How to start your life over when you’ve lost everything.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who lost his daughter to suicide a few months ago and then shortly thereafter his wife left him and blamed him for their daughters death. They have since sold their dream home that they built their lives and family in and he and his dog are on their way to a new city where he doesn’t know anyone to start their lives over. He’s distraught and asks me what I would do if I were him. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
Hi, I’m Coach Corey Wayne and this is my Video Coaching Newsletter. And the topic of today’s Newsletter is going to be, “How To Start Over When You’ve Lost Everything.”
Well, this particular email is from a guy who earlier this year in April, he lost his daughter who was in college to suicide. And then a few months after that, his wife, who had always told him how much she loved him, how much they could get through anything together, she blamed him for the suicide of their daughter, left him, is divorcing him. And so you can imagine he’s dealing with the grief of the loss of his child now his wife, the mother of his children.
He’s got two other kids as well. That it seems like they’re a little bit older, maybe are already done with college kind of the way he describes them. So they were kind of almost on the verge of being empty nesters. And so his wife takes it out on him, blames him for it, plus all the women that she hangs out with all of her friends, I mean, I assume they’re probably in their 50s, maybe. Maybe in their 60s.
And her friends are getting divorced, and they’re pretty excited about all the money they get in the divorce, and they can start their lives all over after they clean out their husbands financially, basically. So this guy, they sold their the dream house that they had raised their family together, and he packed what stuff he had up in his SUV. And he and his dog are on their way to San Diego to start their life over.
He says he feels like he’s a college kid that’s got nothing. But the difference is, is that AARP is calling him. And so he’s had just one of the worst, most imaginable tragedies happen to him, loses his daughter, and then on top of that is ex-wife to be now blames him for that.
And so she uses that as the reason why she’s leaving. And so he’s obviously had a lot of dark moments, had a lot of dark thoughts. And so he kind of goes into detail in the story. He’s like, “Hey, anything you can suggest that would help me get through this would be appreciated.”

Viewer Email:
Hello Corey,
I’ve been listening to your podcasts for a few months now and want to thank you for all the great advice. I find myself recently single again, and in a real quandary about how to move forward in life and wanted to know if you can give me your thoughts. Here’s my story.
In April of this year, our 19-year-old daughter killed herself during her freshman year of college after returning from spring break with too much work to make up. It was her fifth attempt, and her suicide notes said this is what she’s been wanting for a long time. I’m trying to make peace with the fact that my little girl just didn’t want to live anymore and if it wasn’t for my wife, I might be able to do that.
Well, one thing I want to say having had family members who have taken their lives. My dad’s fiancée who had tried to take her life four times from the time she was 21 until I think she was like late 50s when she was successful. Maybe it might have been early 60s. And the one thing that, because my dad he really, I mean, they were engaged, they were going to get married and we just all spent Christmas together. And she was a manic depressive. And so a couple of months before she took her life, things were going well with her and my father.
She didn’t like being on antidepressants and decided to take herself off of them. And then about a month after being off of them, she tried to commit suicide by drinking vials of, um, it was like the topical anesthesia. She did, like, permanent makeup. And so it’s what they would put on, you know, the face to numb the skin so she could do the permanent makeup, which is kind of like tattooing I guess you call it. But my dad, she wasn’t answering the phones. He goes over to her house, she’s in bed.
He’s like, “What are you doing?” She’s like, “I’m having a pity party for myself.” And he sees all these empty vials on her nightstand. He’s like, “What are those?” And she basically said she drank all of them. So he called the paramedics. They came out, they pumped her stomach. They put charcoal in it. They committed her for like a week, which put her in a bunch of debt. And because it’s very expensive to be in a mental hospital, obviously. And then so she got out, and she was pretty upset and pretty depressed about it, but she got back on her antidepressants.

