How to successfully navigate past your natural instinctive fear of success, fear of failure and fear of the unknown, so you can attract and keep a romantic partner who has similar goals and values.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss three different emails from three different viewers. The first email is from a viewer whose girlfriend of three months broke up with him. He initially did everything textbook in his approach, causing her to want to be exclusive after only two weeks of dating. However, on three separate occasions he became too drunk, saying and doing things that turned her off. After each episode he started reverting back to his old fearful, over-pursuing ways. By the end of three months he was doing 100% of the calling, texting and pursuing, but they were still “fucking like rabbits” in his words. She told him that she can’t do a relationship right now. He said no to friendship, but yes to sex. After sex she left and he wonders what to do now.
The second email is from a viewer who went to the birthday party of a woman who he knew of, but had never met. She relayed via their mutual friend that she wanted him there. They hung out on two separate occasions, had great chemistry, flirted a lot, but he never made a move or tried to get her phone number because he was too fearful of how it would look. Her ex-boyfriend was also there with his new girlfriend and some of his friends, so he assumed he should not go too far. His fear caused him to not take action and appear indecisive. Now he wonders how he can get her number. The third email is from a viewer who gives an update since his last email which I discussed in the video coaching newsletter titled, “She Says I’m Playing Games.” His ex-girlfriend reached out to him recently stating they could date, but no sex. She threw her religion in his face as the reason why, even though she had slept with him when they were together in the past. He does a fantastic job of standing up for himself and what he wants. It’s a great example of how to handle yourself under pressure when a woman tries several different direct and indirect ways to get you to comply, and go against your principles of what you want. He asks my opinion on what he should do going forward.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“When we are in a fearful state, we tend to take actions that communicate and manifest a lack of what we desire. We literally will chase lovers, friends, jobs, business partners and good opportunities away, because we essentially act and speak like we are unworthy and undeserving of what we want. When we take actions while in a fearful state, those actions tend to bring about more circumstances that are not what we desire, and that cause us to be even more fearful. When we are in a peaceful and relaxed state, our actions tend to be more efficient, effective and properly focused so as to bring about and manifest conditions that are aligned with our desires, and that cause us to feel even more peaceful, balanced and relaxed. If you are feeling fearful, uneasy and worried about not getting what you want, it is better to let go and put off making critical decisions or actions until you are once again in a peaceful and relaxed state. If you don’t, you will unconsciously sabotage your success and move yourself away from your goals and dreams.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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