How you can get the passion, fun and intimacy back in your relationship.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares the success story of how he is turning things around in his marriage of ten years. He says he was being a beta male and not being the leader in his home. As a result of this, his wife was constantly bitchy, rude and disrespectful.
After five reads of my book, How To Be A 3% Man, things are heating up in the bedroom after several frosty years. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
For all you red pill guys that piss all over women and blame women for everything because you’re too much of a fucking pussy to stand up for yourself, if you attracted a train wreck into your life it is your fault, and your job is to figure out how and what you did to allow her into your life. “Men” who can’t accept that it is their responsibility for EVERYTHING that happens in their kingdom shouldn’t date or be involved with women romantically until their balls finally drop.
It is what it is. If you won’t take responsibility, if you’re one of those little pussified dudes, that’s going, “Why is it always the man’s fault, Corey?” well, it’s because most of my audience is men, and men are usually the ones that are writing me the email, so they’re the ones that I’m actually able to help and influence. The reality is, if you don’t want to accept personal responsibility for your life choices, you’re in the wrong place.

This is where high achievers come to learn to be better – not little bitches coming to whine and say, “It’s all women’s fault. All women suck. All women are the same.” I don’t want to hear that trash. You can get the fuck out and go on down the road somewhere else. I’m here to talk to men with a capital, “M,” not little boys who aren’t ready to grow up yet and whose balls haven’t dropped.
Viewer’s Email:
As I am reflecting in my man cave, I just wanted to thank you for helping me get many things in my marriage back on track. I have listened to your book 5x, (on the way to 15-20), and find myself instinctively making the right decisions.
I might not always be right, but I’m never wrong. Even if you think I’m full of crap, if you apply what’s in this little beautiful book, that you can read for free at UnderstandingRelationships.com, you will get better. You will get way better results than you’ve ever gotten in the past. Your life will get better. Just Google my name; It’s all over the internet, the results are everywhere, the success stories are everywhere.
My marriage, (of 10 years with kids 13 and 5), was going crappy and I was being too much of a beta male and not setting the tone, in addition to allowing her to be constantly bitchy and disrespectful.
Well, all the crying red pill guys would go, “Oh, they’re just bitchy. They’re just that way. Society has made them that way.” It’s like, no, because you’re being a bitch and allowing it. This guy is a man, and he took personal responsibility for his family, for his kingdom, and chose to fix it. Why? Because he’s a fucking man, and his balls have dropped, and he’s doing the right things.

It all came to a head when I began standing up for myself and telling her what I would not tolerate.
So he set and he enforced healthy boundaries. And like the tyrant that she had become…
She ended up having a temper tantrum because she was used to getting her way, and I told her she would then need to leave, which she didn’t want to do.
So, he drew a line in the sand, and he said “Don’t cross it. If you don’t like it, there’s the door. Don’t let it hit you in the ass on the way out.” And I feel bad for the kids for this next part, but it needed to happen because, quite frankly, they needed to see how a man runs shit in his kingdom and how he doesn’t put up with shit from his fair maiden.
As the kids were crying hysterically, I held my ground so she knew that I was serious about my willingness to set boundaries.
It’s harsh, but sometimes a man does what he must. It’s not pleasant, but kings do not tolerate ornery queens misbehaving and being abusive. And she obviously had long since passed being abusive, which she admits was a result of him acting like a beta male. She didn’t feel safe, she didn’t feel comfortable, but once he put her in her place, guess what? Guess what happened?
I did eventually let her stay. However, I was firm in what expectations would be and that things were going to change.
Not “hopefully things will change.” He said, “Things are going to change.” He was direct, he was decisive and he did what a man does. He put his fair maiden in her place because, quite frankly, she needed it.
I have since become a leader and have found her more relaxed when I am the discipline parent, which I was kind lax on, causing her to step into her masculine.

She didn’t want to be the man. That’s why she was bitchy. She wanted to be the feminine joy in your life, the little girlie.
I also have been working out extra, getting into great shape, and staying centered – not losing my cool and keeping things light. The bedroom is now heating up from a frosty couple years.
You’re welcome, America. Good job, dude. Everybody loves happy endings, pun intended.
I’m still a work in progress but starting to finally understand things at age 39 thanks to your work. I also am almost finished with Mastering Yourself…
Obviously, he’s talking about my second book, which you can also read for free at UnderstandingRelationships.com. And there’s more! The “Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations” book, which is also available on audiobook, paperback, hardcover and digital everywhere, you can read that for free. All you’ve got to do is subscribe to the email newsletter. You can read them for free on my website. Try before you buy. Nobody else does that.
…and listen to the newsletters on Spotify. I am kicking ass in my business and finally seeing some of the same success with my personal life. I wouldn’t quite say I’m in the 3% Club yet but am a student working towards it, seeing the early benefits.
Well, dude, all I’ve got to say is thanks for being a man, because the world desperately needs more men whose balls have actually dropped. Because shit’s pretty fucked up in the world, in case you haven’t noticed with all these fucking shenanigans and lockdowns. Anyway, I digress.
If you’ve got a question or a challenge and you’d like to get my help, go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen and book coaching session with yours truly.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“A man must be the leader of his household if he expects his woman to feel safe and comfortable enough to trust his masculine core to the point that she will willingly submit and follow his lead. Being indecisive, weak, people pleasing and unwilling to stand up for oneself and those they love will cause any normal, healthy woman to become bitchy, disgusted, disrespectful and turned off romantically. “Men” who can’t accept that it is their responsibility for EVERYTHING that happens in their kingdom shouldn’t date or be involved with women romantically until their balls finally drop.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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