But those things take several weeks to a month to start working. And so we all got together, had Christmas together, myself, my dad and her daughter. Her teenage daughter, I believe, was 19 at the time. And so I don’t believe because this happened in 2007, I don’t think I found out about all of this till after the fact, but in my perspective is like, we just had Christmas together, celebrated the holidays. But she’d been kind of still been planning this. And so I got a call from my dad. I don’t know, it could have been 3 or 4 days later. And he basically told me that she had been successful.
She hung herself the last time. And the one thing that because my dad suffered tremendously, you know, it’s the one thing that really brought him peace was that he read a book on suicide, I can’t remember the name of it, but what gave him peace was he realized that the mentality of his fiancée was that she really believed in her heart of hearts that everybody would be better off if she wasn’t around, even including her daughter. And so she convinced herself of that because she just didn’t have a real high opinion of herself, and she had suffered with depression her whole life. And so on her fifth attempt at suicide, she was successful.
But like I said, her belief was that everybody would be so much better without her around. And that was the justification. And I guess apparently from what the book was that my dad had read was that’s pretty common amongst people that commit suicide. They really, truly believe that everybody else is better off (without them.) They’re just a burden on everyone. And life will be so much better for everybody else after the fact, even though it’s an incredibly selfish thing to do, and they never think about the consequences and how much they’re going to hurt the people that love them, because it’s such a shocking, horrible, awful thing.
But two months after my daughter’s death and 24 years of a loving marriage she announced she was divorcing me because I was caused our daughters death.
Well, your daughter is the one that caused her own death, as she said she’d been planning it for a while. And like I said, just from my own personal experience with it, she probably believed that everybody, you, your wife, your other kids would be, everybody would just be better off if she wasn’t around. And at the end of the day, she was an adult. She did it herself.

Granted, a few months before the suicide I suggested she look for a roommate over the summer instead of coming home to live in the basement. The reason I said that was last summer we later learned that she discovered cocaine around that time and blew all $2300 worth of summer job savings in just a few short weeks before the fall semester started.
I thought by making her financially responsible to a roommate would be better for her than living at home with nothing to spend money on except for drugs. My wife and I talked extensively on this before I made the announcement to our daughter, and she agreed it was worth a shot.
So you did it together, and at the end of the day, it wasn’t your daughter’s first attempt. And like she said in her note, she’d been planning it for some time. And just like my, you know, almost stepmom, she was successful in the fifth try and she was in her late 50s, early 60s when she did this. And I think the first time she tried to take her own life, she was like 21 or 22. So it was like a lifelong thing she struggled with.
She just had some inner demons. And again, she really believed that everybody would be better off without her. She felt like she was a burden on everybody. And so this wasn’t the first time your daughter had tried it. It’s just, you know, the fourth or fifth time she was successful. So it’s unfair of your wife to blame you for this, but obviously she’s grieving and that’s just a shitty way to go about it.
But now she’s conveniently forgotten this, and I believe by putting the blame squarely on my shoulders she no longer cries herself to sleep every night. Instead, after two decades of being married to a beautiful woman and having a great family I find myself single again. I am completely surprised and crushed because every Christmas card, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day card, and even my birthday card three weeks before the divorce announcement she signed them all with the usual, “It’s you and me together baby, I’m so glad it’s us, we can get through anything.”
Or “I’m so glad you are my guy, it’s you I choose to be with”. My therapist says that there were other things going on and she used our daughter’s death as the catalyst for her exiting the marriage and granted, with her suicide ideation beginning in 2020 we’ve had a lot of added stress in our lives, and it hasn’t been easy. But how could she be so cruel to me so close to our kid’s death?

Well, she’s pretty selfish and I would have to say that I agree with your therapist that your wife had probably been unhappy for some time, and this was the excuse. So she was playing a role. She was pretending to really care, to really be into it. But deep down, she didn’t want to be in the marriage any longer. And unfortunately, a lot of people are like this.
Most people tend to major in minor things. Most people are living lives of quiet desperation, and so this was the catalyst for her to tap out. She just didn’t want to be married anymore, for whatever reason. And here’s, you know, I would say, here’s part of the reasons. You are who you associate with. You become like the five people you spend most of your time with.
My wife had a massive group of friends to provide her support, but me being the Disneyland dad for the past 22 years I didn’t have a lot of friendships in the wings.
So what that tells me is you did what a lot of guys did. You focused completely on your family, and you let a lot of your friends and friendships just go by the wayside over the decades, and you kind of stopped being the guy that you were that she fell in love with.
Because you were doing what you thought she wanted by eliminating, or no longer hanging out with friends because they took away your time to be with her, or to be with your kids, or to go to soccer games or whatever it had to be. But the bottom line is you started putting yourself and your life last and you didn’t focus on your own happiness. But your wife, she maintained a peer group.
I became needy and in looking back I smothered her in my grief.
Yeah, you probably made her your mommy and your therapist because you both were just going through just one of the most awful things a parent can go through.
But I also believe that in her circle of friends divorcing in the later years is beginning to be a trend since they no longer need someone to pick the kids up from soccer and also stand to gain a pretty significant sum in divorce court after a quarter century of building a life together.

