Here’s how you can get any job you want. Even in a crappy economy! I do a lot of career and life coaching. Its amazing to me how many people have lost their jobs and are struggling to find a new one. The strategy I am about to share with you has enabled me to get 100% of the jobs I have gone after.
The first thing I want to talk about is sales. You may be thinking what the hell does sales have to do with getting a job even if you are not looking for a job in sales? If you are looking for a job you are in sales. How? You are selling yourself. You are trying to convince an employer to hire your services and talent over every other applicant. Sales is simple. I can break it down into three steps:
1) Create rapport-People love to talk about themselves. Ask them where they grew up. Ask about their pictures, diplomas, awards etc. that they have in their office when you are on an interview. Ask them what they like about working there or if they own the company, what they like about running their own business. Ask them if its a fun place to work. How they treat their employees, etc. If you are asking the questions, you are running the interview. After they have talked about themselves for a while they will then ask about you. That is the time to talk about what you have done and why you are the right person for the job. You have listened to them for a while brag about themselves or their companies so they naturally feel obligated to listen to you now. This creates rapport.
2) Get them to like and trust you-By asking them questions about their life, kids, family, business, etc. it communicates that you like and care about them just like a good friend would. It makes them more open and excited to actually hear what you have to say. If you talk to them and are kind just like a good friend would be they will start to like and trust you.
3) Ask for the order-Ask them if they are ready to hire you or when they are going to be making a decision, etc. if they have not already offered you the job. Big corporations may have you interview with several people over a few days or weeks in some cases. You do the same thing with each of them. People usually hire somebody they like and have rapport with, not necessarily the most qualified. If you are successful at making them like and trust you, 9 times out of 10 you will get the job. Even over more qualified applicants. Wouldn’t you rather work with someone you like?
When the economy is worse like it is currently, there are more qualified people looking for and willing to take jobs they are overqualified for. There tends to be a lot of competition for fewer job openings. So that means you must stand out from the competition.
One thing I hear over and over from employers is they are having a hard time finding qualified people to work for them. Most people applying are not qualified enough. As an employer and business owner for over 15 years, I have learned that hiring the wrong person can set your company back 6 months and cost you tens of thousands of dollars. If you hire the wrong person, you waste a lot of time and money training someone who can’t cut the mustard.
When I was in real estate, I only hired people who were literally kicking my door down to get hired. I found that people who were self motivated and aggressive to learn, always found a way to make things happen. People that I hired who were not calling, pursuing and trying to get me to hire them were missing something. The ones who were kicking the door down to try to get me to hire them always were the top producers. They were highly motived people who made things happen. The others tended to make excuses as to why things did not happen or their deals blew up.
The self motivated types need leadership by example. The others need a baby sitter, of which I am not. If I am paying you top dollar to work for me, I do not have the time to try to motivate you and get you to do your job. Pick something you have an interest in… “If you do not enjoy what you are doing, you will never be good at it.” -Luke Parker
So if you are looking for a job or looking to get a better job, here’s what you do next. Make a list of five or ten companies you really want to work for. Go apply or drop a resume off in person at each of those places. Dress professional and look sharp. Ask if there is a manager or HR person that can speak with you. If not, get a name and number of the person who makes the hiring decisions. If they are not hiring now ask them when they will be. Follow up with them once a month. Someone will quit or get fired eventually and a new opening will pop up. It’s simply a matter of time.
With as many people trying to find work as there are, if you don’t follow up, they will forget about you. Especially when they get hundreds of resume’s every month. Most people put in an application and then wait for the phone to ring. If you follow up in person you will stand out as confident and someone who will bust your ass once hired. Every employer always wants the hardest working, most productive, self motivated and trustworthy employees available. They know that those people are low maintenance, happy, positive, and fun to be around.
So act like the best employees do and you will be able to get any job you want. Its always worked for me, and its always worked for every coaching client of mine whose used the same strategy as well. Who would you hire if you were an employer?
“If you do not enjoy what you are doing, you will never be good at it.” ~ Luke Parker
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
Coach Corey Wayne says
Really? And you wonder why you have a hard time finding a job. Myself, my clients, friends and family have been using the principles I teach in this article for over 20 years and its ALWAYS worked. When you say it’s useless, what you’re really saying is you’re too lazy to try it because you have bullshitted yourself into not believing there’s any way you can get a job. You must participate in your own rescue. Unfortunately, you sound determined to NOT find a job or do what’s necessary to help yourself. I can only help people who are willing to help themselves. If what you are doing to find a job is not working, then you need to change your approach. Until you do, you’ll remain unemployed. Your choice.
butterfly girl says
Hi Coach Corey, I am currently in a dead end job that I am unhappy in daily. Like your article states, I am not good at it, because I choose a field I am not passionate in. Unfortunately by the time I earned my degree in Special Ed., it was too late to get anything else. I am now 50 years old and owe a ton of money for degree I am not using.
I put in a resume on my states website for a teacher position. I was contacted by an insurance co. They said they are interested in me working with disgruntled customers. I have an upcoming interview Tues. July 12th. I am going to use your techniques in this article and pray I finally find a career I can flourish in.
I will also read your other job articles. I have donated money to you in the past. I will again, soon but first I must take care of increasing my income.
Thank you for all of your help, V.
Ankita says
thanks for comprehensive advice. This is a must-read post, especially in today’s economy. I am job hunting now, and I really appreciate the breadth and depth you went into.