How you can become a dream girl’s priority and live the kind of life that most men only dream of.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a viewer who has been following my work for about five years now. He was successful at getting his ex back, the reason he first started studying it, but eventually he moved on and got so good that he had choice with women. However, this past year he realized that even though he had many beautiful women in his life, they all lacked any ambition, goals, and direction and had no idea what they wanted out of life.
He shares how he got really focused on prequalifying women quickly and looking for someone who knew what she wanted out of life. He shares how he met his current girlfriend and what makes her so spectacular compared to all the other women he’s dated. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
I’ve got a really good success story, and this is from a guy, he’s been following me for about five years now. And what I like about it is, you see that great success is not the kind of thing that happens overnight. My work, the things I teach in “How To Be A 3% Man,” and especially in “Mastering Yourself,” you see things take a long time. You’ve got to think in terms of a decade or more, especially when you’re undertaking major goals and major challenges in life. If you’re completely reinventing yourself in your life, it’s not something that’s going to be over in a few days or a few weeks or a few months or even a few years. It’s a lifelong commitment to excellence and reaching your full potential, finding a way to utilize your mindset, the story that you tell yourself on a daily basis to get up and go do those little things that you know you need to do before you go to bed each night. Because it’s your actions that determine where you’re going to end up 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now.
Things don’t just happen by accident. You look at somebody like Mark Zuckerberg, or Jeff Bezos, or Elon Musk or any of the most successful people that have become billionaires or people that we look at as people having made it financially, if you will, their efforts are not something that just happened in a few weeks, and then all of a sudden they were billionaires. These things take years, a decade or more. And having a great life, a great social life, a great professional life, a great business, a great career, whatever happens to be, whatever it is that you want to create for yourself in your own little part of the world is something that’s going to take time, because you have to get experience.

Just like the things I teach in “How To Be A 3% Man,” you have to get experience — whether it’s asking girls out, calling them or texting them, trying to set up a date and then going out on dates. And then when you’re on the dates, progressing them successfully to having a nice, successful seduction in the bedroom, you get better. And it’s by interacting with other people you learn what you like and what you don’t like. And you’ll see in this guy’s email, he went through a lot of that. He got really good at having a lot of really beautiful women in his life, but the problem was most of them just had no goals, no ambitions. And when he would ask them questions like, “What do you want out of life?” they had no answer. And that’s the reality.
It’s like, if you’re going to have somebody in your inner circle — whether it’s your girlfriend, your significant other, your wife, or just different kinds of women that you’re dating, this also includes your friends and the people that you spend your time with socially — if you surround yourself with losers and people that have no goals, no ambition and they’re going nowhere in life, and yet you’re a high achieving person who has lots of goals and dreams, and they’re mediocre, average people, whether they realize it or not and whether you realize it or not, they’re going to get in the way. They’re going to sandbag your success, and they can’t help that.
Because the things that you’re going to do, whether it’s “Oh, I’ve got to go run to the gym,” or “I’ve got to go to this meeting,” they’re going to be like, “Oh, I’ll do it tomorrow. I’ll do it next week. There’s always next weekend. Let’s have a good time right now,” and they want instant gratification. And if you’re trying to reach your full potential and get beyond where you started out, you’re going to have to be surrounded with people that have the same goals and the same values and have similar dreams, so you can encourage each other. Because you’re going to have rough days, you’re going to have difficult days, you’re going to have unexpected challenges just come your way.

Like this morning when I sat down, I was going through my emails. When I see an email that I like, I usually put a flag next to it. Well, the company (I’m not going to mention the company, because I’m not too happy with them right now) that handles my emails decided to upgrade and migrate their system. I’m looking through these emails, and all of it, everything just disappeared. And then I go log in the new the interface online, because I have an online interface to use, and I couldn’t get in. It’s trying to make me go and download this other software, and it’s obviously infuriating.
And so, the first thing that happens that pops in my mind is like, “I’m not going be able to get my video news. I can’t get my damn emails. So, I have an email to answer, and then it just wasted a half hour of my time. But I finally figured it out and found a back door, a back way, to get access to what I had before and I’m able to do this newsletter today. But that’s what happens. Life throws curve balls at you when you least expect it. You turn your computer on the morning and it’s dead, or you’ve got no Internet, or your car doesn’t start. Somebody close to you dies unexpectedly.
Like one of my friends who you’re going to meet, (we’ve got a podcast that we filmed a few weeks ago), he went to work one day and his fucking wife died just like that, had a brain aneurysm. He’s got a teenage son at the time, and it’s like, “Oh, by the way, your wife just died.” And she was somebody that was always focused on health and eating right and taking care of herself, she didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, didn’t do nothing. He just woke up one day and goes to work, had just seen his wife, and never saw her again. That’s what happens. Life just throws crap at you, and you’ve got to be able to adapt.

