What the death of George Floyd can teach us about America, being self reliant, getting accurate news and information and what the riots teach us about the power of propaganda and misinformation distributed by the corrupt media.
I figured I would go through some bullet points on the subject, because it’s an absolute tragedy what’s happened for George Floyd’s family and all of the people who have had their businesses destroyed.
Most of the things I’m going to mention in here, I’ve posted on my Twitter feed, so you can actually go see. There’s some videos that you’re going to want to go watch after I mention these things. Because if you’re just watching CNN or Fox News or the other mainstream outlets, you’re not getting a clear picture of what is actually going on in this country.

The amazing thing about Twitter over the last 8-10 years is, if you want to know what’s going on in the world, if you’re interested in a certain type of topic, there are great reporters and people that are actually competent journalists that present the facts and can tell you what’s really going on. You can go and follow the kind of people you want. Ideally, you want to listen to people from all political stripes to get their perspective.
The propagandists are the people who are constantly feeding you bullshit. CNN is the worst out of all of them. They’re probably the most dishonest and the most uninformed people that are supposedly journalists, and they don’t know their asshole from a hole in the ground. And the way the news cycle typically tends to work now, nine times out of ten, when things first hit the media, it’s wrong.
If you want to be a self-reliant human being, and you want to kind of get an idea of what’s really going on around the world, what tends to happen on Twitter is, you usually get about 24-72 hours of things being batted around before it actually makes it to the mainstream media. And usually when the mainstream media gets it, they’re leaving out a lot of facts, because these people have their own biases.
If you want to be an informed human being, turning on the news channels or reading the mainstream like the New York Times or any of these other publications, it’s just not a good place to go. You’re going to get uninformed and you’re going to get misinformed.
I would assume people reading this have seen the George Floyd video. If you haven’t, you can definitely watch it. I mean, it’s pretty obvious that George Floyd was murdered. Something I thought was really powerful was, if you look at the expression on the guy’s face, he’s got his hands in his pockets, and he has his knee on George’s neck. Ice-T said, “When a MF has his knee on your neck…. And his HANDS IN HIS POCKETS… He’s sending a message.” And I have to say, I agree with that. The dude’s a fucking psychopath.
Something that Mike Cernovich said that I agree with was, “In an MMA gym, you’d get kicked out if not your ass beat if you kept a choke on for as long as that cop did to George Floyd. 101 is you let go when a guy even starts going out. MURDER. It was murder.” I agree. I think the dude was murdered in cold blood.
The charge was third degree murder, when people are like, “why wasn’t he charged with first degree murder? What the hell?” Well, you can charge him on first degree murder, but the way the statue reads, he would basically have to say, “I’m gonna go kill George Floyd,” and it be premeditated murder. But you have to charge him with something where he can actually get convicted, because if you overcharge and what actually happened doesn’t match the statute, then the guy just gets off. And then obviously, everyone is going to be really pissed off.
I also wanted to bring to your attention something that’s really interesting about George’s killer. This guy had over a dozen complaints against him, and apparently he killed somebody in the past. It’s reported, Amy Klobuchar was actually the attorney general the last time this cop killed somebody, and she chose not to press charges for whatever reason. And this woman is being vetted for Joe Biden’s VP.
There was a missed opportunity back then to get that cop off the line. Apparently, he’s got a long track record in history of fucking up, and yet no consequences. That’s like something I wrote about in my second book, “Mastering Yourself.” There was a quote in there from Hawk Newsome, who is one of the founders of Black Lives Matter. One of the things he said in a speech was, “We’re not anti-cop. We’re anti-bad cop.” Just like you’d fire a bad plumber, you need to be able to fire bad cops. And obviously in this case, you had a bad cop.

When you have incompetent leadership, here’s the thing. Ninety-five percent of all incumbents get re-elected. So no matter what happens, we’re only going to change in this next election cycle maybe about five percent of our politicians. And then we all get pissed off at each other, because nothing changes. We keep electing the same damned people over and over. It’s like, how could things change? I mean seriously. How stupid can we be to keep voting for the same people?
So you have incompetent leadership in charge of some of these cities. Obviously, Amy Klobuchar being one of them. She’s a potential VP, and she’s already got a track record of incompetence in allowing these killer cops to fucking slide by. Why would you want to elect somebody like that for Vice President?
