How men and women are having great relationships with the wisdom they learn from How To Be A 3% Man.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different emails from two different viewers. The first email is from a woman who shares the success story of how she recovered from a bad breakup to attracting and keeping the man of her dreams. The second email is from a man who says he was a loser with women until he started studying 3% Man. He went from obese and unhealthy to exercising, pursuing his goals and meeting and dating his dream woman.
Two great success stories showing how both men and women can use 3% Man to achieve their personal and professional goals. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the bodies of their emails.
As I say all of the time, guys that do real well, girls that do real well, read the book to 10 to 15 times. I see it in emails, and I see it especially in my phone sessions when I talk to guys that are like, “Yeah, I’ve been following you for five years. I’ve been through the book once or twice.” And then they tell me the things they’re doing, and I’m like, “Man, these are obvious things that are covered in the book, that you’re making mistakes.” They’re like, “Oh, yeah, but I don’t have time for that.”
I had a high income, high net worth guy I was talking to recently. The dude’s worth tens of millions of dollars. And of course, he’s so smart, and he’s so successful, and he’s so knowledgeable, and so sophisticated. He understands human behavior. Same thing with the girl he’s dating he’s having all kinds of trouble with. They’re so sophisticated and they’re just beyond having to read a little book from me. So I’m like, “This is why you’re struggling, dude.”

The guy’s been following me for years, didn’t want to read the book because he was arrogant and full of himself, and yet his personal life is a train wreck because of it – because of his own arrogance. Pride comes before the fall, as they say. If you’re struggling in your personal life, obviously you’ve got a knowledge gap and you’ve got to fill it in. There are no shortcuts to success. It doesn’t matter if you make $20 an hour or you make $20 million a year, you’ve still got to fill in the knowledge gap.
I see the same mistakes. It doesn’t matter the income, the net worth, the guys make the same mistakes. It’s just, the guys that are really successful in business are kind of arrogant and full of themselves, and they think they know it all. And then, obviously, when I do a phone session, then they get a harsh dose of reality. I’m not here to blow sunshine up anybody’s ass, because that doesn’t serve anybody. You’ve got to be real with people. You’ve got to tell them like it is, even when they don’t want to hear it.
There was a recent video that we published, “Girls Who Say They Want To Be “Chased”” that’s done really well, that I did with Jade and Erica. And it was kind of contentious at times. You could tell the feminism has had an effect on their thinking and the way they look at things. So, that was a fun video. It’s on Instagram and it’s also on YouTube. So, you guys should check that out. I’m sure you’ll be entertained.
So, let’s go through the first email. Since we’ve got a guy and a girl here, we’re going to do ladies first. Let’s see how things worked out in her life.
First Viewer’s Email:
Hi Corey,
I just wanted to share my story. I am a 27-year-old female living in Europe. I had a bad break up over 2 and half years ago. The man I thought I was in a relationship with went for a holiday for 3 weeks and got married to someone else whilst being away.
Well, that wasn’t very nice. Can you imagine that? You figure you’re in a relationship and “I’m going to marry this person.” They go away and come back, “Hey, I had a great vacation, but guess what? I’ve got a wife now, and it’s not you.” Brutal.