And so, if you’ve got people in your inner circle, your inner camp, if you will, that don’t have the same goals and values and don’t have the same ambition that you do, they’re going to hold you back from reaching your full potential. And like I said, this guy is a high achiever, and obviously, if you’re watching this video, you’re a high achiever as well, because for the most part, mediocre people don’t watch me. And that’s fine.
And what you’ll see that this guy did, he had lots of choice, he had lots of options with women, but none of them had any goals or any ambition. And then, obviously, he eventually found one that did, which was shocking and surprising to him when it happened, but that’s why you just keep grinding away. You never know when the right opportunity is going to present itself or the right person is going to come into your life at the most unexpected time, in the most unexpected way. That’s why you’ve got to know what you want, why you want it, and you’ve got to keep charging ahead to make it happen. As long as you’ve got breath in your lungs, you’ve got time to make your life the way you want it.
I’ve got several friends who’ve been with their wives for several years now, some of them several decades, and the thing that’s interesting is these are all top tier, high achieving guys and their women came from top tier families. They had parents that were ambitious, they had goals, they were a good team and they were totally aligned to accomplish things together. Several of their wives have their own businesses that they run successfully, in addition to juggling kids and a family. And a lot of them work from home and work from home together.

And I use this example a lot, you look at Tom Brady and it’s like, why didn’t Tom Brady just marry some average girl who didn’t really have any goals or ambitions? Why did he marry one of the most successful, beautiful supermodels in the world? Because they can relate to one another. She could understand the problems and challenges that he had in life, and vice versa. And because she’s a high achieving woman, when he has one of those days where they lost a game or he’s not feeling so great about himself, she’s going to have a positive, encouraging word, because she can relate to that, because she has down days or bad days or days that things don’t go well, and vice versa. When something doesn’t go her way, he can be there because he’s also a champion in his life, just like she is in hers.
Viewer’s Email:
Hello Coach,
I wanted to share a success story of mine, and I hope it will show people how your work can help them win the girl they dream about and not only that, but become her priority in life. I found your work about 5 years ago when my relationship was going south. I managed to get it back at that point with your video material and book, but it was just too late to salvage it. I got my life back after that breakup, and after every relationship I learned a thing or two, fixed my mistakes and became a better version of myself every time.
In the last 6 months, I really wanted to make my life as best as I possibly could. I cut all the toxic people from my life, devoted more time to my business and became extremely picky with women. At that point, it was so full of women who are living meaningless lives and whose best quality is their looks, women who have no ambition or drive and just live for today and have no plans for their future.

Now, you know what? There’s a lot of guys in society that would be totally happy with that, but a high achieving guy is going to be looking for a high achieving woman who knows what she wants. Maybe she just wants to be a great mom. In other words, she has a clear vision of what she wants to experience 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now.
No matter how good a woman looked I would call her out immediately after meeting her with a straight out question…
Which I think is a great question to prequalify with:
“What do you expect from life?”
Or you can use, “What do you want out of life? Where do you see yourself 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now?” It’s amazing saying that to people. I ask these kinds of questions all the time. You see people start squirming, “Oh, I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure it out.”
You would be surprised how many women were caught off guard with that.
Not really.
They would be like, “Umm, I don’t know yet. I’m still kinda looking for something.”
Tony Robbins has this thing from his Personal Power, he said, “The road to someday leads to a town of nowhere.”
“Well, it’s too early to make any plans now.”
Next thing you know, ten years have gone by and they completely wasted the decade.

And at that point, I would just say, “Oh it’s okay,” but the interest drop could probably be seen on my face, and then the dynamics would completely change.
I know exactly what you’re talking about, dude, and that’s happened to me like probably thousands of times in my life. Because you start talking to something like, “Wow, she’s hot,” and you find out what she’s all about and you ask her a question like that, and she’s like, “I don’t know. I’m just trying to live it day by day. This job’s cool for now.” When you hear something like that from a guy like me, this is a new experience for this guy, but I’ve been experiencing this for a lot of years and it’s hard to remain interested when a girl has no goals, no ambitions, no dreams or just can’t talk about them, or doesn’t articulate them, or doesn’t want to talk about it. I want somebody that’s excited — whether it’s friends or a woman to date — somebody that’s got some goals and some vision and they know what they want out of life, not somebody that’s just drifting along like a fucking tumbleweed.
They would do absolutely anything to win me, since they realized that I am higher value than them.
It’s true, because they can see you’re not that into it anymore, and they’re not going to be able to skate by with just their looks, which they can get away with with most average guys they encounter.
They would literally offer themselves on a plate, but at that point I was no longer interested.
Dude, I totally feel you on that. I’ve had that experience too many times. It’s a sad thing if you think about it. It’s like, most people just drift through life. They don’t really have any goals or ambition. They’re not really applying themselves on a daily consistent basis, trying to get way beyond where they’re currently at. They’re just trying to get through the work week and get to the weekend, so they can pound some beers, have some junk food, watch some TV, space out, sleep, sleep on the couch, or whatever happens to be.