So you are who you associate with. And if she’s hanging out with a bunch of women who are unhappy in their marriages and they’re all leaving their marriages and they’re cleaning their husbands out financially and they’re gloating about it, and if your ex-wife to be was hanging out with them and complaining about things in the marriage, they were probably encouraging her.
“Oh, you should leave that guy.” Again, you are who you associate with. That’s just what happens in long term relationships. You know, multiple decades with the same person, you don’t lose yourself in a few days, weeks or even months. It happens over decades.
So here’s my quandary: I want my wife back so bad I can’t stop thinking about her.
Well, you never try to keep somebody that doesn’t want to keep you. And quite frankly, your wife did you dirty. You know, the way she treated you after everything you’ve done for her and the kids is just a shitty thing to do. But it sounds like she’s got a bunch of losers for friends, so. I mean, that is what it is.
You are who you associate with. And if your wife associates with a bunch of losers that think it’s a good idea to just divorce their husbands and clean them out financially so they can get on with their lives and enjoy the single life, well you become who you spend your time with, and that’s on her.
I want my wife back so bad I can’t stop thinking about her, and often will curl up in a ball and sob for hours, even though it’s going on four months since she moved out.
Well, you got to feel it to heal it. And the worst thing you can do is to resist the urge to cry and to be upset and to feel that pain. You got to get it through your nervous system. Over time, it will dissipate. But really, it’s just stuck energy. So you got to give yourself permission to really get into it in order to get out of it. I know it’s kind of contradictory to think about it. It’s counterintuitive to think about it, but you got to feel it to heal it.
And so whenever you feel the need to curl up into a ball and cry over the loss of your daughter or the loss of your marriage, just do it. Because it’s stuck energy. You got to get it through your nervous system because you’ll feel better afterwards. And it’s a process. It’s not a one time thing. It’s not a light switch. You don’t just flip the switch and then all of a sudden you’re magically better. It will get better with time, and with the more time that goes by. But you just you have to go through it.

You have to gut it out because you still have other kids you got to be there for. Because that wouldn’t be a good example for you to tap out. Because then you’re kind of validating your other daughter’s life choices. And if you think about the pain that you feel over the loss of your daughter, just imagine what that’s going to do to your other kids if they lose their dad, too. So you have to be the strong one, even though you might not feel like it, even though you might not feel like being strong. You got your other kids to think about and your potential future grandkids to think about.
And so because someday there’s going to come a time where you’re in a new relationship, you’re probably going to be dating a girl who’s hotter, who’s younger, who’s more fun than your wife was, and you’re going to have an amazing connection, and then you’re going to look back and your ex-wife is going to see how happy you are, and then she’s going to be remorseful because success is the best revenge.
And your other kids need to see that, too, because they’re going to look at the situation and go, “What mom did to dad was pretty shitty, but dad got through it. He met somebody else. He lived happily ever after.” And you will give hope to your other kids. And that’s what they need more than anything, is they need dad to pull himself up by his bootstraps and keep moving forward. Because at the end of the day, time is going to run out for all of us.
Everyone you love, everything you build eventually is going to turn to dust, sometimes sooner than others, sometimes in unexpected ways. You know, months ago, if you were to look at March of this year, you thought you had the world by the balls, and now everything’s completely changed in your life. But the good news is you have a clean slate and you can start all over again.
But other times I’m furious that she would pin this all me (I caused our daughters death which caused the divorce) in order to gain the support of her friends and family.
Well, again, if she’s hanging out with a bunch of losers that have blown up their marriages, but she became who she associated with. And again, you never try to keep somebody who doesn’t want to keep you.
Here is my question: in your podcasts you talk about being confident.

