How to build the life you deserve, so you can reach your full potential and achieve your grandest goals and dreams.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss three different email success stories from three different guys. The first email is from a guy who has been following my work for six months after a bad breakup. He spent several years settling for a relationship with a woman whom he wasn’t attracted to. He shares several recent pickup and dating success stories.
The second email is from a guy who has been following me for over two years and describes what happened and how things progressed with his current alpha female girlfriend when they first met. The third email is a success story from a guy who has been following my work for over six years. He shares how his life has improved and how great things are with his girlfriend of over two years. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the bodies of their emails.
First Viewer’s Email:
Hey Coach!
I hope that you’re doing well brother.
I’ve been following your work for 6 months now and have read your book 6 times. I found you when I went through a bad breakup.
How many people do you know in your life, people that you work with or people you see all the time, that when you look and see who they’re with, you think, “They’re not happy. If they could be with somebody else, they would be.” But they don’t have the guts to do anything about it, and that’s a tragedy. That shortens your life, because that’s what causes you to lose hope.
It takes a lot of courage to leave a relationship when something’s missing. In this case, you weren’t attracted to her. She was a good woman, but there was something missing. The fact you believed there was someone better suited for you out there, that gave you hope — something to look forward to.

I broke up with a long time girlfriend, because I was not physically attracted. She wasn’t my type from the start, but I set that aside because I liked her personality so much. I’ll never make that mistake again. You can’t force attraction. I was the one who couldn’t be intimate and had to end it in order to build the life that I deserve.
In order to create something new, you have to create a space in your life for someone or some thing to come in and fill it.
It was the hardest decision I ever had to make, as I love her dearly. It sent me into a bad depression.
I’m an online coach myself, and I coach people to their fitness goals all over the country. I’m also a 33-year-old professional bodybuilder, so I’ve never had a hard time with women, but being in a relationship for so long fucked me up.
Yeah, your whole identity becomes associated with that relationship. Then when you leave and you haven’t found anyone new yet, you’re thinking “did I make a mistake?” That’s going to come up when you leave something that’s safe and stable, even if it’s not ideally what you really want.
I lost all of my confidence and couldn’t speak to women due to being so distraught over the breakup. After spending time alone, letting my emotions do their thing and studying your work, I finally came out of my slump and started dating.
Things are going well! I had a date in Chicago where I went to a woman’s upscale apartment that overlooked the lake. We had set up for me to pick her up and go for drinks. We never made it out for drinks. It led to the indoor Olympics as you say.

Next, I was out with some friends at a restaurant, and a beautiful woman walked in and sat down with a friend. We were facing each other, and I caught her looking.
This is how most of those moments unfold. It’s not always like you’re drinking and out with your friends trying to look for girls. You’re out to lunch, and then boom! A beautiful woman sits down next to you or across the table, and you catch her checking you out. You’ve got to go talk to her and get her number. Just in the act of living, enjoying your life and laughing with your friends, you will get noticed. And women will make it easy for you to notice they are noticing you.
At the end of the night I said fuck it. I walked right up to her and told her how gorgeous I thought she was. I asked her out on the spot. She said yes. I would have never had the balls to do that had I not read your book.
Yeah, because if you think you don’t have anything to offer, and you had a crappy strategy up until now, that’s a believable thing. “She’s not going to like me. There’s no way a girl that hot can be into me.” You stayed in a relationship for several years with somebody you weren’t really attracted to, so what in your experience would let you believe you could have somebody like this? Obviously, my book.
I had a different date yesterday with a legit 10. Brunette, 20’s, fake breasts and fit. She was hot as hell. She mentioned that she goes on lots of dates too. She texted me after the date was over and wanted to text more after saying good night, but I didn’t continue to text. She messaged me again today and asked if I’d like to go to the gym with her this week to show her some things. I responded with, “Sure, when are you free to get together?” Hang out, have fun, hook up. The phone is for setting dates.

See how easy that was. She likes you, you like her, you approached her with confidence in the beginning, and she’s just opening the doors — “Come on over.” She already liked you, and you didn’t do anything to turn her off. And this is a rare thing for a woman like her. Just about every date she goes on, she gets turned off by the guy, talking her out of liking him.
I have many prospects these days, and now that I have no fear of walking right up to a woman, the future is looking bright. I said to myself, I really love that bald headed bastard!
Thanks for everything Corey, you truly have given me a gift. I’m eternally thankful.
Thanks for the great success story dude. People like you make the world better, because you give everyone around you hope. If you can do it, then they can do it.
Second Viewer’s Email:
I’ve been studying your work for over two years. At first, I was trying to get my ex back. After reading your book, I saw that I needed to walk away. That proved difficult for me to do, because I was weak and desperate.
Yeah, when you’re in a fearful state, the last thing on your mind is that somebody else is going to come walking through that door eventually, and it’s just going to be magical. It doesn’t seem like it or feel like it when you’re in that moment. But that’s why you’ve got to keep fucking grinding on, because your time left is shrinking. It makes sense to take action towards creating the things you want and having the belief that it’s going to work out eventually.
I’ve noticed everything takes way longer than you expect it to. We all want shit to happen right now, and we look around at other people who seem to be getting things sooner than we are and think, “I’m getting the fucking shaft here. What’s going on? Where’s my happy ending? Where’s my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?” You’ve got to keep plugging along.

