she came back, she said, “I guess I need to test you more.” Uh-oh!
A week later, we got into another huge fight. I tried pursuing, then re-evaluated and suggested we take a break while she was in Germany. We agreed to meet when she returned. I stayed in a low to no contact mode during this period. She’s back home, but hasn’t responded to my text about meeting up. It’s over for sure.
Dude, when you pursue a woman who behaves this way, you’re saying “Thank you, may I have another. Please abuse me some more.” And because she’s hot and voluptuous, every guy puts up with this.
Frankly, I don’t want her back. Was she expecting a ring from a man she doesn’t love and treats like shit?
She’s just a miserable fucking human being. It’s not your fault dude. This is what happened in her upbringing. It’s what she learned in her family. She doesn’t get along with anybody. If she doesn’t get along with anybody, how the fuck do you think she’s going to get along with you? Why would you even consider having a family or kids with somebody like this? You’d just end up in a big, nasty divorce.
At some point, do the 3% man tactics fail on women like this?

No, you just ignored all the red flags. The idea is to see all the red flags so you can get the fuck out of there, and you didn’t. You got hypnotized by the hot pussy, and the book went right out of the fucking window. The book works as designed, but if you don’t follow what you’re getting, and boot a woman like this out of your life, well that’s on you dude. You fucked up.
No man is good enough. I don’t want it to end with bitterness,
Well, it looks like it’s been bitter the whole time. She’s going to be pissed off at you and blame you for everything, and she’s going to take zero responsibility for any of the problems in the relationship. It’s going to be all your fucking fault. But once she starts losing her hot looks, and men don’t pay as much attention to her, her attitude is going to have to change, or she’s going to become a cat lady.
because we run in some of the same social circles. She has some belongings left in my house. This will eventually occur to her, and she may reach out. For now, I’m going totally no contact.
Dude, I would move on and start dating. Box her shit up, and if she ever gets in touch, “Hey, I want to get my stuff,” then you say, “No problem. I’ve got it all boxed up. I’ll take it over to FexEx and send it right over to you, and you can get everything back.”
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“We are a by-product of our parents limiting beliefs, fears, biases, blind spots and flaws. Much of our early adulthood is often spent trying to overcome the parenting mistakes of those who raised us. Most people are not aware of this truth of life and therefore spend no time on trying to overcome their flaws and shortcomings to become a better version of themselves and to become the person they were meant to be. This means there are countless potential toxic friends, lovers and acquaintances we must avoid in order to reach our full potential. Finding great lovers and friends is as much about dealing with our own flaws as it is about finding and identifying the flaws in others, so we can avoid them and the toxicity they will inevitably bring into our lives if we allow them into our inner circle. A large part of our happiness or misery is the result of the people we spend our time with. Choose wisely.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Chad Mclellan says
Coach keep up your Trump comments and the cussing during your detailed videos I F’n love it and it reminds me of myself if I was in your position. Express however you want!!
Andrew O'Sullivan says
Wow, I’ve just come out of the exact same sort of relationship. You’ve described my lady 2.5 years to a T. In fact, I have this habit of getting into these relationships. We’ve been going backwards and forwards for weeks after she dumped me. I ignored my gut and wasted 2 years. She got back in touch to meet up and talk, then vanished.
I decided to message her and tell her some home truths and tell her to never contact me again. I don’t need that shit in my life.
I feel better already and the book is helping. Even after a week, I feel ready to get back out there with my list, shoulders back, chest out. I’ve got my old me back.