It’s not all a black or white issue. The media only tells us about the black people that are murdered by these incompetent cops. There’s actually a video of a guy who’s name was Tony Timpa, a white guy. You can see the body cam footage and hear all the conversations with these cops, as this guy is slowly being killed. They’re all laughing and joking around about potentially killing this guy. And after the fact, as the guy is being led away in a gurney, they’re going, “Gee, I hope we didn’t kill him.”
All you have to do is watch the video to see these cops are a bunch of incompetent fools that weren’t trained properly. They should have been fired, but that’s what happens when you have incompetent government leadership. What do you expect?
I discuss some things in my documentary, “The 2nd Amendment.” The last couple of years, I’ve been training a lot with firearms. My firearms trainer trains a lot of police departments, a lot of SWAT guys, military units. And I’ve watched police shoot on the gun range. I’ve seen their targets, and the overwhelming majority of them can’t shoot for shit.
Now, here’s the reason. They’re too cheap and they’re too lazy to spend money on ammunition and people to train with. So, once a year they go to the gun range, and they have to qualify with their weapon. They treat a gun as a tool, instead of a responsibility. For anybody that’s thinking about shooting, shooting is a perishable skill. You have to practice on a regular basis.
The sad thing is, the most highly trained people in law enforcement are typically going to be your top tier operators, like your SWAT guys. But your day-to-day patrolmen that are on the streets, they hardly get any firearms training. They’re on a fixed income, and not all of them, but most of them are lazy. They’re fucking cheap, they don’t want to spend money on gun range fees, they don’t want to spend money on ammunition, and they don’t want to pay an instructor to teach them to be better. To them, it’s just a tool on their little Batman belt. It’s not a responsibility.

When you look at things that happen, like in my neck of the woods, in Fort Lauderdale, you had a UPS driver that was on the very first day of his job. He was all excited about getting a job, and some guy kidnapped him at gunpoint. The guy came down out of the UPS truck while holding this poor guy, and started shooting at the police officers.
I think he had six to eight cops that just started blasting away, because they were excited, and they weren’t trained properly, so they killed the suspect, they killed the guy that was a hostage, and I think they killed two people that were sitting in their cars on the other side of the UPS truck. They pulled out their guns and just start blasting away, hardly hitting anything, because again, they don’t do any force on force training, and most of them don’t know what the fuck they’re doing.
Here’s another interesting statistic comparing people that are concealed carry — because people like myself who are concealed carry take guns seriously, and we train on a regular basis with people who are top tier special forces operators. When you look at the stats of when someone who’s innocent is going to be shot by a cop versus somebody that’s concealed carry, police officers are three times more likely to shoot an innocent person.
I bet most of you are going, “What? The media didn’t tell me that. The media told me that only the police should have guns.” When you’ve been around police officers handling guns and watching them shoot on the range, if you know about guns, you’re going to feel pretty unsafe pretty fucking quick. I don’t like being around them. I leave the gun range when these guys show up, because quite frankly, most of them are fucking dangerous and their training sucks. That’s reality. I know it’s not nice, but it’s fucking harsh reality.
Back to Tony Timpa, he even said, “You’re going to kill me.” You could hear him saying that, and they’re all just laughing about this guy as they’re slowly killing him. And he was a white guy. Again, you can see the whole video on my Twitter feed — it’s @CoachCoreyWayne.
There’s another guy that was killed a few years ago. His name was Daniel Shaver. He was shot in a hallway by a jittery cop. He was killed with a rifle. The guy’s pants were falling down, and he went to pull his pants up and the guy shot him dead. The cop ended up getting off for that, but again, watch the video of the shooting and make up your own mind about it.
In this country, we have a problem with incompetent cops that have incompetent leadership. You have incompetent mayors, incompetent governors, and nothing changes. It’s just like dealing with the DMV. You want to concentrate more power on incompetent government, then we vote for the same people, and then cops like this keep killing people like George Floyd. It’s like, what do you expect is going to happen? We can’t keep voting the same douchebags into office.

