How to win back your girl if you are in the process of losing her or already have lost her to another man.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares a success story of how he was able to win back a girl he was madly in love with. He says before he discovered my book, he was in a desperate place in life. He lost his job, owed money and lost his girl to another man because he unknowingly sabotaged his success with her. He started practicing what he was learning from my book and was able to improve his seduction skills to the point that he was able to sleep with women on the first date. Eventually, the girl he really wanted started reaching out to him, even though she was with another guy. He told her he was not interested in being friends or taking a back seat as long as she was with another guy. He shares what he did to cause her to eventually blow the other guy off and get back with him. He says that things are now better than they have ever been.
I Won Her Back
Dear Corey
I just wanted to thank you, as I believe the stuff you teach helped turn things around for me. I discovered your book at a desperate time in my life. I’d lost my job, owed money, had lost a girl I was completely in love with, and realized I had sabotaged my own success with her. She was dating and in a successful relationship with someone new, and I was only in her life hanging by a thin thread. I took your book on holiday to Thailand with me, and I read it repeatedly, discussing the ideas with my friends. I didn’t dwell on her or speak with her. (At least you let her go and moved on at that point.)
Through your book I learned how I was weak and needy, and how I had projected my own interest level on to her. I began focusing on attracting new women successfully and was able to end up in bed with girls after the first date. (When you’re able to seduce a woman on the first date, you’ve arrived.) This girl wasn’t that easy though. We all want what we can’t have, right? However, when I was back, I set the standards — no more weak me. I gave her the ultimatum, “I refuse to be your friend or see you while you are dating someone else. We are either together, or I’m moving on with my life. I’m sorry I was a weak and needy, but I’ve learned a lot.” (That was good and honest. You have to man up and walk away.) I stood my ground, and although I made plenty of mistakes, I kept my composure and maintained an un-bothered attitude, even at times when it was killing me. I also deleted her number to stop me from texting first. If she threatened to leave my life for good, I didn’t show any weakness. I just wished her well. (Women bluff to test your strength. When she realizes you’re serious, at least she will have respect for you because you finally stood up to her, even if she doesn’t come back.)
Eventually, she cracked. She slept with me, which sabotaged things with her and her new guy. (She has a lack of integrity. Loyalty and commitments mean nothing to this woman. The only thing that matters to her is her happiness. It’s delusional to think she would be great girlfriend or wife material.) I just sat back and watched him dig his own grave, metaphorically speaking. This wasn’t easy. I made loads of mistakes, but I won her back. I went through hell and back, but I got the girl I wanted. The other guy is a distant memory, and we have an even better relationship than before, an even a better sex life, and she is the one chasing me more and wanting my attention now. (This girl will be great as long as you’re meeting her needs. Otherwise, she will start screwing around with somebody else.)
I just wanted to share my success with you and thank you personally, even though you may never read this, you are very busy man and have paid clients that need to come first, obviously. I just wanted to thank you and let you know, your book reached all the way to some crappy town in England and saved my relationship. I am continually learning. This stuff really works, and I look forward to learning more. (Once a cheater, always a cheater. The moment you slip up, she’ll be looking elsewhere.) Thanks man. The positive impact you must make on people’s lives is huge. (I’m happy that you’re happy, but you need to consider the fact that if she did it to you once, she’ll do it again when she’s unhappy.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“The universe responds to our emotions, desires and the actions we take by sending us people and circumstances that match and mirror our inner beliefs and perception of ourselves. The first step to overcoming and moving past our false mental constructs is to become aware of our own flawed thinking and self talk. Then, we must develop an emotionally compelling vision of who we want to become and take relentless action towards becoming what we want. However, our resolve will be tested. Therefore, we must not settle or fall back into our own patterns or tolerate people in our life and social circle who are not aligned with our vision of who we want to become. You get what you focus on, and the only way to get to where you ultimately want to be in life someday, is to not allow anyone or anything to interfere with or cause you to lose your focus.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
Reader Interactions
Hey Corey – I stumbled on your site upon being friend-zoned by my ideal woman who really liked me. In 6 dates, I wasn’t in my masculine and wasn’t even forward enough to kiss her – trying not to screw it up, I felt like I was waiting for a green light. During the “just friends” chat, I unknowingly said something key – “I don’t want to be just friends…see ya!” Just hours after that friend-zone chat, I found your site & started to devour it including buying your eBook. Since she kept texting me like nothing changed, I took the opportunity to tease and joke with her in a few short spaced-out text msgs. She did seem interested again so I made a definite date at a definite place for this Saturday eve. I’ve only read your book once so far & I’m hopeful to continue progress with her tomorrow eve. Not sure how it’ll go but I really hope to be your next success story. And yes, I left a PayPal “tip”…Thank you Coach Corey !!!
Interesting blog. Im having a tough time with my partner she was chatting another man for a year and i found out amd now thisnother man has backed off at first i was mad at her and then i looked at myself , now i see that i wasnt reading her live language and giving her all she needed , been together 12 years the sex went sour 5 years ago we have a 6 yr old kid. It was only 3 weeks ago i found out but i have changed my ways and now treat her and help her loads better but im afraid that im showing to much puppy dog me and need to get that alpha male attitude back without being ego and cocky, also im worried that like above she will try to cheat should i piss her off again ?? Im lost and confused any help much appreciated
TheSaxGuy says
Hey Corey – I stumbled on your site upon being friend-zoned by my ideal woman who really liked me. In 6 dates, I wasn’t in my masculine and wasn’t even forward enough to kiss her – trying not to screw it up, I felt like I was waiting for a green light. During the “just friends” chat, I unknowingly said something key – “I don’t want to be just friends…see ya!” Just hours after that friend-zone chat, I found your site & started to devour it including buying your eBook. Since she kept texting me like nothing changed, I took the opportunity to tease and joke with her in a few short spaced-out text msgs. She did seem interested again so I made a definite date at a definite place for this Saturday eve. I’ve only read your book once so far & I’m hopeful to continue progress with her tomorrow eve. Not sure how it’ll go but I really hope to be your next success story. And yes, I left a PayPal “tip”…Thank you Coach Corey !!!
Luigi says
Interesting blog. Im having a tough time with my partner she was chatting another man for a year and i found out amd now thisnother man has backed off at first i was mad at her and then i looked at myself , now i see that i wasnt reading her live language and giving her all she needed , been together 12 years the sex went sour 5 years ago we have a 6 yr old kid. It was only 3 weeks ago i found out but i have changed my ways and now treat her and help her loads better but im afraid that im showing to much puppy dog me and need to get that alpha male attitude back without being ego and cocky, also im worried that like above she will try to cheat should i piss her off again ?? Im lost and confused any help much appreciated