Why it is natural for men to lead the courtship and relationship in a way that makes women feel safe and comfortable enough to follow their lead and remain in their feminine energy.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a guy who started following and implementing my work in his life over the last several years. He started out in a bad marriage that was not a good example for his daughter to emulate. He shares what he has learned since ending his marriage, and eleven (11) different insights and principles that all masculine men should follow to exude the charm, confidence, sex appeal and masculinity that the character James Bond exhibits in the movie, “Casino Royale,” which is brilliantly portrayed by actor Daniel Craig.
He also details how he successfully met and seduced his current smoke-show of a girlfriend, using what he learned, to emulate the charisma of James Bond. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
Dear Corey,
I wanted to express my thanks for providing the relationship information you have in your book and on YouTube. I found you through your videos, which I watched over the last couple of years and have read your book so many times I’ve lost count.
(The best success stories are from the guys who read my book 10, 15, 20 times or more. Repetition is the mother of skill. Remember as I talk about in both my books, the first one “How To Be A 3% Man,” and the second one “Mastering Yourself,” every time you read something, listen to it or watch a video of it, you’re going to retain about 8-10% of the information on average. When you go through something that many times, you don’t have to think about it. If you half-ass it or think you’re going to get away with only reading it a couple of times, you’re going to be one of those guys who’s calling me in a panic at the last minute, trying to turn things around when things go south.)

Your information provided the foundation for me to become the man I am today. Other resources on the internet led me to build my confidence and go for what I want. It’s the building of internal confidence by taking risks in sports and by approaching women that has given me the courage in most aspects of my life.
(What is confidence? Confidence is doing what you know how to do and doing it really well. Repetition is the mother of skill, and you’ve done it so many times over and over and over again, you don’t have to think about it. If you’re lacking confidence, it’s because you haven’t done it enough, haven’t practiced enough. You have to get to the point where it’s like breathing. If you’re intimidated by talking or interacting with women, you have to interact with them more and with more of them. That’s the only way you’re going to get better.)
I can now start a conversation with any woman and not be nervous; something I could never do in the past.
Before going on this journey, I was married for thirteen years and had a daughter whom I adore. My ex-wife was very selfish and did not want to compromise with numerous aspects of our marriage. I felt we were not moving forward as a couple, so I pursued divorce; the relationship was stagnant with daily arguments about petty issues. I realized I did not want my daughter to grow up in a toxic environment.
(Good for you dude for being a great fucking dad. Thumbs up from me.)
This is about the time I came across your work and figured out that I needed to change internally before inviting someone new into my life.
(You have to get comfortable being alone without being defined by another person. If you can enjoy your time alone, enjoy being single, then you’re going to be great company. If you need other people as a distraction or a reason to be happy, then when you finally get into a relationship and the infatuation and honeymoon period wears off, you’re still faced with the fact that you’re an unhappy person. Then, when you recognize that your happiness is going to come from your significant other, you typically stop putting your best foot forward, and your relationships starts to go sideways in addition to the fact that you’re not happy about your life and lifestyle.)
It took about two years of trial and error to figure out how to become more of a man.

(Two years is a long time, but if you think about the course of your life, it’s worth the two years to enjoy a lifetime of happiness and confidence, like James Bond.)
I approached many women to build my confidence and ask for dates. As I became more bold, I could feel a change occurring internally. I faced my fears and pushed through it.
After dating several women and one long term relationship, I have found a very attractive alpha female whom I feel is my equal, and she feels the same.
(If you’ve seen that clip in “Casino Royale” where James Bond runs into this stunning woman, and she’s obviously not happy with her boyfriend, he asks her if she’d like a ride home. Then she says something to the effect of that would be bad or she hasn’t been bad in a long time, and he says, “Well maybe you’re just a little out of practice.” He holds that boyish, naughty kind of smile, maintains his frame and continues looking at her. For a second, it almost looks like she has a look of disgust or how dare you, and then she giggles and hops into his car. They end up going back to his place, and he seduces her.)
On our first date, there was an instant connection, and I ignored her beauty, (being aloof), to focus on her personality and who she was as a person.
(She obviously knows she’s beautiful and she hears it all the time. You took the time to get to know who she was as a human being. You’ve already been through a divorce, so you know what it’s like if you make the wrong choice in a long term relationship or getting married.)
She later revealed to me that she felt that I was not intrigued by her looks and was not excited when she first walked in the door as most men are.
(Remember, it’s a scientific fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear. She was expecting you to be bowled over by her looks, and instead, she was wondering why you weren’t that interested in her looks. She’s thinking, “Does he like me? Is he into me?” That caused her to view you as being different.)
We had a good time and connected on many levels. I let her talk and asked questions to open her up, (legs opening). Later that night we held hands, so I knew she liked me. As we were walking back to our cars, she was in front of me, and I thought who is this chick leading the way?