On the topic of the riots and the things that have happened since then, I follow a lot of people that report on national security — things you’re never going to see in the mainstream news, because again, they’re trying to sell you some kind of narrative, usually based on their absolute ignorance or their biases. But one of the guys I follow on Twitter that’s pretty good is Adam Housley. He said, “Russia is a part of this… but the scope of the cyber ops being done by China right now is STAGGERING. They are also using surrogates in Venezuela and Cuba and a few other friendly areas.”
What you have are these groups — obviously ANTIFA, who has been declared a terrorist organization, people who are far-left communists and anarchists — and it would make sense that somebody like the Chinese, who don’t like us very much right now, would be involved. This is obviously not some random, spontaneous protest.
I’ve also got video on my Twitter of a guy, I think he’s a Black Lives Matter guy, and he’s got a video of this pallet of bricks. He’s like, these weren’t here yesterday. This was in Dallas, so somebody has in multiple locations delivered pallets of bricks before these riots started happening. So you’ve got the peaceful Black Lives Matter people protesting, and then you’ve got these feral ANTIFA humans showing up.
I’ve also got video on my Twitter of white ANTIFA people with their masks on and everything, spray painting “Black Lives Matter” all over nice businesses. And you’ve got Black Lives Matter people filming them and yelling at them, calling them out on it. I’ve got another video of a dude breaking up pavers on the sidewalk so they can start throwing projectiles, and a bunch of people in the crowd grabbed him and drug him over to where the police were. Those instigators are the ones that are starting the rioting in a lot of cases, and the peaceful Black Lives Matter people are getting totally blamed for it, unjustly.
You’ve got bad actors mixed in with the protestors that instigate stuff, and things just spiral out of control. I don’t know if you saw Friday night, CNN in Atlanta. Their building got vandalized. If you watch their coverage over the last few years, they’ve been inciting this kind of violence and all of this pro-ANTIFA stuff. I mean, a lot of these reporters, you see it in their news feeds. And now this group is designated a terrorist organization. So what does it say that a lot of people in our media have been supporting a terrorist organization?
This one takes the cake. You’ve got a rich NBA player, a guy named Chris Martin Palmer, saying “Burn that shit down. Burn it all down.” Then a couple nights later, they’re out in front of his building and this is what he tweets out: “They just attacked our sister community down the street. It’s a gated community and they tried to climb the gates. They had to beat them back. Then destroyed a Starbucks and are now in front of my building. Get these animals TF out of my neighborhood. Go back to where you live.” You’ve got all these rich celebrities as they say, yeah, burn that shit down, as they sit on their pampered asses in their gated communities. What a mess.
I’ve gotten a lot of grief over the years being pro-second amendment and telling people to buy guns and ammunition, and people were like, “What do you need a 30 round magazine for?” Well, when you’ve got thirty ANTIFA people with molotov cocktails they want to throw at your house, and they’re kicking your door in, you’re going to need a semi-automatic rate of fire to repel those guys. If you’ve got a 10 round magazine, you’re going to run out really quick if you have dozens of attackers.

I saw on Twitter today, people were calling the police and the police were just like, “We’re tied up with the riots. You’re on your own. Do the best you can. We can’t help you.” So if you’re going to be a self-reliant person, a man or a woman, I highly encourage you to read my book “Mastering Yourself” for free at UnderstandingRelationships.com.
Also, buy guns and ammunition. Go find a competent, trainer in your area that can teach you how to defend yourself, how to handle your family, and how to treat a gun like a responsibility, not a fucking tool. If you treat it like a responsibility, you’re going to practice a lot with it, and it’s going to become part of you, so if god forbid you ever have to draw that to defend yourself, your business or your family, you can hit what you’re aiming at.
The reality is, attached to every bullet is an attorney, because if you shoot a bad guy, you miss them and you hit somebody else’s kid, you’re going to get sued. Even if you shoot bad people, you’re probably going to get sued by the family of the criminal, because you’re going to get some dirtbag attorney that’s willing to take the case. So it’s not like you want to have to pull a gun and shoot somebody, because the consequences are going to suck.
The good thing is you live, but the bad thing is you’re going to have to go to court, and it’s going to be expensive. So I highly recommend you get some kind of insurance in case you ever have to use it. I’ve got a policy. I pay $150 a year I think. It’s American Law Shield or something like that, but there’s a bunch of different companies that do that.
