What are the subtle differences that make the difference when it comes to attracting the type of beautiful women you’ve always wanted? The number one trait that women find sexy and attractive in men is confidence. Confidence, is having certainty about who you are, what you are capable of… and… that, not only do you deserve the things you want and dream about in life, but you believe and know in your heart of hearts that you can obtain them with enough patience, practice, persistence and perseverance.
So if you don’t feel very confident right now about your ability to attract women, how can you project strength and confidence even if you don’t feel strong and confident? The good news is, you’re going to learn how to do that in this article.

As I have said in many of my other articles, my book and audio course, the most important thing a guy needs to have and project is… confidence… and… to feel like he is a success as a man. That means he is successful doing what he loves for a living, or he is patiently working towards the goal of one day doing what he loves for a living, but he’s finding a way to be happy and grateful for what he has, and where he is in life now. He knows what he wants in life and is diligently working hard to get it.
Even if he knows its going to take 5, 10, 15 or 20 years to accomplish his most audacious and challenging goals. It’s the pursuit of the goals and dreams that excite him. It does not matter when he finally arrives and achieves it. It only matters that he does his best everyday to get better and a little closer to succeeding. Here’s a great song about “The Climb” to reaching your goals and how finding a way to enjoy the journey is what really matters. The lyrics are inspiring and appear on screen during the video:

This email is from one of my phone coaching clients. Instead of whining about what’s not working or his problems, he has been taking action. He’s also changed a lot and made some real breakthroughs, even though, he does not always recognize or give himself any credit for it. He wants to know how to project strength and confidence to attract women. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his email:
Corey..how`s it goin? (dude, its 4:16 am in the morning. I have not slept yet. Sure, I laid down for a while, but I just could not stop thinking about the world-changing business I love, and the fascinating people like yourself I talk to everyday. I love what I do! I have a higher level of interest in writing more articles, than I do in going to bed. I just had a Corey’s Green Juice, and now I’m wide awake again and ready to stay up all night. I’m going to finish three new articles tonight and tomorrow morning, including this one for you. Then I’m headed to the gym and then a 40 minute run. Shower, then be at the first showing of the movie “Super 8”. Gotta be back by two for my first phone coaching sessions with clients. Think I can pull it off? I’m gonna give it my best shot and see what happens 🙂 Got some really good questions from you and several others that I just had to take the time to answer. I love this one you sent. You’re asking a lot of great questions. Empowering questions in this email. Good job! You’re asking how you can get things done, instead of mostly whining and taking no action. Huge improvement for you… and I bet you did not even notice the positive change within yourself, did you? Be observant and on the lookout for your little victories Grasshopper! Then, celebrate your wins!)
I been reading your book again and I`m afraid I just don`t get it (of course not. You read my book for the first time over a year ago. You haven’t touched it since. Human beings only retain 10% of what they read, hear, listen to or watch. That’s why you must read my book a minimum of 10-15 times to the point where you could give a seminar and teach the content to a class. That way, you always know what to do because it will pop right into your head. That only happens when you know the material in my book and CD’s by heart. Your computer can’t function without the operating system software, usually Microsoft Windows or Mac OS, properly installed. You can’t understand or properly interact with women until you know the material inside and out. Besides, learning what’s in my book is good practice and good conditioning to grow and improve your study habits, retention and skills. The more you use your noodle for critical thinking and absorbing good new information, the smarter, cleaver and more confident you will become. Dude, you’re already working right now to get ready and develop good study habits for college. You’ve been on your journey back to college for several months now. Now the signs are starting to show up in your life. They may be small, but as your coach, I’m seeing steady improvement in you. Keep at it, more will come. The pace will quicken as you grow).
How does a sorta okay dude like me come from a place of strength and confidence (This is a great, positive expectation, quality question you have asked! The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions that you consistently ask yourself. Confidence is the result of when you are certain of something. Certain that you know the material in my book by heart. Like when you are certain you can kick some guys ass, and he is certain he’ll lose in a fight with you, so he submits and shows respect. When you are certain a chick likes you, you like her and you know… ITS ON LIKE DONKEY KONG! When you are certain that you can talk to any other human being anywhere and in any situation, be it the President of a country or a homeless person, and win them over to your point of view. You can feel it. You just gotta continue to slowly progress and get better. As you get better you will have even more things and wins to be grateful for).
What does it mean to project that stuff? (when you feel it internally and you allow yourself to be comfortable with your arms down at your side. You walk as if you own the city you are in. Your chest is proudly out, head back, and the most confident and peaceful content smile you can muster. If you don’t feel it internally, make sure your physiology is in the positions I state in my book. If you knew the material in my book, you could replicate the body posture and movements and project the confidence. But you don’t, so right now, you’re a little lost. Keep reading and re-reading. Use a highlighter to highlight important concepts, sentences and tips. There’s literally hundreds of tips about body language, signs to look for, etc. you can highlight. You need to learn them all. Walk thru a mall and notice how everyone looks at you once you learn the body language stuff in my book. Why will everyone look in your direction more than you’ve ever seen before? Everyone senses the presence of a dominant male).
