Is Will Smith a real man who stood up for his wife, or an approval seeking beta male begging for her attention and approval?
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss if Will Smith is a real man, for publicly slapping Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars after he made fun of Will’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, or an approval seeking beta male who hopes to curry favor with his wife?
I saw these videos of Will Smith going up and smacking Chris Rock across the face after he made a joke about Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, who apparently has Alopecia, where she’s losing her hair, or has skin problems that caused the hair to fall out, or whatever. And so, it brings up an interesting point of view. There’s a lot of people debating it on Twitter, so I thought I would give my two cents.
Obviously, it’s pretty well known that Jada has cheated on Will publicly, very famously, with rappers and other people, on numerous occasions, and then they openly talked about the struggles. And as many of you know, the reality is, somebody who cheats, I mean, once a cheater, always a cheater. The cheating is not so much the issue. The cheating is a symptom, and the symptom comes from a lack of integrity. So, a woman who habitually, continually cheats on her husband, or a man who cheats on his wife – the reality is the stats are, when it comes to infidelity, men cheat more than women, almost twice as much as women.
We did a video recently with Jennifer and some of the other girls, which we will be releasing soon. But the stats are, I think it’s like 15.9% of the time, men cheat and women it’s around 12.9% of the time it’s the women doing the cheating. So, guys cheat more than women. That’s just a statistical fact. It’s always interesting to see the guys in the red pill community crying about body count and women cheating on men, when the reality is, most of the time, it’s the guys doing the cheating.

So, back to Will Smith. It’s well known that his wife has cheated on him very publicly, and they’ve very publicly talked about it. And so, I was watching the video, because you look at it, and as he’s walking up there, Chris Rock’s laughing. He even leans forward, kind of turns his head a little bit. And then, when you look at the slo-mo, he’s already turning his head before the slap arrives there. And obviously, actors in Hollywood practice punching and slapping other people without actually hurting them. And so, you look at the slow motion, it almost kind of looks like it could have been fake. But maybe it was real, because the way Will Smith reacted afterwards when he started cussing Chris Rock out, you could see Chris Rock definitely seemed to be flustered.
The interesting thing is, as Chris Rock is making a joke at his wife’s expense, I don’t think he was making the joke because of the Alopecia, or whatever it is that she has that is causing her to lose her hair – which would suck for anybody, especially a woman. I mean, hell, look at me. My hair has been dipping off my forehead for a few years, so it is what it is. That’s life. But the reality is, do I think that he was doing that to purposely make fun of her condition? I think that the elephant in the room that’s so obvious to most people – and even after it happened with Chris Rock, when Will Smith yelled at him – you could tell he wanted to say something that was biting. But it was probably along the lines of what’s obvious to most of us, especially those that are familiar with 3% Man, is that Will Smith is a very effeminate guy. He’s soft and he’s weak.
Now, I’m not talking about physically weak. I’m talking about emotionally and mentally weak. Because the reality is when you allow your teammate, your intimate partner, to habitually cheat on you and then you keep forgiving them and taking them back, you’re enabling their behavior. You’re telling them it’s okay to punk you and to continue doing it. And obviously, at this point, he’s enabled her behavior by continuing to forgive her for it and allowing it to continue. So, from that perspective, he’s being a fucking bitch. That’s the harsh reality. There’s no way to sugarcoat it.

But the other thing is, when you look at the joke, when it’s being delivered, Will Smith is laughing. Everybody in the audience is laughing. And the reason why we’re all laughing at the joke at Jada Pinkett Smith’s expense is because she’s very masculine. She’s a very masculine woman. And the reason she’s so masculine is because Will is so soft. He’s emotionally, he’s mentally soft and weak, and he has no emotional self control. That’s the issue. She acts like the man in the relationship. And when you look at his body language and how he talks to her and about her, he’s like a little boy seeking approval from his mommy. And quite frankly, it’s disgusting and it’s unmasculine and it’s unattractive, and that’s why she treats him like a doormat. Because deep down, she doesn’t respect the guy. She just doesn’t. If she respected him, she wouldn’t be publicly fucking rappers and other people and rubbing it in his face. But he keeps taking her back, thereby enabling her behavior and communicating that it’s okay.
And that I believe the fact that Jada is so masculine and Will is so effeminate and so girly in his mannerisms is what Chris Rock really wanted to say. I could be wrong, but it’s pretty obvious to most people that that’s what’s going on in their relationship. She wears the pants, she treats him like dirt, and he puts up with it. And anybody that wrote to me and had a similar situation, “Oh, my wife has basically been caught in several public affairs,” what would I be saying? I would go, “She belongs to the streets!”
Jada Pinkett Smith, she belongs to the streets. She’s a liar and she’s a cheater. She’s not a loyal and faithful woman. She doesn’t honor her husband. She doesn’t believe in commitment, and loyalty and being faithful. She has a lack of integrity. It doesn’t matter what you say, or how you cover it up, or you explain it away, or problems in the marriage, or whatever. The bottom line is, she said one thing, she did another. She’s not to be trusted. She doesn’t have integrity. The cheating is a symptom of a lack of integrity. That’s just the way it is.

