Would you like your man to listen to you more? Would you like to learn how you can get your man to do the things you like for you? How to get a man to fulfill you in the ways you want to be fulfilled? Would you like to improve the overall intimacy and communication in your relationship? If so, then this will be the most exciting message you will ever read!
Women tend to “bitch” when they do not feel valued in their relationship. Most women tend to expect their men to figure out why she is upset. Another woman would be able to figure it out, why not him? Women who have over time, given up and become frustrated that their man just does not “get them”, will resort to constantly kicking their man in the balls and trying to emasculate him.
Women who resort to bitching, being mean, emasculating their men, etc. as a means to try to get him to do what they want are never going to be successful. Men think logically. They don’t think in emotional terms like women tend to. Since men think and act logically, if you tell him that nothing is wrong when something is wrong, because you expect him to dig and dig like a detective to discover why you are upset, you’re always going to be miserable in your relationship.
Men are like dogs in that you have to give them simple logical directions. You have to speak to him in clear plain terms. Not in metaphors or by beating around the bush hoping he’ll figure it out. So instead of trying to “fix him”, accept him as he is and for what he is. Don’t try to change him, just love him as he shows up and speak to him in terms that he can understand.
A man who is very masculine and clear about his purpose and his goals in life will pursue them relentlessly. Men like to feel successful. When men are in a relationship and their lady is happy, they feel successful and take credit for her happiness. When their lady is upset, bitching, unhappy, sad, pissed off, frustrated, etc. he feels like a failure. He takes her unhappiness personally because he associates his own success as a man based upon how happy he is able to make his lady feel.
Now regardless of whether a man is really responsible for the woman’s happiness or misery, he’s either going to take credit for her happiness or be responsible for her misery. When a woman feels that she is not valued and bitches at her man, constantly points out all the things he is doing wrong or how unhappy she is, this totally and completely emasculates her man. When a man feels like he is unable to make his woman happy, he feels like a failure. Eventually he will give up on trying to make her happy and will withdraw from the relationship more and more which causes her to bitch and complain even more.
When a woman does not understand this, she will continue to do more and more emasculating of her man to the point where she makes him so miserable, and he feels so unsuccessful, that he leaves the relationship.
Now in a perfect world, the guy would know exactly what to do and how to communicate with his woman to cause her to open up and share everything that’s bothering her so she feels like he actually understands her. He will resolve the issue and make everything all lovey-dovey again.
However, this is not the case. Most men do not understand women. Nor are they interested in taking the time to improve themselves and learning how to understand them. Besides, ego-centric masculine men would look at asking for help as admission of failure. It’s why we never ask for directions when lost. So women are faced with a choice. Since 95% of the self-help books on relationships and dating are bought by women and only 5% by men, it’s wishful thinking on the woman’s part to expect men to change and become what women think they should be. Your other choice is to hold out and wait and hope that you will meet one of those rare 3/100 men (3% Man) that understand women and know how to communicate with them and meet their needs effectively.
So if you are a woman and you want the quality of your relationship to dramatically improve, you are going to have to be the one to take the time and learn a way to get what you want from your man. It’s really simple. Men are really simple once you understand what they want and what they respond to. Men will bend over backwards to give their lives to making their women happy as long as they feel they are successful at it.
Here’s the solution. Men are visual creatures. We look at a woman who is beautiful and attractive and instantly we are thinking about fucking her. That’s just the way we are. We see a hot girl and we want to fuck. Its pretty much all we really think about or are interested in. Now some women get pissed off at that and complain that men are only interested in sex. Well look at it this way. If men did not think this way we would have absolutely no interest in women. There would be no kids born and the human race would die out.
Now men do love the intimacy and the security of a committed relationship, it’s just that we’re visual creatures. We fall in love through our eyes and our fantasies. That’s why we like cheerleaders, watching strippers, seeing scantily clad women in seductive poses, etc.
Since men are visual creatures, you have to seduce us with your body and your femininity. If you can enchant us with your body, your looks and how you move, we will do anything for you. And I mean anything.
Men want to come home and feel like they are the kings of their castle. When we’ve had a very stressful day at work, we don’t want to come home and deal with a selfish woman whose only interested in kicking us in the balls and making us feel unsuccessful. We may have gotten our asses kicked at work during the day. We may feel like a total failure. Smart and mature women will recognize this and know that it is loving and supportive to build a man up and make him feel successful.
The purpose of all relationships is… you go there to give, that’s it, nothing more. So when your man comes home at the end of a tough day, he needs you to build him up and make him feel successful.
