How and where to meet more high quality women, so you can have the kind of social life you’ve always dreamed of.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss the importance of where you choose to live and work and how this will dramatically affect the overall quality of your life, happiness, health and your social life. I share why many guys struggle with confidence issues that can all be traced back to where they live and work.
If you’re a single guy who is not satisfied with your social life and social circle, then this video will change the way you look at things, so you can meet and date the kind of women you’ve always wanted.
A big thing that I see when I do phone sessions with guys is a lot of times they’re commuting to a job, or they’ve got a good job, but they just don’t like the area they live in. There’s just nothing going on socially. And ideally, you want to be able to walk outside your door and just have lots of things going on — lots of bars, lots of restaurants, lots of shops and lots of places to interact with other human beings. So if you’re single, and you live in a cookie cutter subdivision, more than likely most of the people are going to have families or they’re going to be married, so there’s not going to be a lot of people in that neighborhood to meet and date in most cases.
The idea is, you want to increase your odds. That’s why I’ve done videos in the past where I tell guys to go to beer festivals, wine festivals, farmers markets, or go to the mall. Go to places where there’s a high concentration of strangers, obviously women in particular, so you have a lot of options, a lot of choices and a lot more people you can interact with. If you live in a big city, like L.A. or New York or downtown Miami, some place where there’s lots of high rise condos, you’re typically going to have more people that are single and aren’t established families, because typically, people who start families end up getting a house and live out in a subdivision with other married people.

I talk a lot about having an abundance mentality. If you’ve got lots of choices and lots of options, you have to be discerning and a little bit more critical. If you’ve got too many choices and options, you’re going to want to get the best you can get. But if you’re living out in the middle of nowhere, there’s one traffic light, and there’s three single women that live in that town, that’s going to be really hard to meet people, and that’s going to affect your confidence, because you’re going to have limited choices.
What I’ve noticed is, you tend to have a lot more single people living in condo communities, and what’s nice about it is like attracts like. People who like the same things tend to like each other. If you live in a city like New York, you live in a high rise, you go downstairs and there’s going to be restaurants, places to shop in the neighborhood, and there’s always people out everywhere. But there also can be a downside as well, so before you go buy or lease a place, you’ve got to think about what kind of lifestyle you want. Like in my place in downtown Orlando, I’ve noticed over the last 8-10 years, there’s a lot more homeless people. Pretty much everywhere you walk, it smells like piss and there’s people doing drugs.
You’ve got to take into consideration where you’re going to live and work. If you live in a suburb or a community, you’re going to have to travel for a social life. I’m all about the path of least resistance and things being easy, and it’s nice to walk outside your front door and see hundreds of people walking everywhere. If you’re single and you’re looking to meet more people, it’s super important to live in an area where you love the restaurants, and you love the places to hang out.
What’s also nice is when you live in a cool neighborhood, women are going to want to come to your neighborhood to hang out, because there’s so much to do. And like I talk about with the logistics of sex, if you’re going out on dates that are close to your house and there’s lots of places you can walk to, you’re not having to worry about drinking and driving, or Ubers or anything like that. You can go hang out, have fun, you start making out, things start progressing, and then you can go back to your place.

As you’ve seen from videos I’ve done in the past, I’ve got a lot of cool things to do at my house. I’ve got a dart board, a pinball machine and most recently, some old school arcade style video games, because I’m always entertaining and having people over. It’s great for my dating life, because I’ve got a fun place to hang out. That’s something that’s really important you should consider.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“It’s infinitely easier to grow your confidence, happiness and success when you have emotionally compelling reasons and choices. It’s way easier to seduce, charm and display charisma around a woman who knocks your socks off, than a woman who you think is average. It’s almost impossible to reach your full potential in your career if you don’t like what you are doing for a living or the people you are working with. An average looking man who is surrounded by beautiful women where he works and plays is going to be way more attractive and confident around women, because he has more great choices and options, than a good looking guy who lives in a town with only one traffic light. Live and work in a place that gives you unlimited entertainment, career and social life options. Scarcity makes you fear loss and makes you less attractive. Abundance makes you more attractive, confident, cocky, charming and willing to walk away from mediocre friends, lovers and jobs to find better ones.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne

Kirk McManus says
I read Corey’s Book “3% Man” 15 times, and BINGO. The high quality women have showed up. FOr the first time in my life I am not dating a loser or high school dropout. I am dating women who are doctors, professors and “high value women”, not housekeepers. Not that there is anything wrong with a houseke4eper or high school graduate. The quality of women I am interacting with has been so much higher. I used to spend weeks upon weeks talking to women on online dating sites before I would ask them out. Now I ask within a phone call or few days and I only ask twice. If I ask more than twice and they say no twice. I walk away. I have saved so much time and emotional energy not chasing women who have to interest in me whatsoever. Last month I made love to a high quality woman and said “finally, I am getting the type of women in my life that I deserve and earned” . Women are so predictable. Corey’s book works like clockwork and he is correct to say that his book helps you weed out the crazy ladies who aren’t worth your time. Women are now starting to back peddle and contact me after I did the take-a-way. With Corey’s help I was able to get my vindictive, narcissistic ex wife off my back after 3 years, and I was able to set reasonable boundaries with my daughter. Daughters act like every other female. They are just younger. Women are 100% predicatable, 100% of the time, and if you follow Corey’s work and actually read the book 15 times, it will sink in and become natural. I don’t make a dime promoting Corey’s books, but I promote them, because they work. I have removed so many toxic women and friends from high school out of my life and I am beginning to find inner peace. Finally. Great job COACH!!!
Dave says
I’m about to move to the Orlando/Winter Park area for a new job. I noticed your comments about the changes taking place in Orlando over the last 8-10 years. Do you have any suggestions for neighborhoods or communities that might be more interesting or conducive to the 3% life? Thanks in advance.