This is a recent email I received from a coaching client of mine:
Hey Corey,
I have a simple question for you. I like flirting and have become pretty proficient at it, but there are days where I just don’t feel it, like an athlete off his game. Did you have any special methods you use to get yourself in the game on an off day, or is that just something that happens? Examples are, some days I just can’t seem to strike up a conversation where I normally would have no problem, or I don’t even make the attempt, when I know I’m perfectly capable of approaching a girl.
Here’s my response to Tom’s email:
Hi Tom,
I have days when I don’t feel like talking to anyone. Since we are human beings with emotions that fluctuate on a daily and sometimes hourly basis, there are days where we feel off our game. There are also days where we just feel like shit for no reason other than experiencing the feeling of feeling like shit.
The more you can authentically experience and be present with ALL of your emotions, the quicker you will move through the unpleasant ones and feel better. You gotta feel it to heal it. You MUST honor ALL of your feelings and emotions. They are all equally important and part of your personality. It’s nothing to feel guilty about. I have found however, if I am in line at a grocery store and a super hot chick gets in line behind me that takes my breath away, I HAVE to talk to her. That’s the power of a beautiful woman to enchant us and be our joy when we don’t feel so great. A woman like that can make all of your problems seem irrelevant, as well as make you want to just play and have fun with her.
Some days seem better than others. It’s okay to have a whole day where you just feel like shit and don’t want to talk to anyone. If you can authentically embrace the unpleasant feelings, you will quickly move through them and return to feeling like talking to every hottie you see. Just do your best every day, and try to get a little better. Repetition is the mother of skill.
From my heart to yours,
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
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