What you should do so women you are dating tell you things like, “I’ve never felt like this,” fall in love with you, pursue you, ask you out and ask you to be their boyfriend, so your personal life becomes easy and effortless.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares how my work helped him to get over the breakup of his last relationship, get in the best shape of his life and finally get the kind of gorgeous, high quality woman he has always wanted and deserved. He shares details of the process he went through to master what my book teaches, by not only reading it fifteen times, but also the successes he had with women he met and seduced along the way.
It’s a very detailed example of the steps he took, what he did and said and how mastering the pickup, dating and relationship skills in my book, can help you have massive personal and professional breakthroughs and succeed with women, and in life, like never before. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
Viewer’s Email:
Hello there Coach Corey Wayne,
Yes, I know, long ass email. I hope you like it though and people can feel good about it. Your book and you have changed my life in every way possible. I WOULD HAVE NEVER learned this by myself. (I took a lot of time in my life to figure this stuff out, and I went through a lot of pain, failure and fucking up. The more failures you have in life, the better you’ll get at it. You have to take action.) I am forever thankful to you and our creator for putting me on your path. I have applied “LITERALLY” everything you said to do. I originally found you when I was dumped by “THE ONE,” my ex, a Mexican/American who was an 8, with a quality 7 — yeah fucking right. Like you say, “I was SHOCKED, SHOCKED I tell you. I couldn’t believe it, as I had gotten her when I was overweight, and when she left me, I was in the best shape of my life, a 9, quality 5, thinking about leaving soccer. I am 6 feet tall and extremely handsome, as I am always told. (Looks will get you in the door, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, and you don’t know how to act like a man, you’re going to fumble the football. If you don’t embody masculine energy and what that’s all about, then you won’t be able to create attraction. You have to have sexual polarity.) Many guys and girls think I am some sort of model or owner of something, or some stupid shit along those lines, ha-ha. So I totally hit rock bottom, as I was totally head over heels in love with this girl, and were boyfriend/girlfriend for 3 years. I remember thinking to myself, it’s obviously not the looks that keeps them. (Very true.) I had become complacent, pussified and a jealous jackass for 2 years, as I learned from the book. Naturally, I was always good at hooking up or one-night stands, but not at relationships. (As St. Augustine said, “He that is jealous is not in love.”) Within 2 days of my break up, I found your work, as everything else was shit and did not relate to me. So you know how serious I was when I heard you say, “I am Coach Corey Wayne.”
Eight days later, I had read the book 3 1/2 times. (That is a serious commitment. You decided your life was going to be different, and you took action.) I couldn’t stop reading it. Thirteen days after my break up, my ex couldn’t take it anymore and said she wanted another try, but I said I didn’t want to date her or eventually go out again. I can only offer friends with benefits. She asked how I could I forget her so fast. (It takes some serious balls to do that when you still love and care about someone.) I took action with the new me. New knowledge, clothes, hairstyle, the whole nine yards, and set up a date with 1 week advance with a cute girl, a 7, quality 7, who messaged me after putting up an awesome picture on my Facebook. My goal and purpose was to show this girl the best time of her life, be sincerely interested, make her laugh and ask quality questions. (The more you read the book, the more you will start to live and embody the principles.) Three places a night, as a secret and letting it unfold is a must. (In other words, you go on a date, and there are three different places you go. That way, she gets the experience of going on three different dates in one evening. Most women, on average, will sleep with a man on the second or third date. You can speed that process up if you read the book and you know the protocol.) By the second place, I knew I had to escalate things, as all the signs were there. She started putting on Chap Stick. I waited for her to put it away and said, “You know my lips are chapped too. Since you put some on, you need to get over here and kiss me right now.” Of course she went for it. As I looked over, some random guy said, “Hey I want a kiss too.” I laughed and told her “Go ahead give him one. Make his night.” (That is a beautiful response. It communicates you have no jealousy at all.) She laughed, hugged me and said, how about you take me somewhere more private. I took her home, 2 steps forward 1 step back, and you know the rest. (It’s so predictable. When you know this is going to happen, you’ll have confidence. You won’t be in a rush.) I was able to seduce this girl on our first night, textbook Coach Corey Wayne. (That’s what happens when you follow instructions. You were seriously committed and you took action, and that’s why it was so easy and effortless.)
Fast forward one year ahead, January 2016, 13 3/4 times of the book being read, meeting 22 girls, going on dates with 16 of those girls, kissed 12 of those girls, seduced 9 of those girls, and the others either were structured, or I saw them way to needy/insecure. (Most guys are projecting their fantasy onto a woman and don’t pay attention to the fact she may be structured or a fruit loop.) Keep in mind, these girls were 7’s / low 8’s, but varied on their quality. I was just not feeling them, as I did about my ex, but I knew I didn’t want her anymore, ever since the first month of our break up. She wasn’t a good quality girl, and I knew I was a man of value and deserved to have someone who knocked my socks off in every way, so I was totally open to it and would remind myself every day. (If you settle with somebody, down the road you’re going to find women you’re more attracted to. However, if you’re walking down the street with someone who knocks your socks off, you don’t want anyone else.) I am 22-year old Mexican/ American, semi-professional soccer player in Cali, and I made 57k last year in the job that I love at the moment. I started my own little company being a contractor, that is also my passion, and I just get people to do the jobs for me. I own a 2012 pickup truck, my passion project track car, 2 dirt bikes, 1 street bike, guns and I finally got the 10 I’ve been dreaming about since my journey started. (Great job.)
