It takes two people who want to be together in order for a relationship to be a possibility and why you should not invest your time in someone who is unwilling or unable to invest their time in you.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss four different emails from four different viewers and a few YouTube comments I received. The first one is from a guy who was trying to get his ex back and then stopped pursuing her. She is now starting to contact him and he’s setting up dates.
She said she was angry that he did not fight for her after she broke up with him. He wonders what she means by that because he tried but she blew him off. Then when he stopped, she started contacting him. I suspect some of the women these guys are involved with are fruit-loops and not good relationship material.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“It takes the mutual effort of two people who like each other and want to be together for a relationship to be a possibility. When someone gets hung up on and desires someone else who does not reciprocate interest, it can become an unhealthy addiction. This is usually due to the fact that deep down they don’t feel that they deserve to have what they really want. By becoming hung up on someone who does not want them, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You must continue to practice infinite patience and have faith that by continuing to circulate through life, eventually you will encounter a lover who is ready, willing and able to be with you. Otherwise, you’re simply not open to it and will continue to delay its manifestation as long as you choose to stay stuck.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
Eli says
8 years under the “illusion of action”, wow! That’s fucking crazy!
Glad you finally got it now 🙂
Dustin says
Ok so I have a similar woman situation to this. My ex is kinda weird and we had a conversation a week ago after an argument. I sat her down and told her I couldn’t do this back and forth thing and she agreed. I told her that ultimately I would like to see her and I get back together because it would be better for the kids. But we would have to work on things while in a relationship because YOU WILL NEVER FIND PERFECT. Perfect is a myth, look and you will not find. We have been apart for around 1-2 years depending on how you count it. Well She said she would go home and think about our talk and today she said it made her sad when the boys threw a fit because she leaves. I told her they adore her and want her around, NOT TO WORRY THOUGH, they will get used to it. She said she didnt want that and I told her “maybe when your ready we can discuss your thoughts on our conversation the other night” SHe sends me a text and plays dumb, “What conversation?” So I just said Never mind I guess I heard it wrong. What is she thinking? We are always hanging out and she invites me to do stuff. We are practically married without the sex or the ring. She isnt seeing anyone and I am dating other people because I couldnt take this crap. I stil wanna work it out but I am not hanging my self out to dry here. WTF MATE?