I really loved him. I thought he would one day be my husband. He never told me that he was engaged to someone else when we were in a relationship together.
So, he was a liar and a cheater. Good riddance, because he’ll cheat on his his wife at some point. He’s her problem now.
Instead, he was talking to me about our future and how we can progress our relationship.
Yeah, that dude was obviously a ratchet. So, you dodged a bullet there, girl. Good for you.
Needless to say, that was a very bad break up where I had to do a lot of healing and self-discovery. In this process, I have discovered your work. Your work teaches that you have to take accountability for what you did wrong and improve to become a better version of yourself. This is exactly what I did. It was hard, no doubt about it. Therapy, frequent visits to the doctor’s office, but I certainly persisted. Now I am earning triple the salary I was making before, studying for a Master’s degree and have a normal and loving relationship.
We met online, and the first conversation was initiated by him. Later, I texted him first and he responded very happily. He is an extremely successful businessman who works very hard in his career and definitely takes care of himself.
She sent pictures. The dude’s fit and in shape, and he seems happy with her. They look happy in the pictures.
He later told me he wanted me to reach out, so he knows that I like him. Without your guidance, I wouldn’t have known what to do back then. Forward to a year and a half of us being together, I am always reaching out to him first, but I don’t mind this.
Well, it’s natural. Women are naturally designed and created to seek a man’s attention. And when a woman’s in love and he makes her feel safe and comfortable, she wants his attention all the fucking time, stuck on you like a sucker fish. And if your girl ain’t stuck on you like a sucker fish, you should be reading and applying what’s in the book, assuming you’ve got a normal, healthy woman and not a fruit loop. She has to be normal for it to work. If she’s not normal, then, it’s time to dip out.

He makes me feel very special when I do get in touch, which is all I really need.
So, in other words, when she does reach out, he’s not like, “Oh, fuck, what do you want?” He’s like, “Babe, it’s so good to hear your voice again. I want to sleep on a bed made of your voice.”
He does exactly what you teach in the book. Your book has taught me how to improve myself and find a successful and loving man that could have a long-term relationship and maybe more. For all of your followers, I just want to say, even though you as a coach do not address women directly, you do teach us what to do in dating and relationships, instead of what our society conditioned us to do.
Again, kind of like the video I was talking about, “Girls Who Say They Want To Be “Chased”” that I did with Erica and Jade, Erica especially didn’t like that too much, but she’s very masculine. We’re working on her, getting her to chill out, be a little more feminine, be a little more sweet. Less trying to run everything.
I could not thank you enough for turning my life around.
Well, you did the work, and thanks for sharing that great success story.
Second Viewer’s Email:
Dear Corey Wayne,
I was just listening to one of your newsletters and decided to write you a success story. I am 23 years old and was someone who always fell in love with unavailable women…
Yeah, that’s loads of fun, isn’t it?
…who I thought were somewhat interested in me, (which they obviously weren’t). I was overweight, smoking, and drinking a lot, and had no game or purpose or whatsoever.

So, he was basically behaving like an incompetent man, instead of a competent man who had his act together, who had goals, who had dreams, was taking care of himself, knew what he wanted, where he was going on, and he expected to eventually accomplish it.
Over the years of fucking up and getting my heart broken, I read 3% Man and just yesterday started my 16th read through. I am now in my first relationship ever. We were together for about a year, and I got everything I could have ever hoped for. By owning my essence and your material, I’ve attracted a hyper feminine woman, loving, giving, sweet as it can get. Her attraction level is constantly at a 9-10, because I instinctly know what to do, and more importantly what not to do. She can’t ever get her hands away from me.
Remember the analogy of the sucker fish. They’re always going to be on you. When they feel safe and comfortable, and you’re the rock and you’re the mountain, they’re always all over you. If you do, as a man, what’s in the book, your girl is going to be wanting more sex with you than you want with her. That’s reality. And that’s the best place to be. A lot of dudes out there are thirsty and struggling, and it just doesn’t have to be that way.
I get as much sex as I want, and she’s always wet when I want to get it on.
That’s a credit to you, my man. You’re doing the right things.
For everyone thinking his stuff doesn’t work, just do the damn work and read it 10-15 times.
Yep, especially you arrogant, rich and successful guys. I’m sure some of you are watching this right now, “I don’t need to read the book. I’m worth 100 million dollars, Corey. Just tell me what I need to do in a phone session. I don’t have time to read a book. I’m very busy.” That’s going to be on you. You’re going to suffer tremendously.