And so, back to what was happening… as the joke is being told, everybody is laughing. Will Smith is laughing, everybody’s laughing, and, obviously, you could see the look on Jada Pinkett Smith’s face, she wasn’t laughing, she didn’t think it was funny. Everybody’s laughing, and then when the camera cuts back to Chris Rock as everybody’s laughing, the next thing you know, Will Smith is up on his feet, walking up the stage to go smack Chris Rock in the face.
So, I’d imagine – we don’t see the camera angle, because the camera had cut away – Will Smith probably looked over at his wife, saw that she wasn’t happy with the joke, and what does he do? He goes into approval seeking beta male, “Oh, let me get Mommy’s attention. Hopefully, I’ll get an “attaboy,” and I won’t have to sleep in the couch again tonight. She’ll let me sleep in the master bedroom, and I’ll get access to the box. Hopefully she likes what I do, because now I’m going to do something hopefully very manly.” He looks like an actor walking up on stage to make a big scene, and he publicly assaults another man. Anywhere else in the country, if you do that, you go to jail for that. You can’t just go up and smack another dude or assault another man. But it’s L.A., it’s the Oscars, it’s Hollywood. You’ve got George Gascon as the L.A. district attorney. He ain’t going to do anything, so nothing’s going to happen.
And the other thing you’ve got to consider, I think it was Kathy Griffin that brought it up – she’s the one that basically did a public fake beheading of Trump, so she’s not one to talk – but now you’ve just put it into the consciousness that if somebody is up on stage making jokes about people in the audience, now it’s acceptable for the audience to go up and smack or physically or publicly assault the comedians. And so, now they have a real reason to fear for their safety if they say something to get people upset, because now Will Smith has just showed that it’s okay to be an overly emotional, weak beta male and go assault people when your feelings get hurt. And that’s not a good thing. There’s going to be consequences for this, because that’s now out in the culture, so you wonder what’s going to happen next.
But at the end of the day, Will Smith thought it was funny until he looked over at his wife and saw that she wasn’t happy about it. And so, he springs into action, trying to get her attention, hoping that she’ll like him, hoping that she will be faithful and loyal to him. And then the smug look on his face after he smacks Chris Rock and then comes walking off the stage, he’s hoping that Mommy is going to give him an “attaboy” and be really happy with it.

And then, afterwards he’s bawling his eyes out. He’s won an award, and he’s just acting… I mean, the dude has the emotional maturity of an eight-year-old little boy. I mean, seriously, he doesn’t act like a man. Yeah, he might be a physically strong man, he was a lot bigger than Chris Rock was. But at the end of the day, if he’d really slapped him hard, Chris Rock should have been on the ground, because he’s not a very big guy, but he wasn’t.
So, it looked like he caught this finger’s across the bottom of his chin, instead of a full facial slap. And that’s what it looked like. That’s why a lot of people were saying that it looked like they were faking it, or maybe it was a setup. Maybe it was, I don’t know. But at the end of the day, I watched this whole thing and it was all funny until Will Smith looked over at his wife and she didn’t look happy. Then he springs into action to get her attention, and physically assaults a man. And he should have been arrested and put in jail for it. You can’t do that, that’s assault. That’s against the law, you’re not allowed to do that. And so, what it communicates to other people is that it’s acceptable, if you emotionally lose your shit, to go up and physically assault somebody.
So, overall, what do I think? It’s pretty obvious: Will Smith is an approval seeking beta male. He’s soft, he’s mentally weak, he has no emotional self-control. And I’m not talking about physically. I’m sure, physically, he probably took a lot of boxing when he was learning the role for when he played Muhammad Ali. He probably can fight, but the way he acts, he acts like a total pussy. That’s just the fact of the matter.
And the fact that his wife is extremely masculine, the reason she’s in her masculine is because Will Smith is such a fucking pussy. He doesn’t have the balls to stand up to her. That’s just the harsh reality. That’s what it is. And that’s what I believe Chris Rock was really alluding to when he made fun of her. I don’t think he was making fun of her because of the Alopecia thing, because that was the first thing I heard of it afterwards. And that’s what it looks like to me, because it’s pretty obvious to anybody.

Men that act like men look at that behavior he exhibits, especially being so publicly, where she just totally treats the dude like dirt and cheats on him, and he just keeps coming back for a second helping. And then he gets up and he goes, “Love makes you do crazy things.” It’s like, No. He chose to exercise no emotional self control, because he is an approval seeking beta male.
So, Will Smith, Come on, man. Jesus Christ, dude. You need to grow the fuck up and be a man. If you were a real man, you would have left her fucking ass a long time ago and got you a real woman who’s loyal and faithful, not some girl that’ll cheat on you at the drop a hat. But hey, you keep putting up with it, you keep enabling her behavior, and that’s why nobody, at least real men, don’t have any respect for you.
Always remember people, she belongs to the streets! And most importantly, no drama allowed. Your life should be a drama free zone. I also have one of those mugs too. Which you can get all of these great mugs at Spring.com in the Coach Corey Wayne store.
So, if you’ve got a question or a challenge and you’d like to get my help, go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen and book coaching session with yours truly. And if there’s somebody you know well, give them a copy of the book, How To Be A 3% Man. Tell them to quit being such a bitch. Seriously, you’ve got to man up someday, and you’re not going to get any respect when you allow somebody to treat you like a doormat. That’s just the fact of the matter.
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Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
Moe says
Corey I love you and what you preach and I agree there are rules to this, but I feel this is also a grey area western approach to being civilized. In some cultures and violence or a males aggression is what toxic masculinity is, but a man is territorial. Tupac had that influence on will before he could have her. Jada being able to choose is associated because of western culture and men like will allowed her to cheat because of his passive behavior. Most men are reared today to act like will, but are called blue or purple pill, but having abundance mindset is red pill. There is no structure anymore and no wonder nobody is getting married and fucking whoever they want catching STDS. Porn is a big contribution as well. Feminism is a direct result of men being assholes and neglecting them and rears broken women.