Well, what is confidence? Confidence is doing what you know how to do and doing it really well. Repetition is the mother of skill. So even though you might not feel confident right now because of everything that’s happened, you have a period of grief that you’re going to have to go through. You’re going to have to go through suffering. You’re going to have to cry about it. You’re going to have to suffer about it. You’re going to have to feel nasty emotions, but eventually it’s going to pass. It’s going to pass.
I’ve had a lot more girlfriends and dated a lot more people, and had a lot more breakups than the average person has had. And they all suck. Breakups always suck, but eventually you move on and it’s always better the next time with somebody else. Life goes on, man. I talk to people all the time that are older than both of us. They spent their lives with one person, and then they get sick and then they die very quickly. And they’re planning to spend the next 15, 20 years enjoying their golden years.
And their significant other made it two years and dropped dead of whatever cancer or whatever. And now they’re 65, 70 years old. They’re grandparents, their kids are grown, and they’re fit and they’re healthy, and they’re not dead yet. And they still want to live. They obviously suffer tremendously because they lost their life partner. But at the end of the day, life goes on. You go through a period of grief and you get over it and you start dating again. And when you start applying what’s in The Book, it’s like you can have a hell of a good time.
Because your Attraction Skills, your Pickup Skills, your Dating Skills, your Relationship Skills are going to be way better than they ever were in the past back when you were single, before you even met your current wife. And if you apply what’s in The Book, you’ll find somebody who’s better, who’s hotter, who’s younger, who’s more fun, who has a better attitude than your ex-wife to be. And the way I look at things in life is what happened, happened.
And it couldn’t have happened any other way. This was the way it was supposed to be. And the only thing you can really do is to learn from it and become stronger for it, and commit to get through it and find love again. So you can set a great example for your other kids that are still here, because maybe they’re going through a tough time as well, or will go through a tough time in the future. Maybe they’ll go through a bad breakup ten years from now or whatever.

Or maybe their spouse will cheat on them or something, or some tragedy will happen and they’ll lose their spouse, and you’ll be the guy that can get them through it. And you have to be the guy to get them through it, because you’re the only dad that they got. And so maybe it’s one of your grandkids down the road that goes through a really tough time and you have to be there to help them get through it.
So you’re not just doing this for yourself, you’re doing it for your other kids and your future grandkids. Because we’re men, this is what we do. We persevere even when it sucks, even when it looks hopeless, even when life feels like or seems like it’s just not worth it to go on. You just have to get up. Each day is a new day. It’s like an etch a sketch. Every morning you shake it, you have a completely blank slate and you can make it whatever you want. You live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece.
I don’t know that I’ll ever be confident again from these two events.
You will, because confidence again is really just doing what you know how to do and doing it really well. You’re suffering right now because it’s still new. You’re still shocked that your wife would just do this. But when you look at the people that she hung out with socially, it’s kind of not surprising at all. And it’s a reaction to the grief because this is actually pretty common. You have a death or you lose a child. A lot of couples don’t stay together after that happens because it’s so traumatic.
I’ve come pretty close to throwing in the towel a few times over the summer and had to give away all my guns. Everything I valued in my life is now gone.
Well, you still got other kids, so it’s not. Everything’s gone. Everything’s perspective. Life only has the meanings that we give to the circumstances of our life. And you got other people that are depending on you, so you have to get through it for them.
Because someday in the future, they’re going to need the guy that you’re going to become as you get through this difficult time, because they’re going to be leaning on you to get them through a difficult time. And if you’re not there, who’s going to be there to help them? Nobody. So you got to be the dad you need to be, even though it sucks, even though it’s unpleasant. Got to keep moving forward.