Go get your concealed carry, learn how to carry guns, learn how to shoot them, have plenty of ammunition to train with, and don’t listen to the fucking haters. Because right now with everything going on, all that argument that only the police should have guns is kind of fucking ridiculous.
If the police can’t come to save you because they’re too tied up, what are you going to do when somebody is kicking your door in? What are you going to do when people are out in your front yard because they think you have more money, and they want to burn your house down with your family inside? Are you just going to sit there and let them do it?

One of the best speeches I’ve seen was from Killer Mike. He delivered a really moving 8-minute speech in Atlanta the other night. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. If you go to @CoachCoreyWayne on my Twitter account and scroll down over my tweets over the last couple of days, and you’ll be able to see what Killer Mike had to say. He was spot on. That man was spittin’ some serious fucking truth.
Again, go read “Mastering Yourself” at UnderstandingRelationships.com. All you have to do is subscribe the the email newsletter. And if you’d like to book a coaching session with yours truly, you can go to UnderstandingRelationships.com.
And if you’re interested in anything firearms related, I highly encourage you to go to my Instagram, @CoachCoreyWayne, and you can see some of the videos I’ve got on there with my MPX, which is a great gun for defending your house. Also, follow John Dufresne. His Instagram handle is @mochabear_actual. Anything you want to know about firearms, he is the fucking man. He’s the guy you want to listen to.
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Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
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Floyd Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images
Jan says
Corey – Another issue that you didn’t address is that police departments don’t have the funding to keep their officers properly trained. I worked in state government as a budget analyst and I can tell you with 100% certainty that there just isn’t enough funding to properly address numerous law enforcement needs. You can’t fully blame politicians for this because taxpayers have to decide if they want to pay more taxes for these law enforcement needs. But then you have to ask yourself what are the most important issues where more funding should be concentrated. Law enforcement? K – 12 education? Higher education? Roads/transportation? Environmental regulations? There’s only so much taxpayer funding available to pay for all of these things so there’s never enough funding to properly pay for everything. So the question comes down to how much more you want to pay in taxes in order to have a properly trained police officer to handle every situation in the best way possible. For one police officer you’re paying for his salary and benefits, uniforms and equipment, training on everything from deescalating domestic disputes to responding to life and death situations, firearms and ammunition, police vehicles, computers/technology, bricks and mortar police stations that need to be heated and cooled and maintained constantly (plumbing, leaking roofs, worn carpets, electrical repairs, etc.), and safe holding cells for prisoners that can file a lawsuit if they are injured while being held in police custody. So Corey, how much are you willing to pay in taxes for all of these law enforcement necessities? If you don’t want to pay more in taxes, then where do you suggest funding should be decreased? Education? Senior citizen services? Street cleaning and maintenance? Tell you what Corey, run for public office yourself and see what kind of solutions you can come up with to address these issues. I guarantee you’ll be humbled very quickly.
Matt says
Jan – To capitalize on your point, it takes significant manpower to assure the highest quality people are hired. Infused into that is the variable of salary/benefits to attract the best candidates vs the supply and demand available to fulfill law enforcement positions. You’re right; substantiation funding would be required across the board for a significant increase in law enforcement output. All that being said, any positive output could (as it is) be negated by the court system.
Matt says
Hi Corey,
Big fan of all your material and just a quick comment regarding your George Floyd video on police training. As a police officer in southern California I can tell you that police training and standards vary greatly from state to state. I agree with about 95 percent of your commentary on the matter, but feel it is an overstatement to categorize “most” police irresponsible/poor marksman with firearms. This may very well be true in parts of Florida and I’d imagine more so in other regions of the country. However, the training and standards set forth based upon California’s Peace Officer Standards and Training are high and many agencies exceed those standards. Like you said this is a direct correlation to politics and money. Police officers are paid more in California than anywhere else in the country. As such the funding for training is bountiful and standards are appropriately set high. Officers face disciplinary consequences in training if standards are not met and policy is not retained, specifically to avoid errors transcending to enforcement.
In any case, simply and respectfully wanted to share my perspective. Thanks for all you do, take care.