Getting laid is easy for chicks. Why? On any given night of the week, there are thousands of single and horny men dying to get laid at bars, restaurants, nightclubs, etc. If a woman decides she is horny and would like some random sex, all she has to do is show up looking hot and she will be swarmed by single horny men. Then all she has to do is decide which one she wants to go home with.
Unfortunately for most single women, 97% of the men she is going to encounter are absolutely clueless when it comes to creating attraction and interacting with them. I feel sorry for what women have to put up with. Excessive phone calls from needy guys who just don’t get the hint. Inappropriate love letters, gifts and declarations of love. The fear that they will run into a guy who becomes a stalker, etc. Or worse, telling a guy no when he goes too far, who forces himself upon her and rapes her anyways. I have had many girlfriends who had been date raped before. It’s shocking the things some men do.
So if you were a guy who is looking to improve his success with women, you must understand that every woman you meet is going to carefully scrutinize you to identify behaviors that reveal your weaknesses and true nature. If you answer a question wrong or fail one of her subtle tests, she will reject you and you will ruin your chances with her. That’s why you must be prepared to show up as your best self.
Getting Laid Is Easy For Chicks
Women are every bit as crazy in bed as men are. However, women only show and share this side with men whom they have a high level of trust and comfort with. If she finds you attractive and she determines you are not a stalker or a date raper, she will let you have your way with her once you pass her tests. Men may pick the women they like and want, but it’s the women who choose who gets to sleep with them. A man’s impatience and lack of knowledge of what women really want and respond to, are the biggest stumbling blocks to his ability to get women to freely give him what he wants.
Women are dying to meet guys who get it. Unfortunately, the numbers are not in their favor. That’s why most women, especially the beautiful ones, are pros at sniffing out weakness and rejecting men in seconds. They have to be. They get bombarded by so many awful and horrible pickup artists. The following is an e-mail from a woman reader. She is recently divorced and is just now getting back into the single life and realizing what a freak show it is! My comments (are in bold brackets like this) in the body of her e-mail:
Dear Corey:
Well, this brought a smile. Thank you, for taking the time to write the article and post the video… I know it’s part of your job, but since it was my personal question/commentary you addressed, you get a thanks.
(You wrote a good email I thought my audience could learn from. I use emails in my articles that have complete sentences and understandable grammar. You should see some of the emails I get!!!)
FYI, I found your videos while trying to entertain myself over the past five days; to include a ridiculous amount of YouTube, as I’ve caught a cold which would give the plague a run for its money.
(You should read my articles on optimum health. A “cold” is actually your body eliminating toxins via snot, mucus, urine, sweat, diarrhea, etc. This happens when your body is too acid from poor nutrition, imbalanced structure/frame and lack of proper exercise.)
What’s funny is, the video I wrote you about wasn’t the first video of yours I watched during my quarantine… the first one was about how to get laid if you’re a dude – and, in truth, I chalked you up to being a complete douchebag… I even wrote about it on my facebook page and posted a link to that particular episode.
(Awesome! FYI-No one will ever do or say anything that is not a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves in a moment.)
However, continued boredom coupled with late-night curiosity got the better of me and I watched another video.. and then another. And then, I took down my derogatory facebook post about you – because, who am I to judge? After all, getting laid is easy for chicks: Leave house. Go to bar. Make eye contact. Have drink(s). Go back to his/your respective place. Boom… or bang, I guess is more appropriate phraseology.
(Well said! Some women get pissed off at me for helping guys get what they want. I teach men to be a gentleman, but not a doormat. Applying what I teach in my book enables guys to understand where they have been going wrong, and how to properly and successfully handle their interactions and relationships with women. Anytime you talk about controversial subjects like sex, relationships, religion, God, dating, pick-up, politics, etc. people can be very nasty and hateful. I know they are simply projecting their own self-hatred and self-loathing onto my work.
However, when people take the time to read and digest what I say and teach, they realize I know what the fuck I’m talking about. Not because I’m some kind of genius, but because I simplify complex problems that make it easy for people to understand and apply in their own lives to get predictable and repeatable success. I just want people to be happy and become all that they are capable of becoming; what God created them to be.)
In closing, yes, I will stop writing soon, I promise, I agree with a lot of what you have to say about what women want, so listening to you coach men is of interest to me. One thing I’d disagree with though – is your comment that women are better prepared for relationships.
(You can disagree, but after spending the past 15 years working on/in this area; women are way better prepared. I’ve talked to, interviewed and coached thousands of men and women. Your statement tells me you have a limiting belief that says there is something wrong with you. Therefore, a good man and a healthy loving relationship is elusive and not in the cards for you. Sorry, but that’s bullshit!)
I am a somewhat recent divorcee and even after a year of light to moderate therapy<– that was intended as a joke, (There’s a lot of truth in jest.) I find myself starting over again entirely,
(Awesome! Good for you! A clean slate on which to make a new masterpiece!) and also find that the dating game has changed a lot. And, it ain’t so great. (Another limiting belief.)
The men I meet are a constant disappointment… and of course, at this age it seems, are like parking spaces. You know, the best ones are taken and the ones that remain are handicapped.
(This communicates a scarcity mindset. You should read and apply what my article “How to Attract The Perfect Woman” says. Instead of attracting a woman, unless of course you like women too, you can use the same technique to help you get clear about what is most important to you and what you really really really want in a man/relationship. Once you get clear and focused, you can use your criteria in an online dating profile, to tell your friends if you want to date by referral, etc.)
In any event, I’m flattered that you chose to respond to my message and appreciate the time you took in doing so – even if it furthers your own XY chromosomal purposes. It’s sort of a relief to know it’s ok to crack the door open with a man, and perhaps that they even appreciate it.
(Men are designed to focus on making a woman happy. Men feel successful in relationship when they are successful at making their women happy. If their women are unhappy, even if its not their fault, they still feel unsuccessful at making their women happy. You should download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE. You will learn a lot about relationships that will help you make better choices going forward.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Vitality shows not only in our ability to persist but our ability to start over.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
You are here: Home/Attraction/ Getting Laid Is Easy For Chicks
Published on February 1, 2012
About Coach Corey Wayne
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
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