How do you do that? Use your body to pull us into your feminine delicious world. Make us forget all about life’s struggles. So when your man feels like shit, make him feel better. How? Shoot his gun off. Give him a blow job. Get him off. Just walk over to him, undo his trousers and suck him off. Give him a beer, have him sit back in his favorite chair, tell him to relax, close his eyes and just to enjoy himself. Maybe even give him a massage. The goal is to make him feel good.
Most women that have shitty relationships use sex as a weapon. He only gets pleasure from her if she feels he’s done something to earn it. In other words she treats her relationship like some kind of transaction. She’s holding back and acting like a horse trader. If he makes me happy I’ll give him sex. If he pisses me off he will get nothing except my bitching at him. That is not loving. That is dysfunctional and is the hallmark of an immature woman.
When you use pleasure to pull your man into your world and focus on being a dirty little whore, you are giving your man exactly what he needs and wants. Men want a lady in the streets, and a whore in the sheets. We want a woman who is always that dirty little fantasy. Just like a little girl asks her daddy in a really sweet voice when she wants something, you must use your body and your sex appeal to enchant your man and make him feel good physically. If you can do that on a continuous basis, tell him in a logical order of exactly what to do for you, what to do to you, how you want him to listen to you without giving advice, etc. he will be more than happy to do it for you. Remember, men like to feel successful at making you happy. You just have to tell us exactly what you want step-by-step. Maybe even write it out, give him a plan on what you want him to do so he can follow it and do it.
Never complain or be bitchy because he will just want to get away from you. Instead, be sweet, funny, charming, tease him playfully and be his joy. Be a woman who no matter how much life has beat him down, you always build him up and make him feel like a king. Every guy would love to come home to a woman like that. We want a woman who we can lose ourselves in her beauty, charm and sex appeal. Someone who intoxicates us.
Don’t be his roommate. Be his dirty slutty whore. Be a woman who knows how to please your man sexually. And if you don’t know how to, learn. The Better Sex Series has some great videos that will teach you how to be phenomenal in the bedroom! This is essential to keep a man happy and interested in you. If you are fucking his brains out and making sure he enjoys himself (ask him what he wants you to do to him, what he likes and then do it), he will do anything for you. Men are easy. Treat him right, and he will treat you right, or you can continue to do what you’ve always done and you will continue to get what you’ve always got.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” – Unknown
Delonte says
Tip top stuff. I’ll epxect more now.
I.heart.K says
See it seems like common sense, but what about girls who workout and thus have far bigger libidos than their men? Tearing his pants off when he walks in the door sounds like all kinds of fun to me but sometimes if he’s in a shitty mood from work he doesn’t want me to suck him off or anything but smoke a bowl and watch TV. 🙁
Maryland Capo says
Let him smoke and watch TV when he doesn’t feel like getting sucked. Sometimes men need space and time to feel better. He’ll be open to your sucking when he feels more ready.
Julie says
So how do we get a man to want to buy us perfume or jewelry, not necessarily expensive, just like a bracelet, earrings, sterling silver, etc. I don’t want to have to ask for it because then he’ll feel obligated. Thanks
Amber says
This is all so true. After the end of my marriage, I took the time to learn about men, and then got into a new relationship. In this relationship, I did all of what was mentioned in the above article. While we were together, my boyfriend would state repeatedly that this was bar far the best relationship he’d ever had, that he’d never felt this way before (even though he’d also been married previously). He’d constantly tell me how beautiful I was (though I have never been that girl that always turned heads), and how he wanted to look after me.
However, I ended that relationship as I felt we had a fundamental incompatibility, but now my ex keeps saying he’ll do ANYTHING to get me back , and keep on pursuing me. That is not great, but it’s a testament to the power of learning how to give you man what he wants/needs. Men really are that simple, and if you treat them how they like to be treated by a woman, they really will bend over backwards to make you happy
This stuff really works, and it’s so simple and fun. I never felt so feminine as I did in that relationship, and have never loved loving a person more. I also felt SO appreciated daily. I now realise that a big problem in my marriage was that I had become my husband’s house mate rather than his feminine refuge. Learning about the dynamics of male/female relationships really is like discovering magic, and it’s so much fun!
Aleks says
Hi Coach.
Thank you very much for this article. I find it very valuable.
I would be very happy to read a similar article about female nature. What do women really want? How to deal with her to build that happy feeling in her heart and body so in turn she wants to do anything for her man? Have you written such article? Perhaps you are aware of someone else writing on the subject?
Wish you all the best.
khaylah says
Women ARE visual and want to f the eyes out of sexy men