The first time I saw my 10, she came to my job and was talking to one of the employees. I told myself, WTF man, the girl totally fits my list. Physical looks 9, quality 10, confident, sure of herself, good self-esteem, happy uplifting person, full of joy and laughter, 5’10” tall, blonde, drop dead gorgeous, green eyes, fit, and is a successful American girl. I knew it was time, so I went up to her and straight looked her in the eyes and said, “Your eyes are fucking breath taking. You take my damn breath away!” (That moves a woman, because she can feel your authenticity.) She was shocked, blushed, said thanks and looked down. Right away, I knew she was submissive to me, and I knew it was game on. I chatted with her a little, totally bantered with her, saw all the good signs and said to her, “You know what, I guess you are pretty cool. GET MY NUMBER DOWN AND GIVE ME A CALL WHEN YOU ARE FREE.” At first, I was scared out of my mind, because I was doing the whole get my number down instead of me getting hers, but I said, quit being a bitch, treat all girls the same and stick with it. Six hours later, that same day, my 10 texted me saying, “Would you want to go on a hike with me this weekend?” I KNEW EXACTLY WHAT TO DO. (Women like this will not ask out just any dude. It was the vibe you gave off. You showed her you were worthy and had your shit together. It’s rare for a woman to encounter a man like that.) I said, “Of course. Let’s meet up on Saturday at 4:00 pm at the first gas station to your right getting off THE 308 exit. Does that work for you?” She replied, “That totally works for me sir.” I showed up to our meeting spot 10 minutes early, and she was there already. (She was excited. When you do everything right, women show up on time or early.)
We have been on 3 dates over a 3-week period. I’ve stayed over at her house after all of our dates AND HAD INDOOR OLYMPICS AS WELL. By the way, she has her own house, is very successful and made 207k last year. Anyway, she has initiated 100% of the connect since the beginning, and when she texts me, she simply tells me “I want to see you. How free is your weekend?” ahead of time. If I am free, I set up a surprise date and wait to talk to her and see her. She doesn’t blow up my phone. She told me, I don’t text you, because I know you are busy and don’t like to text, but I know when I see you, you will make up for it. (Women who are successful and are dating successful men are respectful of that.) Throughout the dates, these are the things she’s told me so far: I haven’t had a boyfriend for 2 years. I’ve dated, but all seem to be intimated by me, aren’t cocky towards me, and ask for validation and approval. They talk before our first date. No one has ever asked me out so sure of themselves and set up such a definite date like you did. Thank you for knowing yourself. I can’t stop laughing seeing all the quality I’ve wanted in a guy since my high school years. This feels so effortless. I can’t keep my hands off of you. Have you ever thought of what a Mexican and a full white person’s kids would look like? I bet they’d be cute. (She’s already thinking about having your babies after three weeks.) Thank you for making it to our dates. Thank you for making this a surprise and having everything planned out. I can’t wait to show you places. I know you have options with girls, and you are very selective and have them obsess over you. Let me take pictures of you to show my friend’s how handsome and cool you are. Thank you for not handing me over your balls and putting them in my bag. I love how we think so alike. It’s crazy how you are 4 years younger than me. I’ve never felt like this for a guy in such a short time, even though I’ve had attraction since the start. I love how you are so cocky, but it is not all about you. You can listen and understand me with no judgments. (That’s right out of the book. When a woman feels heard and understood, the legs open. When she doesn’t, the legs close.)
More and more, I can’t get enough of her, but one thing I will tell you is, I don’t have an attached feeling for her, and I am totally okay if it doesn’t work out. At the end of the day, I know it is only a matter of time until I find someone amazing like her again, and I wouldn’t want to stop her from finding someone who really deserves her, because of my fears of finding someone else. (That’s an alpha male statement right there. Good job.) Thank you Boss. You will soon see another donation from me; I will continue to watch your videos share your work, help people with their problems and send them your way, as always. I wish I could write on and on about my success. I can’t thank you enough Coach. (Thanks for listening, thanks for following instructions and thanks for being a great example, because this will inspire thousands of viewers all over the world to be more like you.) Bob
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“What makes a man attractive in a woman’s eyes? A man who embodies the qualities and essence of masculine energy, which are purpose, drive, mission, accomplishing, breaking through barriers, overcoming obstacles, goals, succeeding and being his best self. A man who is either on the path to accomplishing his grandest goals and dreams and expects to succeed someday, or a man who is living his grandest goals and dreams, both embody the very definition and essence of masculine energy. It’s about having a compelling vision, mission and purpose and understanding and knowing why he wants it. Men who embody and live these qualities tend to be happier, healthier, more optimistic, more successful and more fun to be around. Success is feeling like you are making progress, even though you may be a decade or two away from ultimately accomplishing your grandest goals and dreams. The most attractive men to women are men who are hopeful about their future and doing something about it, not men who have given up or who have no hope at all. If a man does not believe in his own ability to get what he wants in life, how can he possibly convince a woman he can help them both become all they are capable of being together?” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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