I kept reading your book and realizing I needed to walk away. I still couldn’t bring myself to do that, but I did start circulating – hanging out, having fun, hooking up. At some point, it came to a head, (see what I did?), and I cut all the women off and quit dating, so I could have space to work through my emotions. In my heart, I still wanted my ex. I let myself grieve the loss of my ex. I faced my addictive behavior of jumping into relationships to avoid my pain.
If you keep running away from your problems, they’re going to continue to follow you.
I read your book a few more times and wrote out a list of EVERYTHING I was looking for in a partner, visualizing how it would feel to find an extraordinary love. A couple months later, I began dating again. I felt more centered and settled, and I knew what I was looking for.
So you got clear about what you wanted, you knew what your outcome was, and you took action to make it happen. You knew what you wanted, and why you wanted it.
After a few weeks of dating and hooking up, I met someone special. Of course, she was absolutely gorgeous. But her other qualities are what set her apart from the pack. She was in the process of getting her PhD. She had a warm vibe and was genuine, kind and respectful. She ate healthy and knew what she was looking for too. After a few hours together on our second date, she turned to me and said, “I really don’t get the sense that you’re trying to make me your girlfriend.” I responded indifferently, “Yeah, I don’t need a girlfriend.”

My actions had communicated how I really felt, that I respected her and liked her, but I wasn’t desperate, and I wasn’t afraid to say it to her face. She exclaimed, “I don’t think it’s going to work out then!” All I could do is smirk, because I knew that a) I had been playing my cards right, b) she liked me, c) this was going somewhere.
A guy who’s needy and insecure, when she says “I don’t think this is going to go anywhere?” What do you think he does? He starts trying to use logic and reason, instead of just thinking, “She’s just fucking with me. Of course she likes me.” Remember, sometimes women feign disinterest or disgust to see what you’re fucking made of.
I had another date lined up right after ours was set to end. As we finished our meal, I told her I had somewhere to be. She said, “Do you have another date?” Her directness took me a bit off guard. I was quiet for a second, but decided to just be up front and tell the truth, “Yes.” We flirted on the way to my next date, but as she was dropping me off, she refused to give me a kiss. When I got home, I had a message that if I got bored with all the other women to give her a call.

She was upset you were going out with another chick, but she still left you a message. She still hit the ball over the net when you probably weren’t expecting it.
We’ve been together for almost two years now, and it’s the best relationship I’ve ever been in. She’s loyal, honest, compassionate, intelligent, playful, driven, and fair. She is the definition of a perfect ’10.’
Thanks coach Corey!
Third Viewer’s Email:
I’ve been meaning to write you for 6 years. I started following you back when your phone coaching sessions were $97. I’m kicking myself for not taking advantage of that back then! I just wanted to say thank you.
I first found your work when I was 33 and got dumped by my girlfriend at the time. I was being needy and controlling. She had had enough and dumped me. I chased her for months, and she was seeing another guy who she eventually married. She probably already had him lined up towards the end of the relationship.

That’s probably pretty accurate.
I found your work, and realized everything I had done wrong. I live by a few mantras now that I have learned from your work. Rejection breeds obsession. Scarcity creates value. What you focus on expands. The strongest negotiating position is to walk away and mean it.
The important thing is to mean it. When you walk away, you walk away forever.
Fast forward 6 years later. I am currently 39 and a successful physician. I am earning the most I have ever earned. I just landed a job making over $400K. I am married to an alpha female. We have been married 15 months and have been together almost 2 and a half years.
I have always been good with women and have had several beautiful girlfriends over the years. My problem has been I only cared if they were hot.
There are a lot of beautiful women out there, but there are also a lot of fucked up women out there that are not good girlfriends or wives.
I got involved with all kinds of crazy women that were drop dead gorgeous but made my life a living hell. It took me until my mid-30’s to figure out that I wanted a woman who was a good person, intelligent, beautiful, and a professional.
You were looking for a unicorn, but they are out there.
My wife makes 6 figures as well and is in healthcare. I have read How To Be a 3% Man maybe 7 or 8 times and Mastering Yourself once. Your books and videos have guided me and helped me refine my thought process over the years. I now read or listen to one book a day on Audible. I have read close to 1,000 books. I have written a book as well.

That’s awesome dude. You can never stop growing, evolving and learning. There’s always another level you can get to. You can always be better.
I have gotten rid of the toxic people in my life and have gotten rid of acquaintances as well as superficial friends. I am only friends with 2 or 3 people that I have known for over 20 years each. I was also just on a national television show last month. I have not drank in almost 10 years. I journal every day. I read every day. I watch your videos each week. I try to grow and get better daily. I hope to have a 7-figure net worth in 2 to 3 years.
Thanks again for everything you do. Life is really good right now. Keep up the good work. Sorry this is 6 years past due. Feel free to share this in a video coaching newsletter actually that would be awesome if you did.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Our greatest triumphs tend to often come from our greatest tragedies and setbacks. When parts of our lives dissolve it can feel like it’s the end of the road. The reality is that life is like peeling the layers of an onion. We shed the old to expose new possibilities, new realities and get a fresh start to become better than we were before. Sometimes life feels hopeless and like it’s never going to get any better. As long as you keep moving forward, taking action towards your grandest goals and dreams, learning from your mistakes and refining your approach, success is simply a matter of time. It’s easy to be weak and quit. It takes courage and strength of character to persevere in spite of overwhelming odds. Victory only comes after you refuse to quit.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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