How to bring back your inner alpha, so you can accomplish your grandest goals and dreams and attract the highest quality women.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a viewer who shares how he met and successfully attracted the alpha female he is currently dating. Like most people, he found my work after things went sideways with his last girlfriend and he wanted to get her back. He read my book twenty-three times in the span of about 2-3 months after trying unsuccessfully to cherry pick info from my YouTube videos, and get his ex back.
Even though he is a 6’ 4” bodybuilder and all state athlete, he was not acting like a man around women. He shares what he changed after implementing my work and how well things are going now with his sports model girlfriend who other men drool over. It’s another great success story of the heights your personal and professional life can climb to, if you live what my books teach. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
What’s up Coach?
I wanted to email you a detailed success story, as your work was the falling domino that helped me take steps in all aspects of my life to turn it around. Now I’m really headed the direction I need to thanks to you.

(Yeah, as you become better, more successful and aware of what you’re really capable of, and you learn the information in my book, you exhibit the best parts of you that will make you maximally attractive to women. When you start to recognize and exhibit the behaviors, the body language, the physiology, the tone of your voice, when you exude that confidence and presence, it’s very rare. And you start to notice that not only do women pay more attention to you, but men start to pay attention to you and look to you to be the leader. It is an amazing feeling to have absolute certainty, knowing you can have a really great woman in your life who’s going to like you for you.
As I’ve discussed many times and as I talk about in my book, attraction is not a choice. Women either like you or they don’t. What most guys do when they meet somebody that feels the same way or is initially attracted and feels the same good vibe that you feel towards them is talk them out of liking us. In other words, all those subconscious thoughts and limiting beliefs we hold about ourselves that are inaccurate affects what we say, what we do, it affects our body language and physiology, and women respond to this.
Women are biologically driven to mate and date with the most dominate males. They may naturally and instinctively see a guy that seems great off the bat, but because of how he perceives himself, it affects how he shows up. If you don’t think you’re really that great on the inside, and then you meet somebody you really like, and you’re in a scarcity mindset, you start acting like you don’t deserve them. And because you’re in a scarcity mindset, you start worrying and becoming fearful you can’t find anything better, and that’s what causes us to settle for somebody who’s way less than what we’re capable of having.
If you’ve read my second book, “Mastering Yourself,” it focuses more on your purpose. Deep down, when you have a lot of life experience, and you’re able to apply the science of high achievement fundamentals, which I teach in both of my books, you know that with enough time, repetition, heart and taking action, eventually you’re going to be able to reach beyond where you were. Then you look at life as you did when you were a kid. You come up with creative things.
When we’re little kids, we don’t think in terms of “Oh, that will never work. I can’t do this. I can’t do that,” but as we age we take on the limiting beliefs and behaviors of the people around us, our friends, our family or our peer group. And when we start to believe that, we start to create a prison for ourselves, and we can’t grow beyond that. But once you start applying the things that are in my books and you start seeing results, then you see life as just being a world of possibilities. That’s when it’s really exciting and fun. Because if you see yourself in a limited light, that limits your friendships, the women you date, the careers you can have, the kind of businesses you can grow and what you can do with your body and physical health. At the end of the day, if you don’t have your health, it’s going to have a negative effect on every other aspect of your life.
The way I look at life, the whole purpose of it is to enjoy it and find a way to have fun with it, with who you’re with, your lifestyle, where you live, what you do for fun, what you do for a living, your life’s work. When you lose hope, you’ve got one foot in the grave. The reality is, we’re surrounded by people who have lost hope, who have given up on pretty much every one of their dreams by the time they hit their late twenties or early thirties. Now they’re just trying to get through life, get their kids through college and then they’re ready to take their dirt nap, having never really coming close to reaching their full potential. That’s just the harsh fucking reality.
If you’re watching this video, it’s obvious you’re somebody who has high standards and you want more for yourself. You want to be more than you are today, because that’s what alphas do. Alphas always want to expand and grow beyond their current comfort zone. That’s what the pursuit of excellence is, to be better than the day before.)
I came across your work when I had a girl who at the time knocked my socks off, who now is actually subpar if that. Things had gone sideways, as I was extremely needy and insecure, and she started to pull away, and your work opened my eyes.

(The only reason you’re going to be needy and insecure is if you doubt yourself and you don’t think you bring enough to the table. You tell yourself, “If I lose this girl, I’m never going to find anybody else.” So you jump through your butt and do all kinds of things that cause her and the people around you to lose respect. You’re compromising your values and your principles, because you fear losing someone. The best place to be is where you dare them to not want to be with you, you dare them to find another guy that’s better than you and to have the peace of mind that if she does, it’s her loss, thinking “I will find somebody better. It’s just a matter of time.”)