And now I’m starting completely over like a kid out of college but getting calls from AARP.
For those of you that don’t know. American Association of Retired Persons. I think that starts at like 55 and up, if I’m not mistaken. Or maybe it’s 65 and up, I don’t know.
You seem to know a lot about self-concept and relationships, what would you do if you were in my shoes? I mean, I know I have to go on for my two other girls, I realize that now.
Yeah. You absolutely better fucking go on. Because they need you more than ever. They need you to be the strong one. They need you to get through this. A leader leads by example, so it sucks what happened to your other daughter. But you can’t do anything about that. She made her choice and she was planning that for a long time. And so it’s up to you, even though you don’t feel like it to be the strong one, because your other daughters need you.
But I’m also not sure how to do that with any sort of happiness.
Well, what is happiness? Happiness comes from feeling like you’re successful in making progress in your life. So in other words, are you being successful at accomplishing your grandest goals and dreams? Like right now in your relationship, you’re single again. So you have to be able to move on and get past the breakup of your marriage and the loss of your daughter, for yourself and your other two daughters that are still here.
And as you make progress and as time goes by, there will be a time in the coming months where you realize that even though you’re suffering, you’re not suffering as bad as you have been lately. And so over time, it gets easier. And what you really need to do first and foremost, the number one thing is you got to get to a happy place. You got to get to a place where you love yourself, you love your life. You’re grateful for what you have.
You’re grateful for the two daughters that you still have. You’re grateful for this new opportunity in life. You’re grateful that obviously you got a Book like mine that can give you the cheat codes to life so you don’t have to work as hard as you did when you were younger to find somebody or to attract somebody. You can take all the guesswork out of it.

And in time, as you make progress, as you get better, as you start to go on dates, as you start to get laid again, as you start to get fitter and in shape. You start to establish your life again. You start to make new friendships, you have new places you can go. I mean, literally, you can go wherever you want. Now you are a free agent.
I’ve been listening to your episode “Finding Love Again After A Bad Breakup” where are you talk about moving to a new state or even a new country to start over again. I find myself doing that again right now as we sold our dream house and I’m literally driving to San Diego with my SUV packed to the ceiling along with my dog to start over.
Dogs truly are man’s best friend, and so you and your best friend are going to San Diego. And there’s a lot of hot women in San Diego. There’s a lot of hot, young, younger, hornier women. And the world is full of beta males. So you should feel a lot a tremendous amount of compassion for all the beautiful single ladies that you’re going to meet in the coming months and years that are desperate for a strong man who knows how to act attractive consistently.
Again, you have the cheat codes, it’s a sweet little Book that you can read for free on my Website, just subscribe to the email newsletter. So there’s a lot of women in San Diego that are going to be dying to meet a guy like you. You’re obviously a good dude. You’ve been a good provider, a good protector. You’ve been a good dad.
It’s unfortunate what happened to your daughter, but at the end of the day, that’s on her. She made the choice. She told you in her letter. She’d been planning it for a long time. And deep down, if I was a betting man, I would assume that she felt like she was doing you all a favor, even though you might not feel that way. That’s the way she felt.
I’ve been listening to your episode “Finding Love Again After A Bad Breakup” where are you talk about moving to a new state or even a new country to start over again. I find myself doing that again right now as we sold our dream house and I’m literally driving to San Diego with my SUV packed to the ceiling along with my dog to start over. I’m scared to death Corey. New city, alone, and don’t know a soul.
Well, that’s exciting. You don’t have any history or anything. So the only thing that people are going to know is what you tell them. And nobody needs to know this stuff. Nobody needs to know what happened, where you were at. You can just say that you and your wife split up after the loss of a child died unexpectedly. It was traumatic and you’re just looking to find happiness again. Looking to enjoy your life again.