I went from obese and unhealthy to exercising, working on my crafts, (playing the guitar), and am owning the heart of a wonderful woman who always supports me and would do everything for me. It’s just like you played through a game and finished it. Your relationship just becomes autopilot.
He did the work, he learned the material, unlike some people, unlike slackers.
Of course, I will continue watching and learning and try to never get complacent.
That’s the important thing. Try to get a little better each and every day.
For everyone thinking they can’t attract women and can’t change, I was there too. All I did was I had faith in the Coach and learned the material seriously. I‘m talking, 3-4 newsletters a day and about 1 ½ hours of his audiobook per day. It’s worth for what you’ll get out of it.
Coach, you rock. I never had a father figure, and you’ve taken that role. I even considered naming my first child Corey if it were to be a boy, Lol.
Anyway, keep rocking, Coach!
Our boy, Tom Brady, seems to be stumbling down. People have been asking me a lot, “What do you think about Tom Brady?” because I’ve referenced him often over the years. What I noticed is the wife was always with him, the kids were always with him, supporting him. And I saw something the other day in a news article, and there were two things that stuck out to me that Giselle said. She said he wasn’t being present enough. And the other thing was, she was talking about her purpose and how she’s got all these business and other things that she wants to do. So, that tells me she’s a little too in her masculine.
And the reality is, they’ve got young kids. She should be focused on being a mom, and submitting, and helping Tom get his next ring. That’s what she signed up for. He’s the best to ever do it. And as a woman, no matter what, through the ups and downs, she should be supporting him until he absolutely doesn’t want to play football anymore. And so, if he says he’s going to retire and then changes his mind, that’s what she signed up for. But on the flip side, if he’s not being present for her, for the kids, it means he’s not spending the time. He’s not dating and courting her properly, and number two, he’s not making her feel heard and understood. And if you don’t date and court your wife properly, eventually, some other guy will.

So, I don’t know if it’s true, but what I’ve read is that they both are talking to divorce lawyers to see what that would look like if they go through with it. So, obviously, from what she said, Tom is probably not making her feel heard and understood, he’s probably not dating and courting her properly, and he’s not present enough for the children. But with that kind of lifestyle, you’re going to be on the road a lot. I know he’s got a contract lined up to be a broadcaster, so as soon as he finishes his NFL career, obviously, he’ll be on the road every weekend when there’s games.
He’ll be a great commentator, obviously, and I look forward to that. But that kind of business, he’s going to be on the road. And if you’re going to be a family man, the family should be with you, and Giselle should be there supporting him. But also, he’s got to make her feel heard and understood. Obviously, he’s not, just based on her comment, and he’s not present enough for her and the kids. But that requires them to work together. If he’s on the road traveling for the team, she should be there. Maybe a couple of days a week they fly in, maybe on the weekends, or whatever, but you’ve got to do it. It’s what she signed up for.
A woman like that, going and talking about her purpose, making money, I mean, I think she’s worth something like $150 Million more than him. It’s like, how many more millions do you need? Is that going to keep you warm? Would you rather be a dude, making more money, rather than spending time with your beautiful family and your amazing, successful husband and being his greatest cheerleader and his fan?
So, just on those two things that I saw in the news, I would say, based on what she said, he’s not making her feel heard and understood. He’s not dating and courting her properly. He’s not present. In other words, when he’s there, he may be physically there, but emotionally, mentally, he’s somewhere else. So, he needs to fix that. And I’d love to see them stay together. That would be cool. But hey, that’s life.

At the end of the day, she should be submitting and following her man, not talking about her business empires that she’s going to build. Because she talks like a dude, and she’s got enough money already. It’s like, how much more do you need? Does it serve you? Does it serve the kids to leave? And then the family split up? I hope they work it out. It’d be nice, but it is what it is. That’s life.
It’s not easy being on top. And a lot of people want to see him fail, just because they’re both successful, and they’re both beautiful and rich. Unsuccessful people want to see him fail, so they feel better. I want to see him succeed, just because the world needs great, successful people that have the dream lives that the rest of us can aspire to.
So, if you’ve got a question or a challenge and you’d like to get my help, go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen and book a coaching session with yours truly.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
Curt says
At a certain point, it’s no longer about the money.
The money is just a score card, like in golf.