Despite being a 6’4” bodybuilder and all state hockey and soccer player in Jersey all my life, I still didn’t act like a man. Once I got blown off, I read your book 23 times over the span of about 2 or 3 months.
(The best success stories always come from guys that read the book 10, 15, 20 times or more. When you read something that much and you immerse yourself in it, because this is more than just a few techniques and strategies, you learn a mindset, a way of life, a way to approach your challenges and obstacles. You have to learn the science of high achievement fundamentals that are taught in both of my books if you want to reach your full potential.)
One thing I want to point out to the viewers is, I watched your videos non-stop on a daily basis and still fucked up, so the short cut doesn’t help, and the craziest part was the fact that I could physically feel the change each time I read your book.
(In other words, you tried cherry picking information from the videos, thinking you didn’t have time to read the book. You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. You saw the consequences, and you finally came around.)
It felt like everything I knew was coming undone and implementing a new change. That girl was so pissed I wouldn’t reach out and moved on as even the one dude she fell for would not walk away. She since moved to a quarter mile from my house, but I ignore her as she’s egotistical and manipulative.
(Yes, when you have an abundance mentality, when you know you deserve better and you know you can have better, other people have no fucking power over you. You’re in a high position of leverage. I highly recommend you read “The Art of the Deal.” Whether you like Trump or not, he’s a master negotiator. It’s all about leverage.)
This has her going crazy as fuck.
(Yeah, because she can’t manipulate you anymore.)
I dropped out of college to get a sales job, as I ran out of money and my dad’s credit was shot, so I had to roll as they couldn’t get my sister her loans if I didn’t go on a payment plan. I just moved to software sales a year later as the comp plan is 10x better, so I can take the money I make and funnel it into my business ideas.
(In my second book, “Mastering Yourself,” I go into extensive detail about how to get a better job, how to increase your revenue, how to negotiate revenue and the basics of entrepreneurship. I’ve been a successful entrepreneur pretty much my whole adult life, so I know what the fuck I’m talking about. Living and speaking my truth is the best way to be, even if people cry and whine about it. I really don’t give a fuck. That’s the best place to be. When you don’t give a fuck, as Steve McQueen said, “I live for myself and I answer to nobody,” that puts you in an absolute superior position of strength to negotiate on your behalf and be in the best position of leverage in every area of your life.)
(You get what you want or you walk away. As Michael Yon said, “The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it.” When the other person wants what you’ve got more than what they’re offering, you can get them to pay more for it.)
This brings me to my success with women. I got good at getting laid and even slept with a bunch of single moms from these online sites, and it was a good time, but I still was bad at actually attracting any girls I wanted. I finally got a better attitude and also some more friends, and we went nuts this year.
(You changed your peer group. You got a better peer group. The idea for your peer group is you want to hang out with people who are better, smarter and more successful than you are, because they will push you to be better. I wrote about this extensively in my second book, “Mastering Yourself.” These things work, and I promise if you apply the things I teach, you will get fucking results way beyond whatever you thought was possible.)
We were partying in Miami and all over Jersey and Long Island with film crews and tons of hot girls on all our pictures, and it was a blast. We made a ton of noise. I finally got to the place where I was ready to meet a woman, as I still wanted a teammate.
(Sex is great, but making love will completely change your life. Your emotions, your heart, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically, everything is 100% engaged. That really unchains your heart and pushes you to want to be a better human being.)
I got clear on what I wanted in a woman in terms of all aspects, and a few weeks ago matched an absolute dime on Bumble. She’s a sponsored physique model and works for the company full time, which is 7 miles from my new office. At my old company, I could have walked into her office, and she moved to about 7 miles from me in May. I joined the Lifetime Fitness 2 days before matching her, as I wanted the steam room and showers rather than the brute gyms I was lifting at for a change, and ironically she goes there too.
(That is not an accident. That is the law of attraction. That is the way the universe works. You focus on your purpose and mission in life and being the best you can and applying the things in my book, and you’re going to magnetically draw to you somebody that will blow your fucking doors off. It’s just a matter of time, but you have to put the work in.)
She messaged me immediately and wanted to meet that night, which we did, and we hit it off. The next night, I saw her in the gym looking like a bombshell, I walked up to her and she loved it saying no guy has ever approached her in the gym.

(You will find that with the really super smoking hot women, they don’t get approached that often. Most guys are just too timid thinking, “She’ll never go out with me.” The reality is, if you’re that attracted to somebody, there’s a good possibility that they’re going to be that attracted to you as well.)
She asked me to go to her car and made out with me intensely. We would see each other each night at the gym, as that is how our schedules just happened to work out, and it was great.
