How you should respond when a dating prospect is snarky & disrespectful.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who has read 3% Man, twice in the past year. He met a girl thorough his best friends girlfriend. After they hooked up she became snarky and rude towards him when they got invited out for a group date, saying she had plans with friends. She came to the same venue with friends and completely ignored them. He simply went home. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
Hi, I’m Coach Corey Wayne and this is my Video Coaching Newsletter. And the topic of today’s Newsletter is going to be, “How To Respond When She’s Snarky & Disrespectful.”
So this particular email is from a viewer, in a whole year that he’s been following me, he’s gotten through 3% Man two times. 365 days, he got through it two times, when all you have to do is put the AudioBook on 2X and follow along in a digital or physical copy, and you can get through it in four hours. So it’s a pretty piss poor effort. And so therefore, one thing he does say is that, well, now this situation has inspired me to read The Book 10 to 15 times. Pain is life’s change agent.
As Confucius said, “Success depends upon prior preparation, and without said preparation, there is sure to be failure.” So this guy didn’t take the time. He was half-assing it like most people do, because most people major in minor things. And so now he’s got the pain, potentially, of rejection. But at least he’s finally starting to get the message, only took him a year. But I mean, at the end of the day, this particular girl, she might not really be a good prospect because she’s kind of an ass, as you guys will see.
But how do you handle when a woman is kind of snarky and does the things that this particular girl does? He meets her through his close friend’s girlfriend. And which is really the best way to organically meet women is through your social group, your friends, your family, people that you work with, those kinds of things. That’s really the best way to meet people versus trying to meet some rando online. So let’s go through his email.
Viewer Email:
Hi Corey,
I have been following your work for a year now and am on my 3rd read of 3% Man. I have noticed steady improvements in my relationships but still have a long way to go and this story will explain that.
Well, you must participate in your own rescue. And you’ve been half-assing it and that’s why you’re just making stupid mistakes because you just don’t want to take the time to help yourself. It’s your life. Nobody’s coming to save you or to fix you.

I met a girl through my best friend’s girlfriend. This girl used to date one of my other friends.
Oh, so they’re keeping it all in the family.
But they never hooked up, according to her, and she ended things early. My best friend told me she thought I was attractive and that I should ask her out. I was hesitant at first because of past relationship with my other friend and this made her attraction for me grow.
Well, because you were a challenge. You weren’t so easy to get. You’re like, “Well, you kind of dated my friend. I’m not real keen on that.”
Eventually, I asked her out and we hit it off. We hung out, had fun, and hooked up and I only reached out one time per week, and she was pursuing about 50% initially. Things went wrong when my friend and his girlfriend wanted us all to go out together. I jumped on my phone and asked her if she wanted to go out with us that night.
No group dates right in The Book. Case in point. But he didn’t listen. The Book’s not going to help you if you go through it a couple times, and then you just keep doing what you were doing. And so and on top of that, she gets kind of snarky because quite frankly, he kind of looks like a bitch. He kind of looks like he’s going at this point through his friends to help them with her. And it’s probably why she blew off their other mutual friend and stopped dating him because he was acting too much like a pussy. So it’s like once you get the number, it’s like you got to take it from there. And then once she’s head over heels in love and you’re a couple, then you can go out.
If your mutual friend say, “Hey, why don’t you, let’s do a group date?” Just say, “Well, we’ve only been out like one time. I’d like to get to know her first before I start doing group dates and stuff like that. But I appreciate the offer.” That’s the best way to handle it. I would not be doing group dates even though they’re the people that introduced you. Because you’re going to see here, it’s just another wrinkle for things to go wrong because she’s not emotionally bonded to you yet. It’s just a bad way to go. But if you want to reinvent the wheel and do it on your own, you’ll learn the hard way, like this guy did.
She gave me a sassy reply saying, “Thanks for relaying their message, but I have plans with friends.”
So right there, you can tell the tone. She’s like, she thinks he’s a bitch. It’s like, “You’re having your friend call and invite us out.” It’s like, really? Because more than likely, the friends are probably putting the full court press on. “Oh, you should call Bob. You should go out. We should all go out together. Oh, you guys would be such a cute couple.”

