How to date 3 super hot women at the same time and how to gracefully break up with two of them when you finally decide which one you really want to be with long term so you don’t break any hearts. You don’t get what you deserve in life, only what you negotiate. It’s a new experience for most men to have choice with women and to actually be put into a position where they have to dump a woman or several women who are total 10’s.
Most men in life are used to getting blown off and rejected by the women of their dreams, not the other way around. I really enjoy talking to phone coaching clients who are struggling with how to dump super hot women they no longer are interested in even though women have been dumping them their whole lives before they found out about my work. The following is an e-mail from a reader who is dating three super hot women currently. He feels that the day is fast approaching where he will become exclusive with one of them and have to dump two of them and break their hearts potentially. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
Hi Corey,
I have a question for you but first, I must say It’s been a long, long time overdue that I write you an email. It has been 8 months since I first found your e-book on Amazon… I must say, my life has not been the same ever since. (Once you start down this path learning what I teach, your life will never be the same again.) I am a good looking, ambitious guy with a likable personality, but somehow I’ve managed to spend all my college years and 20s as a lonely man… I’ve been with plenty of average women, occasionally I’ve scored hot ones too, but the common theme is that I’d always find a way to fuck things up eventually. Watching friends around me land hot, amazing chicks and eventually get married… instead of capitalizing on what could have been the prime of my life, it had really turned out to be a frustrating, unfulfilled and ego-crushing stretch. (Sounds like what my 20’s were like and most men in general.)
But sometimes in life you catch a lucky break, and well, finding your book online was just that for me. I devoured your content all in one afternoon and per your advice I’ve read your book about 20 more times. (Smart!) I think I could recite your book by memory at this point. (Good job! You need to learn the baseline knowledge in my book. Reading my articles and watching my videos gives you endless situations from men, and some women, from all over the world who are experiencing the same problems, successes, failures, obstacles, etc. as you are. Everyone can learn from each others mistakes.) I listen to your YouTube videos almost everyday.
I’ve gone on dates with many women over the past 8 months and have practiced your lessons again and again and again. (Repetition is the mother of skill. That is why you succeed.) Your confidence, swagger and authenticity have truly inspired me and rubbed off on me, Corey. I am now on the brink of my 30th birthday and could not be happier. I am currently dating 3 gorgeous and amazing girls. I have a new-found confidence that shines through in my relationships, my friendships and professional life.
Life has been so good. I thought I would share all of that first because I know many guys have been in the same boat as me. There is hope for all of us– we all truly deserve and can have the girls of our dreams. (True that!) We all have it in us to BE a man among men… the knight in shining armor that women aspire to be with. Keep up the great work you are doing Corey to show us how great life really can be. (It is my purpose.)
Now, my predicament/question… so I am in this pretty sweet position that I never thought I’d be in–I met each of these 3 phenomenal chicks over the past month and have really come to admire and care for each of them. (When it rains it pours. It’s called having choice with women.) I love spending time with them and I have no doubt they love spending time with me.
Again, I literally follow everything you teach with them and it absolutely fucking works!! Now I know you’re a big proponent of dating multiple women and keeping options open for ourselves. I can attest that dating multiple 9/10’s certainly does not suck, but at the same time, I am afraid of how this will all end. (What you fear, you attract. What you look at, disappears.)
How do you suggest that I juggle multiple relationships like this? (Keep doing what you are doing until your heart compels you to become serious with one of them, and… they ask to be serious with you. Keep it casual even if some or all of them want to become serious, even if it means you lose all of them. TRUST YOUR HEART.)
My close friend is warning me that if I don’t watch out I’ll turn out like Icarus who flew too close to the sun and ultimately lost it all. (Bullshit. Don’t listen to men who are not living life at the same level you are. Otherwise, they’ll simply bring you down. So what if you lose all of them, you’ll simply meet three more.) My Hugh Hefner fantasy has officially been fulfilled, but these are all high-quality girls and I am legitimately concerned that I may break some hearts here. I’m going to want to go exclusive with 1 of the 3 in the near future and just want your advice on how I should go about handling this process. (Take your time and only commit to be exclusive when your heart compels you to, and they want you to be exclusive, even if it means they all walk. Your feelings are your truth, learn to trust them… ALWAYS!!!)
I’ve seen each of these girls once a week but now they’re all asking for more time with me. (That is because you are doing most everything right and you are dating women who have a high level of attraction for and interest in you.) How the hell does one really manage multiple relationships, Corey? How do you gracefully break-up with girls when you start falling in love with one girl? (Women do it all the time. However, up until this point you’ve never experienced dumping a 10. Just be honest. Say, “You’re really an awesome and sexy gal, but I’ve decided to become exclusive with someone else. I hope we can still be friends.” Or… invite them all over for foursome sex!
Either they agree, or they walk. Ask for what you want, let them say yes or leave. Usually, you will naturally spend more and more time with the girl you like the most and less and less time with the others.) How do you know when it’s time to officially put all the eggs in one basket, if at all? (When she asks for it and your heart is 100% sure you FEEL IT and want it too.) I know there are no easy answers here but you’ve helped me get this far… would just love to hear your thought process on how to stay that 3% man through all of this. (You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” ~ Albert Einstein
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
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