Every relationship is an opportunity to help each other grow and become more. When people first fall in love, they tend to mostly focus on the things they love about their partner. However, once the initial infatuation wears off, they tend to focus more on the things they do not like about their partner.
As they focus more on what they are not getting from each other, they tend to become bitter and resentful and therefore start holding back their love, affection, sex, etc. Two healthy adults who know how to communicate their needs in a loving way to their partner will simply notice things are not as sweet as they were between the two of them, so they talk about it and simply resolve things. With the tension dissolved, their desire for one another comes back and they usually fuck each other’s brains out. In dysfunctional relationships, things spiral out of control and eventually there is a breakup because neither partner has the required skills to save the relationship.
Sometimes relationships have just run their course and need to end. Other times, life circumstances cause to people to simply grow apart. You either grow together in a relationship, or you grow apart. People who are mature and have healthy communication habits and skills can end their relationship the same way it started… with love.
When I talk about effortless relationships, it’s a relationship where two people lovingly communicate in an often playful way with one another. The woman may lovingly say, “Baby, can you take out the garbage for me and empty the dishwasher?” He may respond playfully, “Sure honey, but by the time I get finished, I want to find you upstairs in our bed naked and looking seductively at me.” She may respond back, “oh, I’ll be waiting for you and then I’m going to fuck you into a coma prince charming… that is, if you’re UP to the task.” He may slyly say, “I will be UP to the task, but I don’t know if you can handle all of me!” She may respond, “Well, you’ll just have to give it your best shot Mr.!”
She acts like a lady in the streets, and a whore in the sheets because she knows he likes it that way. He acts like her Prince charming and it is sweet to her because he knows she likes it. She knows he would never purposely do anything mean to her because he loves her, but if he does something that hurts her feelings, she will let him know in a loving way. They cut each other slack and don’t take things too seriously. Why fight when you’re both supposed to be on the same team? Making love is so much more fun than arguing over nothing.
Do you have any previous relationships or partners that you still hold ill will towards? If you do, forgive them silently and be grateful for your time together. We’re all just trying to do the best we can with where we are at in life. Be grateful you have an opportunity to choose the type of person you want as your next lover. You have the choice to settle, or hold out for someone who really makes your heart sing. It will be worth the wait! Until then, play ball and have some fun!
There are lots of pissed off and jaded men and women who have been hurt emotionally in previous relationships. In order to move forward, we must let go of relationships, past tramas and people that no longer serve us. If your previous relationships really sucked, now is the time to educate yourself about the opposite sex so you will be prepared to win the heart of your next great love when they come along. The following is an e-mail from a jaded and pissed off 54-year-old man. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
Yeah.. and women can FUCKING DESTROY EVERYTHING a man works for his whole life. Are you serious?? Come on!!I Think, as time goes by, women are money-grabbing bitches. I don’t really see the point. I am 54 years old.. Maybe you will get there, someday. I think women are a waste of time, I regret the wasted years with them. A VERY BAD INVESTMENT, TIME AND MONEY!.. (When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at… change. You are only focusing on the bad things that have happened in your relationships. The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry. The purpose of all relationships is you go in there to give. If two people are focused on loving and giving to one another unconditionally, they will be successful at making each other happy. When one person in the relationship starts to focus on what they are getting or not getting, or not getting enough of, they start to hold back in their giving. Instead of, simply asking their partner for what they want in a loving way. Men that don’t understand women don’t understand how to communicate with, interact with, understand or behave in an emotionally healthy way with women. When one or both partners don’t know what to do to communicate their own needs and meet the needs of their partner, they tend to become bitter, hold back and only focus on what they are not getting. When people first get together and fall in love, they usually focus only on the things they love about each other. I can tell you are very angry and hurt over previous relationships where you feel you were wronged. You should look at every relationship for what it is. An opportunity to help you grow and become more. You have experienced pain in your relationships, because you do not understand women. Learn to understand women and you will never be bitter again. You instead will learn to appreciate, love and adore women. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book “How To Be A 3% Man”, in under 60 seconds to your Smartphone, Mac, iPad, or PC for only $9.99 by clicking here. Then read it 10 to 15 times so you learn the material so well that you could literally give a seminar on it. You must learn the fundamentals of understanding and interacting with women if you want to start succeeding with women like never before. I would also suggest that you book a one-hour phone coaching session with me personally by clicking here.)
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“You’ll get more with sugar than you get with salt.” – Unknown
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