And it was going like that until I met a girl who answered my question with real plans and goals for life.
Yeah, because at that point it happens so much, you’re just expecting it, “Oh, yeah, here comes, “Oh, I don’t know,” and then she shocks you.
I was absolutely stunned that a woman that hot was actually working for herself and having high goals and ambitions.
I think it’s pretty hot, an attractive woman who has goals and ambitions. Maybe she owns her own big business, has a career, is doing things that are fun. And her girlfriends tend to be high achieving as well.
Following the principles from your book and videos, it was easy to get her to fall in love with me. She is so strict and people at her work fear her, but when she is around me, she acts like a little girl, hugs me and touches me all the time non-stop.
Yeah, because you’re totally in your masculine energy, and therefore, she feels safe and comfortable enough to turn into a playful little girl, even though she’s able to put on that masculine armor at work and kick ass. And so, that’s a compliment to you that you’re showing up in your masculine energy the way it’s supposed to be, and she naturally shows up in her feminine energy.
She reschedules all her plans if she needs to meet me, and she plans her following week with me as a priority.
She’s totally submissive to you.

And all I do is be nice to her and give her love and affection when we are together, and when we are not, I just give her the time and space to live her own life and reach out to me when she wants to see me again. And regularly I hear things from her like, “You are so different than the other guys. I literally feel like I am totally free, but I only want to be around you all the time.”
That’s the interesting thing. Sometimes I see people getting butt-hurt when I talk about or relay the Thich Nhat Hanh quote, “You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free” — feels free to come and go. People are like, “Oh, that’s not true.” They get mad and they get butt-hurt. It’s like, if you give a woman the freedom to come and go, to stay with you or to choose somebody else, or whatever, it’s like they become like a sucker fish. They’re always attached to you. They always want to be around you. They always want to have their hands on you, because you make them so you feel so free to be themselves that who else would they rather be themselves around other than you?
So basically, this is the story coach. I am living every man’s dream at the moment. I have a girl that is absolutely my type, head-over-heels in love with me, and it feels great! I just want to tell all the guys that follow your work that they need to work on themselves and have high standards for women. Show them that their looks are not enough to win you over, and that they have to bring much more to the table.
Thank you for everything coach.
Best regards,
I totally agree, you are 100% spot on. You’ve got to have somebody that is more than just a pretty face, because at the end of the day, the looks are going to fade the older you get. And you want to have somebody that you respect, that you admire, that you mutually admire each other — somebody that’s so awesome that you just feel compelled to be an even better man, just because she’s such an amazing woman. She deserves it. She deserves your awesomeness and your best self.
Welcome to 3% Club Brother. It’s expanding every day. And you can get these mugs at Teespring.com at the Coach Corey Wayne store. So if you have a problem or a challenge in your personal or professional life and you’d like to get my help, go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen and book a coaching session with yours truly.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Top tier men typically date top tier women. High achieving men want women who can also relate to the life, lifestyle and challenges of being a high achiever in a world that is comprised of mostly average, low achieving people. They want more than just another pretty face. They want a woman who has her own goals and dreams and is looking for a teammate who knows what he wants, why he wants it and is relentlessly trying to make that happen. Together they can accomplish amazing things and to nurture, love, support and encourage each other to reach their full potential together. You’re either savage or you’re average.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Bob says
Dear Coach,
Hope you and your family are healthy and safe.
I have read your book (3% man) for 4 times and already feeling the power of knowledge as applied few things as a ‘test’ 🙂
I am a high achieving man doing my own successful business in Poland. Your book has pushed my brain to generate new kind of neurons to make my masculine energy thrive in front of women.
I am sending this mail to thank you for your book which i have a hard copy and to ask you a question.
In your book on page nr. 76 you have mentioned to take your date at 2-3 different places in one evening, it’s like the experience of multiple dates on one night. Now a days due to covid we usually meet at her or my home so how can i give the same effect of ‘multiple dates’ by meeting at home and not going out ?
Thank you.
Best wishes,