(If she’s an alpha, she’s used to always being in front and being the leader, because most people are passive. If you get around other people who don’t have the same level of confidence as you, they’re naturally going to walk behind you. The leader always walks in front. You were taking your time. You’re the king of your kingdom, walking at your pace, and she was walking ahead of you trying to take the lead.)
I’m the man and need to set things straight, so I pulled her back to me and kissed her; this was so bold. I knew she wanted me to kiss her, so I went for it and corrected her walking in front of me at the same time.
(In a subtle, charming way you showed her who’s boss.)
The kiss went well, and from that point on, we could not keep our hands off of each other.
(You caused her to feel safe and comfortable, submitting to your lead. She willingly did it, and you were all over each other, which is something that doesn’t happen very often in her life, especially with alpha females. She’s crushing it in her career, doing really well and always the leader amongst her friends.)
On date #2 we met at a winery near my house, (prior preparation).
(You had the logistics all arranged ahead of time. Most women, on average, are going to sleep with the guy by the third or fourth date. The better you get at this, usually it will be happening on the first or second date. You were thinking from the end, just like James Bond thinks. In his mind, he’s always getting laid at the end of the night. He’s not spending the night alone, because the next day he could get killed by bad guys. He lives in the moment.)
During the date, she said no one has ever kissed her like that and that it turned her on.
(You were acting like a fucking man. She’s not used to it.)
I continued to open her up and further connect with her. We had some wine, made out, and talked. She then said, “I like when you suck on my lips,”
(She was inviting you to do more of what she likes. She likes you, so she’s helping you. She was giving you an invitation. Please touch me more and get close to me),

and I replied, (with a fucking James Bond smirk), “Let’s go to my place, so I can suck on them some more.” I stared her right in the eyes for several seconds and she said let’s go. Just like this video, “James Bond Flirting Analysis” by the YouTube Channel: “Subcommunication Mastery.”
(In this clip, they take this James Bond scene and dissect everything that happens. They do a really great job. My compliments to the guys at the Subcommunication Mastery YouTube channel.)
We had sex multiple times on different occasions, and by the end of week one she asked me to be exclusive.
(That’s pretty fast. I’d be a little cautious about that. That’s pretty quick, but then again, she probably doesn’t feel this way very often with other dudes, so she’s becoming really submissive, feeling really good and getting carried away by her emotions. After all, you’re a stud… because you were trained by the best.)
By the end of week three, she told me she loved me. Thank you Corey!
I wish to add a few learning experiences for you to share.
1. Become bold and take risks to build your inner strength. Women sense this strength in a man and know how much of it you have.
(It’s just like in the clip, stare at her with that boyish charm and a kind of naughty look on your face. You’re not worried, and you’re not fearful, because you’ve been through it so many times with so many other women. Repetition is the mother of skill. You can do this in your sleep. You don’t have to think about it anymore. It becomes instinctual. That’s what happens when you read my book 10-15 times. If you only read it a handful of times, you’re going to become confused, unsure of yourself and the women are going to pick up on that.)
2. Go for what you want and take it. If you see a hot woman with no wedding ring, go over and introduce yourself. Be bold and women will appreciate it and respect you, because most men are weak. Be her 3% man!
3. Approach until your nervousness goes away, and then approach some more.
(That one is really good. If you are afraid to talk to women, you haven’t done it enough. When you’ve done it way more than you think you need to, you don’t have to think about it. It’s never hard. You’re always ready and always prepared. It just flows naturally.)