You know, that kind of shit’s going on. And so she’s probably going, “Oh. I don’t want my friends in my business.” And then, of course, he’s like, “Okay, I’ll call her and ask her out on a group date.” So she thinks he’s a bitch. That just shows already she doesn’t respect him. If she was worried about losing this guy, she wouldn’t be talking like that.
I knew this was a mistake as the book says not to do group dates, but I went against my instincts as my friends assured me we should meet her out.
Yep. Yep. You got what you deserve, Dude.
When she arrived at the bar, she briskly walked past us with her friends and was talking to some other guy.
She thought you were bitch. Because the way it looks, because you don’t know what your buddy and his girlfriend have been saying to her, but they’re probably going, “Bob’s a really great guy, you know. He just never has had good luck with the ladies. You know, I just thought you two would be perfect. And so that’s why we set you up. So let’s all get together.” So they think they’re building you up, but in reality, they probably make you look weak and pathetic. And that’s again, that’s why.
Let me go back to her statement. Oh, let me do the girl voice. “Thanks for relaying their message. But I have plans with friends.” She’s just she clearly thinks he’s a pussy. Probably because they said a lot of things to her to try to build you up thinking they’re helping you out, but all they really did was make you look pathetic and weak. That’s usually what happens. Especially people that don’t know my work because the way they, “Oh, Bob’s never had luck with the ladies. He just he gets ghosted. He doesn’t get any callbacks. He goes out with women that don’t treat him well.
It’s just, you know, he’s such a good guy. He’s such a nice guy. It’s just he’s never had much luck with the ladies, but I think you guys would be perfect together.” All they’re basically communicating is that Bob can’t get a date and is not good with the ladies, and it never goes well. Well, right off the bat she’s thinking, “Why would I want to go out with this guy?” And then she walks past him. This just shows she already doesn’t respect him because whatever your friend said, they didn’t help you out.
My friends were more upset than I was but it still upset me and I let my insecurity take control. I did not speak to her and just left the bar.

So he got upset and just walked out and stormed out. Come on, man. You should have just started talking to some other chicks. But again, this is why I tell you read The Book 10 to 15 times. So something like this happens. You know The Book backwards and forwards and you know how to respond, and you go start talking to another woman. But instead you just lose your shit and then storm out the bar. And that’s on you. You look like a puss and you acted like a puss.
The next day, she texted me and apologized for being rude to me on the phone and that she wanted me to ask her to hang out and not have it come from my friend and his girlfriend.
Yeah, exactly. Once the introduction happens, you got to take it from there. You can’t be such a pussy that you’re relying on your friend and his girlfriend to do everything for you, because it makes you look like a bitch in this girl’s eyes, it’s turned her off, and she clearly came right out and told you that on the phone. That’s the reason why she’s snarky and rude.
She also said that she did not think I had a good time on our previous date because I did not text her after.
Once again my insecurity took over and I told her I felt disrespected by her ignoring me at the bar and we could have spoken about what was upsetting her.
If you act like a bitch, dude, women will treat you like a bitch. You got to be more masculine than women. And when you act like a little pussy that is using your friends as a go between, you deserve what you get. Sorry I did stupid shit like this when I was younger and didn’t know any better. And so my goal is for you to avoid that. Not read The Book twice over the course of a year, because you can’t come up with more than eight hours to spend on it, and then go out and just fucking face plant on a perfectly good hookup.
We talked on the phone for 10 minutes and it seemed like we squashed the beef.
It wasn’t really a beef. It’s like she thought you were a pussy. And so she treated you as such. If you act like a bitch, women will treat you like a bitch. And I’m being harsh, but I’m being harsh to shake the fuck out of you and wake you up. Instead of you walking around like a dopey dunce. Come on, Man. Jesus. Jump up and down, see your balls drop.

And I asked if she was free later that night to hang out but she had a wishy washy answer. Since then, I can sense her attraction is at the point of no return. I know several of the things I did wrong (group date, that needy text, etc.) and know that anything I say will just make things worse so I do not plan on contacting her again. I hope you do a breakdown on this and let me know your thoughts. This has inspired me to read the book 10-15 times.
Look forward to your answer.
Well, at least now maybe you’re kind of kind of getting the message, but if the girl just stops replying and you ask her out and she gives you a wishy washy answer, then I wouldn’t call or text her for any reason. And if your friends say, “Oh, what happened with Jessica?” Just say, “I don’t know. I talked, called her, or tried to ask her out. She seemed busy, but I don’t know. Whatever you guys said to her, I don’t think it turned her on. I think it completely turned her off.” I probably wouldn’t say that, but I would just say, if your friend’s like, “So what’s going on with you and Jessica?” Just say, “I haven’t talked to her in a few weeks.” They’re like, “Well, what happened? You guys are so cute.”
It’s like, “Well, I got in touch, set up another date, and she didn’t really seem to be available, so. On to the next.” That’s all you can really say at that point, because your friends are not really helping you. They think they are, but now, you know, if you tell them that, then they’ll probably try to put more pressure on her to get her to reply or to reach out. And again, all that does is make you look more of like a bitch. You know, it would have been better if you had read The Book and followed the instructions the first time instead of blowing an opportunity.
But it’s pretty clear, because to go out and have a date and then for it to go sideways that quickly, it’s like whatever your friends were saying, it wasn’t helping you out. It made you look like a bitch. And that’s why she treated you that way. And then on top of that, she rubbed another guy in your face because she thought you were a pussy. So it really turned her off. But if you act weak, you can see that girl is going to be pretty harsh and pretty ruthless.
And quite frankly, maybe that’s what you need at this point is a nice swift kick in the balls, metaphorically. So you realize, “Yeah, that was pretty stupid. I blew a good opportunity and made myself look like a total pussy. And now this girl’s completely turned off. So all you can do is charge it to the game, my man. On to the next. But at least you’re hopefully reading The Book 10 to 15 times.

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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
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