But quite frankly, people don’t really need to know that until they get to know you. They can just know that you were married and you got divorced, and you can save because it’s still fresh. Probably the last thing you want to talk about on a date is losing your daughter to suicide. After, you know, on the fourth or fifth try, because you’ll probably break down and it’s a downer. It’s again, you want to hang out, have fun, and hook up. So let’s focus on the fun things and the good things.
But I do know that I won’t be looking for my wife at every intersection or the produce aisle. And I’m super lonely. It’s like I don’t know where to start looking for a girlfriend or if I even could. But I’m so lonely.
Well, you need to get to a happy place first. Get a place to live. Find a place that you want to live. That way when you walk outside your house or your apartment or your condo or your townhouse, whatever happens to be that there’s plenty of restaurants, plenty of bars, plenty of places to go to do things socially. You want to create a great life for yourself, full of fun things. So if you love to golf, join a golf club. If you love boating, join a yacht club.
Get a boat. Live near the water. Go where there’s lots of people and there’s lots of social activities. Go where there’s lots of beautiful women, even younger women, because younger women love older guys that have their shit together. Because so many of them, I mean, almost all the dudes their age just don’t have their shit together yet. They’re looking for real men and obviously the world has a shortage of them.
I’ve been a great dad and husband, and don’t deserve these cards I’ve been dealt. I’ve gone from hero to zero in two months and lost everything. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Best wishes,
Well, that’s kind of the way life is. Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans and it sucks. What’s happened has happened. You can’t do anything about it. All you can do is control the controllables, which are, you got to accept what’s happened, and your goal is to build a great life for yourself that you’re proud of. That’s full of great people that love and enjoy the same things. So when you’re not working, go lose yourself and your hobbies and your interests, and you got the best wingman that you could possibly have in your dog.

If you’re out hanging out with a dog. Dogs are great for women coming up to you and wanting to pet and talk to your dog and then talk to you, because if you got a dog with you, it means you’re safe. It means you’re approachable. It means that you’re able to take care of another living thing. So dogs are great. So you got man’s best friend with you and your best friend creating and carving out a new life in San Diego. Like I said, first and foremost, you should be looking for a great neighborhood to move to.
Maybe you stay at some Airbnbs or some short term apartments, or like an extended stay or something like that, until you figure out what part of the city you want to live in, that there’s a lot of action, there’s a lot of social things. There’s a lot of things that you can do for fun in the area that are within walking distance or a short drive in your car. Because if you’re happy, if you’re smiling, you’re going to be attractive and approachable and you’re going to make women feel safe. So that’s why the first and foremost, you need to get to a happy place first.
Obviously, you’re going to have to take time when you’re by yourself to feel your pain and get through it. You got to just think of it as stuck energy that’s got to move through your nervous system. Another thing that I would suggest, that will definitely help you with that is all of “The Consciousness Exercises Stages 1 through 12”, which are on the home page of my YouTube Channel. If you go to YouTube.com/@CoachCoreyWayne/playlists and you scroll all the way to the bottom, you’ll see the Consciousness Exercises with Doctor Dominick D’Anna and Gracie. And you can put those on your big screen TV and do them right in front of your TV as they demonstrate the Consciousness Exercises.
Just do all Stages 1 through 12. And that’ll really help you with your grief and getting that energy through you and making you feel better. And especially Stage 4. It’s really good for taking your power back and making you feel confident. Like especially if you’re going to go out, and you just want to go out and socialize and talk to people in your neighborhood and have a good time. Doing Stage Four is really good because it makes you feel powerful.
It makes you feel empowered, and that’s a good thing to do if you’re going to go start doing cold approaches and things of that nature. But first and foremost, get to a happy place. And when you feel good, get outside and spend time in nature. Spend time with other human beings. Take your dog to the beach.

Walk along the beach. Go where there’s cute girls. Just get in the habit of saying hello to people and being friendly and practicing your social skills and practicing the things that are in 3% Man, and that will help you. I also suggest that you read Mastering Yourself, which is also in the Members Area of the Website, and you can read that Book for free as well.
And if you want to book a coaching session with yours truly, maybe either you or somebody else that’s watching this video is having a difficult time and you want my help. Go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen on any page, and book a coaching session with yours truly.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
Paperback | $29.99
How to Be a 3% Man
Hardcover | $49.99
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Get the Book “Mastering Yourself”
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*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Mastering Yourself
Paperback | $49.99
Mastering Yourself
Hardcover | $99.99
Mastering Yourself
Paperback | $49.99
Mastering Yourself
Hardcover | $99.99
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Get the Book “Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations”
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*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
Paperback | $49.99
Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
Hardcover | $99.99
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
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