How can it be done (study, study, study and then apply it once you know it. Just observe couples interacting with one another. Who touches who? Which way are her legs crossed? Towards him or away from him? It shows how open she is to him in the moment. Its fascinating stuff… and… its fascinating and fun to watch! You could spend the whole day at the mall just people watching and be amazed at what you observe men and women doing when they are interacting with one another). Can women really sense that stuff? (You bet! Ask them. Ask them… “can you recognize the body language differences between a guy who has confidence, and a guy who projects weakness and low self-esteem?” Then ask them to describe the differences. You’ll find all the differences in my book. Remember, the CD’s should hopefully arrive next week. That’s over 7 hours of audio material there alone dude. Soon, you’ll be listening to yours truly as you drive your big rig).
How can they tell if you`re confident and sure of yourself? (body language says it all. I can prove it. Jump up and down like a jackass and celebrate like you do when your favorite team wins a game. Do it right now. Finished? Okay. Now walk around like you are totally depressed. Looking at the ground all hunched over like life totally sucks. I know you can feel the difference between the two physical states. When a guy is happy and has something to look forward to accomplishing someday, he’s happy and excited). Not sure if I see it yet if it can be seen at all (that’s okay. You will once you learn the material better). I`m all by myself on any of this (bullshit. You got an awesome, ass-kicking coach in yours truly, to hold you accountable to taking action to achieve your goals and dreams, answer your questions, help you overcome your obstacles and limiting beliefs, and, who will never give up on you as long as you don’t give up on me or yourself. I won’t quit on you so don’t quit on me. I’m showin up. I’m playing full out. I’m making the effort), as I have no friends to go out with and mix with hot ass women (who cares. Most of them are obviously too weak to do anything to work on this area of their lives. Go out by yourself. That’s what I do if I’m single. That way, you don’t have to worry about friends who know less about women than you do cock-blocking, destroying your confidence, making you feel uncomfortable, making fun of you, etc. I LOVE going and doing things by myself. It makes it easy to meet new chicks that way. If you fuck up and bomb, at least no one you know will see it. Not every chick is going to like you. Actually most won’t. All you have to do is learn to recognize when they do and know what to do to move them to your bedroom).
What do you do if all you have is yourself? (make some new friends, preferably hot women that you can hang with who will help you meet other hot women. There are so many possibilities). It is hard to take on anything pertaining to life, a career, or Goddess-types without support of friends or family (well, that’s what I had to do when I was younger. None of my family, or even my close friends supported my decision to quit my stable job to start my first real estate company, but I succeeded despite their lack of enthusiasm, support and negative comments. I persevered and I prevailed. If I did it so can you. I used to think just like you do when I was younger. I overcame it. The good news is I know what to do. I know every mistake you can make. I know where all the land mines are… and I’m your coach. I got your six).
Now, I`ve always been a guy who`s been willing and able to cover the ground I stand on by myself (see, again you are self-motivated like me. You chose and succeeded in the Navy without your friends and family, but with the support of your fellow squid and drill instructors). That`s all it`s ever been no shit. Believe me, it gets old after years and years (it just means, that among your friends, you are the one that everyone looks up to. You are the leader. The word “lead” means to go first. You’re on point bro. First to go, last to know). And no one cares about what I’ve done from what I can tell (when I walked away from $500k to become a Life Coach, nobody gave a shit about all the things I had done or the millions I had made in real estate. I had to start over. Totally new field and a business model I needed to figure out).
I`m currently prepping my Harley to sell because I can`t find any good looking girls to ride with me (Cool. Money you can also use to pay for your trip to visit the different colleges to pick out the one you want to attend). I`m meant to ride bikes and love riding more than most things, but this shit is getting lame (unconsciously, you are already downsizing and liquidating to get down to the frugal lifestyle of a student. You want as much cash as possible in the bank to start off with). Truth be told, I`d love more than anything to wake up next to a perfect 10 every day of my life (once you get to campus, you’re gonna wanna sample the all you can eat buffet before you let one girl finally win you and get you all to herself), and have 2-3 kids along with her (You need a good steady income and balanced life before you have kids. You gotta be at your best when you become a Dad. Have your kids in your 40’s or 50’s. Your generation will be living way past 100 on average. You got time. Its not a race. Its a journey. You still need to learn the basics of what women want and emotionally respond to. You got big plans that are slowly and deliberately taking shape). I think I’ve had a damned interesting life and don`t see why women wouldn’t find it badass (I think you’re pretty badass and cool. So do your friends). I know what I want (that’s the most important thing… VISION), but getting it…? (just takes time. Patience, persistence and perseverance always pays off. Persist WITHOUT EXCEPTION. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.).
Talk to you later man.
Your body language and posture communicates everything about yourself to everyone around you. That’s why you need to understand what the proper physiology is, and how to emulate it. Its all in my book.
What are the things a woman does to show she has romantic interest in you? If you don’t know without thinking about it or looking it up, how are you going to recognize the signs? Once you know the knowledge in my book, your brain will start observing and looking for the signs of interest. You’ll also find yourself watching couples interact. Who has the power? Who walks out in front? Who’s touching who? Who’s leaning forward, and who’s leaning comfortably back in their chair? Then you will see what’s always been there. The mating dance. You will see who’s winning and who’s losing. As well as who’s clueless (most men). Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power, once you acquire the knowledge and learn how to use it. That only comes with practice.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Even when the mission seems impossible, it is the strength of our belief that makes success possible. The absence of this belief guarantees failure.” – Navy SEAL Motto
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