How you can learn to understand your woman, what she needs and how to communicate with her effectively so you can have an easy and effortless relationship, full of love and meeting each other’s needs.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who describes how finding, studying and implementing what my book teaches has saved his twelve year relationship and caused him to feel like love is everything. He says he used to be totally confused by her behavior and what she needed from him to be happy.
He describes how he was losing her and how it looked like their relationship was over, but what he did instead to turn things around. He insists she is “the one,” but despite the fact his head is in the clouds, he has a much better handle on how a woman tests her man’s strength and how to pass these tests going forward. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
I Could Not Understand Her
Hi Dear Corey Wayne!
I really, really think that you alone saved my 12-year relationship, and you personally gave back the girl I am so in love with. (You really need to give credit to yourself. If you’ve been following me for awhile, it could go either way. It depends on what you do with the information and how you show up.) I could not understand her, and I had no idea how to handle situations until you came around with your words, videos and your book. In your book, you describe certain behaviors that I never in my wildest dreams thought I would see once on paper. I always thought that either her or I must be crazy. (To the average person that doesn’t know better, a woman’s behavior is totally confusing and makes no sense at all. However, if you apply the things I teach, you will see the same patterns I have learned to recognize, and men and women in general will become very predictable to you.) And you said simply, “Women are like this. Deal with it.” (When you understand why women do what they do, you can meet their needs and give them what they need to be happy.) Every word you said was true! Of course, mostly the negotiation rules you teach, how we can exploit their sometimes-silly ways of dealing with things, so we have to actually use the fact that they are emotionally unstable. (It’s not that they are emotionally unstable. You have to understand the nature of feminine energy. It’s just like mother nature. It’s completely unpredictable. Women are way more intuitive and in tune with their emotions and feelings than guys are. Guys tend to be logically driven and in their heads. Women talk about feelings and emotions and use relational stories and examples to paint a picture. With the picture they paint, you have to be able to read between the lines. It’s frustrating to guys because they don’t always understand.) And guess what: it worked! Nothing else worked. Nothing! And the contrast I see, before and after, is enormous! (When you apply the relationship skills that are taught in my book, you’ll see everything you thought you knew about the world is wrong.) No one on this planet could tell if she was quitting for real, or she was just doing the “testing.” (If a woman still has interest, you’ve still got a chance. Once she’s lost all respect for you, you have no chance.) I never heard this one either, only in your book, but it matches exactly to her personality, and her gaming mindset, which I learned to love while listening to and reading your work. (Women are naturally designed to exploit a man’s weaknesses and exploit them so they can become his strengths. When you’re in your masculine essence it makes her feel safe and comfortable to be in her feminine essence.)
The fact is this: I would lose her without your guidance! Very likely! However, you gave me unbelievable strength. (This strength was already within you. I just filled in a knowledge gap inside of you, and you’re now able to demonstrate what you already are inside.) Nobody ever gave me anything like this! Losing her would probably make me go crazy, and I would ruin myself some way or another in the coming years, because she is the one, you know. (That’s total bullshit. It doesn’t mean you’re going to spend the rest of your life with this woman.) She is the most beautiful girl in the world, with the loveliest voice and the loveliest energy she is carrying in herself. (If she’s happier than she used to be, then she’s exhibiting more of her feminine energy. It will really polarize your relationship, and you both will be more sexually attracted to each other.) Love is everything! I hope I can preventatively deal with it, while reading your book at least 14 more times, so things won’t go sideways. This is mind-bending what is happening around you man! People owe you a lot! I owe you a lot with our lives… with my life! So thank you Corey! If you have a second, just say something like, “You’re welcome,” or something, so my cells can see that you are real. I am going to spread your name for a lifetime anyway. You can bet that! Only when she is not around, of course! (Maybe you can share my book with her so you can read it together.) No words can express how I feel, so thank you again! (Thanks for the success story. Not only are you making your life better, you’re making your girl’s life better and the lives of everybody that you touch. That makes the world a better place, one person at a time.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“When a woman senses weakness in her man, she often will test his strength to see what he is made of and to help encourage him to make the right decision so he can live up to and reach his full potential. A good woman who truly loves you will be your greatest teammate and cheerleader. She will defend you, even when you are not around. Women sometimes will ask their men questions they know the answers to just to see how they respond. When a woman senses weakness in her man, this will have a negative impact on her ability to feel safe and comfortable with him as the leader of their relationship. This forces her to move into her masculine essence to make up for his lack of leadership. A woman resents this and often will become bitchy and grumpy if his display of weakness persists for too long. It’s okay for men to doubt themselves or to display weakness for short periods of time, but if this becomes their perpetual state of being, their women will eventually fall out of love and leave them. A woman wants and deserves a man who is a true equal, not a little boy who needs to be constantly told how to be a man.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
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