How to successfully attract the women you desire & how to prevent the subtle mistakes most guys make that ruin attraction. The key to attracting the women you want is to do and say things a dominant male does. That means being direct and making a definite date with definite plans. Women know that if you are talking to them, then that means that you probably like them. However, when you’re talking to them and they can tell that you like them, but you beat around the bush and never get around to being direct and asking for what you want, she’ll always reject you. When a woman can tell that you do not have the guts to be direct and ask her out when you like her, she will reject you and judge you to be a weak man. The bottom line: if you like her, but don’t have the guts to ask her out because you fear rejection, exactly what you fear… will ALWAYS happen! A man who is too afraid or timid is going to hold back because of his irrational fears. The following is an e-mail from a reader. He met a girl who liked him initially, but he was not direct and he beat around the bush too much. She therefore, judged him to be weak and unsuitable romantically. He wonders what happened and why the attraction evaporated so quickly. My comments on are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
Hi Corey,
I have been friends with this girl for a few months. I could tell she was into me, so I gave her a card and heart shape box of chocolates on valentines day. (That’s really weak. Instead of being confident & direct by asking her out, you gave her an expression of your feelings in hopes she would know what to do with them. Women expect the man to take control of the direction of the relationship. She wants YOU to make the plans and ask her out. She wants to show up looking hot and just enjoy herself. If you have a connection with a woman, you don’t just say, “I feel the same thing too” and wait on her to do everything. When you are not direct and beat about the bush waiting for the woman to move things forward, it communicates that you are a beta male and not very successful with other women. Women know a guy who gets it and a guy who does not simply by your actions, words and body language.) We made out a couple times. She fell asleep on me after a party in her bed, then a week went by with literally no communication. (Sounds like you were waiting on her to make all the moves. To basically be the man in the relationship. Women DON’T WANT TO BE THE MAN IN A RELATIONSHIP!! Women will let you know they like you, but it’s YOUR JOB AS THE MAN to set definite dates, or fun-filled, mysterious, romantic opportunities for sex to happen.) I asked what she wanted and she apologized for leading me on. (Translation: “I liked you, but you acted weak and like you did not know what you were doing. We can be friends WITHOUT benefits. So I think of you as a friend. I hope your feelings are not hurt because I decided you’re only a friend candidate and not relationship material for me.”) What happened to her feelings so fast? (She liked you, but you were unprepared because you did not know my book. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Destiny favors those minds which are prepared. You made too many mistakes and acted weak, therefore, she rejected you.) Did I move things to slowly? (You were not direct. You acted like a woman with her. You don’t give valentines day gifts, or any kind of gift to women who are not your girlfriend or wife who you are trying to date. Get busy reading my book and applying what it teaches so you can meet and date more women, and improve your pickup, dating and relationship skills. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.” ~ Stephen Hawkings
You are here: Home/Attraction/ How To Successfully Attract Women
Published on March 20, 2012
About Coach Corey Wayne
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
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