4. You must face your fear through risk taking to build inner strength. This is the key to becoming more of a man.
5. Find a sport or purpose, and take risk.
(You’ve got to have your mission, your purpose and your life’s work in order. It doesn’t mean you have to be at the highest level of success, but you’ve got to know what you want, why you want it, and you’ve got to be taking the action to make it happen. You have to have emotionally compelling reasons to do something, because without them, you won’t do what’s necessary.)
6. Always be replacing, not chasing. Always have an abundance mentality.
(In other words, you have the mentality that no matter how amazing a woman is, there is a bigger, better deal down the road. Unless she’s spectacular and makes it easy and effortless for you, you should be content to move on and let her go.)
7. Listen to what she says but pay extreme attention to what she does (her actions).
8. Correct her behavior early on in a polite but firm way. Be the man. Don’t let her walk all over you. Set the boundaries, and she’ll respect you. I was doing this on dates #3 and #4.
(Especially when dealing with an alpha female who’s used to getting what she wants, she’s fucking hot and knows she has a great body, she wants the best. She doesn’t want a fucking mediocre guy or a guy she has to teach how to be a man. She’s going to fucking test you, so your game needs to be tight, or you’ll fuck it up.)
9. Get her talking and open her up. Listen to her and make reference to what she said to show you understand. This is so key, because it builds trust and tells her you understand her.
(That’s in the more advanced phases in my book under the Relationship category. And guys who only focus on the pickup, dating and seduction part, when they get towards the relationship phase and they don’t learn this skill, it’s going to create a lot of fucking problems the longer you date if you don’t know how to open a woman up, connect with her, communicate with her, make her feel like you’ve heard her and you understand her. Remember, when a woman feels heard and understood, the legs open. I can tell you’ve got your shit together, because you put the time in. When the right girl came along, it was just like a fairytale.)
Keep opening her up and see her soul. Ask how she was brought up and her relationship with her parents and siblings. The more you open her up and understand her and her behavior, the more mind-blowing sex you will have!

(As the old saying goes, women fall in love through their ears, and men through their eyes. If you don’t take the time to learn the relationship skills in the back of my book, you’re just not going to get a woman to this level where she’s obsessed over you and stays obsessed over you.)
10. Be honest!
(Speak and live your truth without fear and let the chips fall where they may, because the right people and the right women will stick around.)
11. If you’re looking for a wife, get to know her parents and how she was raised before getting married. This is how she will raise your children and interact with you when your kids come into your life; things change.
(You speak from experience. The viewers should learn from your failed marriage, so they don’t have to experience the same thing because they didn’t do a good job of pre-qualifying the women they’re with. If you want to get married and you’re looking for healthy, long-term, monogamous relationships, the best candidates are women who have a great relationship with their mom and especially their father. Most of the women you’re going to meet did not come from these kind of backgrounds, so take your fucking time.
Don’t be in a rush to marry the first pretty girl that bats her eyelashes at you. I would recommend you date for at least two years, because people can hide who they really are for the first ninety days of a relationship. And it can take anywhere from six months to twelve months for the infatuation and the honeymoon period to wear off, and then that’s when you get down to the brass tacks of where things are and what kind of person you’re really dealing with. Haste makes waste.)
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“It is natural for men to lead in all aspects of their lives as masculinity is leadership energy. Feminine energy is submissive and nurturing energy. The word “lead” means to go first. To set the standards and vibe wherever they go. Strong alpha male masculine energy creates a space and the environment where women will feel safe and comfortable enough to relax, and willingly submit to follow the lead of men. In order for this to happen, men must first demonstrate the right amount of charm, humor, humility, respect and confidence that displays their worthiness and earns the respect of women.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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