The secret to becoming a master seducer, so you can attract, date and seduce the kind of women you’ve always wanted.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two email success stories from two different guys. The first email success story is from a twenty-one year old guy from Jamaica who has been following my work for five years. He is dating and seducing several women who are in love with him, but has not committed to a new relationship with any of them. He explains how my book has changed his focus to enable him to succeed with women, even though he is not where he wants to be in life.
The second email success story is from a guy in the US who details how my work caused him to go from a lovesick puppy dog who got rejected by his high school crush when he asked her to prom, to successfully seducing her recently, as he is about to graduate college. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the bodies of their emails.
First Viewer’s Email:
Hey Coach,
I am Bob. I am a 21-year old Jamaican. I’ve been following your work over 5 years now. I’m more like an undercover follower. It has been 5 years now since am out of any bad relationship. (That’s awesome dude. Good for you.) I’ve been following your work from when the relationship was going sideways!
Coach, from the time I left the relationship, I haven’t entered into another one. I started to work on myself. I started watching your videos for three years straight, then I decided I wanted to try out the book. (Better late than never.) Then I download the book and started reading. I’ve read the book about 20 times now. (Obviously, that’s why you’re so successful.)Corey, I’ve reached this stage in my life where I am teaching your work. I literally have like 13 girls right now, madly in love with me. High quality girls I wouldn’t dream I could be with! This is what I have to do now. Whenever they’re getting too annoying, I just lower the attraction level towards me by being super needy, Lol. (That’s one way to approach it. Remember, rejection tends to breed obsession. Scarcity creates value. So if you reject somebody who’s really into you, that typically makes them like you more. But if you start acting needy on purpose, it’s actually going to turn them off. I teach what I’ve learned, and it’s up to you how you want to use it in your own life. Being successful in life is being able to spend your life in your own way. So take what you learn from me, and create a life and lifestyle that is pleasing to you.)
In conclusion, I’ve reached a stage where I can call myself one of the three percent men out there, and it’s all because of you. I want to thank you so much. You changed my life 100%.
Only one little thing though, I haven’t reached the stage where I become who I want to attract, but it’s a process. I am now in a new job that I like. I have a DJ talent I’m working on, and I also got a new talent in counseling. I’m not getting paid, but it’s getting there! (Well, you’re only 21. When you’re young and inexperienced, you really don’t have skills developed that you can offer anybody.
When I was in college, my first job in the industry, I worked as an unpaid intern. I was willing to work for free, because I didn’t have anything other than my time. I had no skills to offer them, and I had no experience. So they were doing me a favor by teaching me the job. When you’re young, and you don’t have experience in a field, you’ve got to be willing to do those things. It’s a process. The more you learn and the more skills you acquire, the more choices you’re going to have.
When you love something and you’re passionate about it, you’ll immerse yourself in it, and you’ll be willing to work for free if you don’t have these skills. When you become really great at it, headhunters and other people hear about you, and they will start coming to you.
It’s the same thing with your personal life. When you become really successful and people know you, you start to meet other successful people. And if you’re a guy, women hear about you and they seek you out. The more successful you become, the easier it gets to meet other like-minded people. That’s why I place such a huge emphasis on focusing on yourself, your goals, your mission, and you’re purpose in life, and getting to a place where you really love what you do and you really love your life.)
So the list that I made of the perfect 10… I am in the process of attracting that one, but the 6, 7, 8 and 9 are no challenge. They make it so easy. (Well, you’ve got to get experience from somewhere. You can read about it in my book all you want and watch the videos all you want, but if you’re not interacting with other people, you’re not going out on dates, you’re not practicing seduction skills, and learning to master your own self control, when you meet somebody who really blows you away and knocks your socks off, you’re going to lose your shit, turn them off, and chase them right out of your life. A high status woman or man is used to being successful and used to being around other like-minded, successful people, and it’s incredibly unattractive when they encounter other human beings that have a low opinion of themselves.If you feel like you’re making progress towards creating the life and lifestyle that you want, you’re going to be happy. And the happier you are, the more you’re going to radiate that vibration and attract other people to you. So when you’re young, you should date a lot. You should explore humanity to see what you like and see what you don’t like.
The only way to get experience is to have experiences with other people. But reading a book like mine and learning to apply these things from somebody that’s succeeded, and made a lot of mistakes and done a lot of fucking up in their lives, can shave years and decades off your success. Not everybody’s got the time to go and learn all of these things to learn all of this stuff. The best thing to do is learn from other people who are already succeeding at the highest level.)
So I just want to thank you so much I appreciate it keep up the good work.
God bless,
Second Viewer’s Email:
Dear Mr. Wayne,
I want to reach out and thank you for your 3% Man book. (The quicker you learn the fundamentals, the quicker you start applying it, the quicker you’re going to get to where you want to be.) When I picked it up, I couldn’t put it down until I finished, and started recommending and sharing with all my closest friends. (Well, I definitely appreciate all of the referrals.)
And then, the results, wow. Applying the 3% Man principles, gauging her interest in you, giving women the space to come to you, etc., has completely changed my life. (Remember, when you don’t think you’re good enough, and you don’t perceive yourself as being an awesome catch, you’re typically going to try to make up for that feeling of lack on the inside by trying to force things.
When it comes to attraction, if a woman is minimally interested, you’ve got a chance. The attraction is already there, but you’ve got to do the right things to get it to grow. And if a guy doesn’t believe in himself, he’s going to act and talk in a way that he doesn’t think he is worthy. We’re biologically driven to want to mate with the most dominant members of the opposite sex.)Recently, I graduated college and got back in touch with my high school crush, a beautiful girl with whom I struck out, as it happens, in the form of a rejected prom invitation. Now, she cannot keep her hands off of me, and we consummated things last night. (The indoor Olympics with your high school crush. I had several high school crushes and never got to experience anything remotely like this with any of them.)
She has expressed how shocked she is about it; how did Bob the puppy dog turn into such a closer? The answer is 3% Man. (Cool dude. I think it’s really awesome that you got to date and hook up with your high school crush. Now you’ve experienced it. And even if it doesn’t work out, you know you’re able to get what you view as the hottest person. At the end of the day, it’s your birthright to be awesome. We didn’t come into this world to be mediocre. We came into this world so we could be awesome and reach our full potential. We’re destined for greatness, and the only thing that gets in the way of us becoming great individuals is the beliefs that we hold about ourselves and the methods, the skills and the techniques that we use to get the things that we want in life.)
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Attraction is not a choice that people make. It is something that is naturally handled by Mother Nature. We can’t control whom we find attractive, but we can reveal or uncover an attraction that is already there and make it grow. Becoming sure of your own value and acting like someone who is congruent with believing in their own value creates a vibe of confidence, certainty, inevitability and attractiveness. It is not arrogance, but a humble, matter of fact personal reality or truth. It means living a life and lifestyle that is pleasing to you, despite what others may think about you. Living your personal truth without fear or regret and only spending your time with people who respect, value and appreciate you. High value people do not allow others into their inner circle who don’t value or treat them properly.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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