(Like attracts like. People who tend to like the same things tend to like each other.)
She invited me over to her place after the gym each night, and I’ve never seen a woman so confident and in control of herself, it took a while for her to let me sleep with her. I actually liked this and never let myself get frustrated, as I was focused on giving and not needing.
(You’re focused on giving when you have too much. When your cup runneth over, you give without requesting or requiring anything in return. That’s what love is. Love is about giving.)
She’s a dime piece with the most amazing body, so every dude wants her and throw their dicks at her. But she has very strong morals and wants something meaningful.
(Yes, because she knows she’s fucking awesome. She sees all the guys wanting her, and she’s got high standards as well. She’s not going to date any old schmuck that comes along with no fucking game and doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. People that get to this level they’re pretty rare, hence the title of my book, “How To Be A 3% Man.”)
She said I am like no other guy she’s ever dated and loves it along with my confidence. She went to a trade show with her company and was in a booth all weekend with plenty of dudes more fit than me, and I remained strong and confident in what I brought to the table.
(As I talked about earlier, it’s like daring her to find somebody better. It’s not about being an arrogant dick, but it’s a quiet, humble confidence, a deep inner knowing.)
She fucked with me a few times, and I laughed and said they can have you when you’re not with me, which confused her. I said the more guys you date and talk to, the faster you’ll realize you only want me, and she loved this.
When she returned, she quickly volunteered she wasn’t trying to see other guys on Bumble or from the expo and missed me.
(She’s trying to get your validation and letting you know “You really are special to me.”)
She said the other night, I’m the first guy that she ever missed, as she left the gym before me, and we didn’t get a chance to hang out, as I was not about to chase her.
(Remember as Thich Nhat Hanh said, “You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” You give her the freedom. And in a playful way you encourage and dare her to find somebody better. And yet she returns.)
I thought it was a test, and I just continued to give her all of the freedom in the world. When we were together she asked me what I wanted out of this, and I spoke from the heart, but not like an emotional little bitch. I said I enjoy my time with you and would be willing to see you exclusively, but we can go as slow as you want, as I’d like to just have fun and enjoy our time together until you’re ready.
(You did this because you know women are the ones that decide where the relationship goes, if anywhere.)
She ate that shit up and said she was hoping I’d be willing to do that, as I’m the only guy who has ever treated her properly and had his shit together just as much as she did.
(That is an alpha male and an alpha female. It’s extremely fucking rare.)
Last night I was invited for a sleepover, seduced her in minutes and it was great. She invited me on a weekend trip, camping with her sister and her sister’s husband. She was dying when I said I don’t think dudes from Jersey belong out in the woods, but obviously I said yes.

She says a lot of things in your book, like she loves the fact we don’t text during the day.
(She’s too busy for that anyway. In the back of her mind, she’s thinking about you, so when you do finally talk, scarcity creates value, and she’s excited for that interaction. It has more value as opposed to being in constant contact all day.)
She only texts me when she wants to make plans or send a flirty text wanting to see me. She goes out of her way to make it easy for me, and has yet to do a thing wrong. I think I’ve definitely found myself a real partner in crime, and she supports the fuck out of my goals and vision and gets more excited than I do when I win contracts from proposals.
(That’s really fucking important. If you’re dating somebody and she doesn’t support what you do, she doesn’t support your mission and purpose like this woman does, you’re with the wrong fucking chick.)
My purpose you helped me find is to start multiple businesses and eventually be a motivational speaker around the country to help people get through what I did, due to growing up in a broken home similar to what you went through, as my mom has several diseases and just got another one, it tore up my childhood, and going from being flat broke to a multimillionaire.
I have a long road ahead of me, which I will do a coaching session with you to help me do this right. Thanks again for helping me overcome all of these things in my life and work to reach my full potential.
(What a great fucking success story. That’s fucking awesome. Even though you fucked up a little in the beginning by cherry picking, you did the work, got on track and you’re crushing it. This is what I want for everybody who follows my work.)
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Alpha energy is living your life and being who you really are without limits, holding back or being influenced by weaker betas who are too scared, shy and timid to reach their full potential. Alpha energy is leadership energy that takes risks in spite of the potential for loss and failure. Betas will do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. Alphas push through the pain and take action in spite of their fears, because they have emotionally compelling outcomes they must achieve. Alphas are disciplined and always continue moving forward and taking action, even when success seems far off or highly unlikely. Alphas see problems and challenges as simply obstacles to be overcome by perpetually searching for solutions until they find them. Alphas are relentless in their pursuit of excellence and reaching their full potential, despite the hate foisted upon them by the weak and timid.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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