Things to consider if your baby momma monkey branched to another guy & got pregnant.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer whose baby momma of 6 years monkey branched to another guy, immediately got pregnant and engaged to him. He asks if he should even consider taking her back if she wants to reconcile and several other questions. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
Hi, I’m Coach Corey Wayne and this is my Video Coaching Newsletter. And the topic of today’s Newsletter is going to be, “My Baby Momma Monkey Branched To Another Guy & Immediately Got Pregnant!”
And she also got engaged. But that was too long of a title.
So this particular email is from a guy, his baby mama of six years, monkey branched to another guy, immediately got pregnant and engaged to this new dude, literally, four months. And he’s got three questions, main questions he asks.
First one is obvious, like if she tries to come back, should I even try to entertain this? Obviously, I’m sure you guys are going to have some passioned responses to this one. I mean, this girl did this guy pretty dirty. So let’s go through his email.
Viewer Email:
Hey Coach,
My ex girlfriend monkey branched from me about 4 and a half months ago. I confirmed this by going through her phone and haven’t told her I did as of yet. She and I were together for about 6 years and have a 2 year old son together. From my knowledge of her past experiences/ relationships she has never monkey branched from anyone.
She is a very avoidant individual, scared of conflict and never tried to talk about any issues she was having with our relationship. Just came across your work not long ago and have listened to your audio book 3% Man once, just started listening to it a second time.
I have only seen a limited number of your videos on YouTube. During the time we have been broken up, she has gotten engaged within 4 months of them dating (at least to my knowledge the amount of time they have been dating). She also got pregnant with days of breaking up with me.
So this is the kicker.

My parents had her over at their house for a visit to see my son and my dad showed her his garage I had filled up with items I had bought for us for a home together. My understanding is that she broke down crying when shown these items.
Character is destiny. And so you got to look at, I mean, he’s brand new to my work and in long term relationships, typically what you get is the guy stops dating and courting her properly, and he doesn’t make her feel heard and understood. And from his perspective, in his mind, he’s like, “I didn’t see it coming. I thought things were great.” He’s buying all these things, thinking that they’re moving forward. She wasn’t happy. Obviously there’s things because women all do this. They complain about the same things over and over again that when I do phone sessions with guys like this, one of the first things I’ll say is, “Well, tell me what she was complaining about.”
Because again, women say it over and over, and at some point if you keep dismissing their concerns, because that’s what most guys tend to do, is, “I didn’t think she was serious. I didn’t think she meant that. I just thought she was being emotional.” But when a woman continuously repeats things over and over and over again, and then you just ignore them, eventually at some point she’s going to tap out. At some point, she’s going to give up and think that nothing is going to change. And when that happens, when she loses attraction and respect for you.
And again, because most guys do this because they’ve been doing this 20 years and you see the same patterns over and over and over and over again as the guy stopped dating and courting the woman, usually it’s because they’re trying to save money. Maybe they got things they’re working towards. In this case, maybe he stopped dating and courting her because he was buying all this stuff for the house they were supposed to get together for them and their child, but at the end of the day, he stopped the love story. He stopped dating and courting her, and they basically probably became like roommates. And on top of that, it’s clear he didn’t make her feel heard and understood because he says, he didn’t see it coming. Or let’s go back to what he said. “She never tried to talk about any issues she was having with our relationship.”
Well, if I was to be talking to this guy in a phone session, I would ask him, what was she complaining about over and over? Because women don’t just up and go fuck somebody else and get knocked up. It’s after a period of time. They’ve tried to change things. They’ve communicated to you, told you things they weren’t happy with, and if you just continually dismiss it and put it off in the future, or you try to argue with her and win your point, eventually at some point she realizes nothing’s going to change.

He only sees it his way, and then they start looking for the exits, especially once the interest gets low and depending on the weather, you did a good vetting job or not dating her. If you have a high character woman, she’s going to complain and she’s going to tell you what’s going on and why she’s unhappy and what she wants to see change. And if it doesn’t happen at some point, then she’s going to pack her shit and she’s going to go and she’s going to leave you, and then she’ll take time to heal and be single. And then when she’s ready, she’ll start dating again.
But a low character woman, when she’s not happy, she’ll just look for somebody that gives her attention. Because if you don’t date and court your girlfriend or your wife, eventually some other guy is going to come along and do it for you. And this guy, you know, clearly had no idea what was going on, probably wasn’t paying attention, probably guys working his ass off and just didn’t take the time. He thought everything was great. Because a lot of guys in these situations think that things are great.
The questions I have are the following;
One: If she tries to come back to me and reconcile, should I even entertain the idea of having a conversation with her on the subject? Been getting contradicting information from the internet and YouTube and am curious what your views are on the subject?
Well, the reality is, if you take her back, you’re telling her it was okay, that she monkey branch to another guy got knocked up, and then he’s gonna move in, or she’s going to move in with the kid, and you’re going to raise somebody else’s kid under your house. The next time she’s unhappy, she’ll just go and do it again. The only thing that changes these women is to have enough guys, good dudes that they date, and they fuck over that are just like, they ditch them and they don’t give them another chance. Doc Love had a rule. He’s like, “You get one chance per girl, per lifetime.”
And if she fucks it up, she betrays you. She cancels dates, she’s out forever. There’s no going back for those kinds of things. Now, if she had just lost attraction and broke it off and then moved out, that would have been different. But the fact that she lined up another guy while she’s with you, she was cheating on you. She was lying to you. She was deceiving you. And when things look good with the new guy, she just dipped and obviously it completely caught you off guard. And the other thing you got to consider is you got a child with her.

If you take her back, a liar and a cheater, you’re always going to be on some level sleeping with one eye open the rest of your life, wondering whether or not you can trust her, and you’re never going to fully trust her, especially with where you’re at right now. Obviously, as you continue to read The Book and watch videos, light bulbs will start to go off and you’ll realize that there actually were signs that were there. Obviously, if I was doing a phone session with this guy. I’d be able to get right, right to the point with him and figure out what she was saying, what she was doing, and what he was doing wrong that turned her off.
But again, he was with a woman of low character. I mean, just imagine this particular woman going to her now ex-boyfriend, her baby daddy’s parent’s house, seeing all the stuff in the garage, knowing that she’s carrying another man’s baby, that she was part of that family. They probably treated her like family, and she just basically knifed them all in the back. I would say more than likely, this woman probably came from a broken home, and there were plenty of signs that were there that she was of low character. Now, he said supposedly she never monkey branch from anybody. But you have to look at the parents. You got to look at the family.
What kind of standard did the father set in the home? And women that come from good homes, just typically they don’t behave this way. Women that come from broken homes or they hate their father. They don’t respect their father or their dad’s a pushover. Or maybe, you know, because usually what happens, they grow up in an environment where mom and dad are cheating on each other, they’re cheating on their subsequent partners. And so that’s what they know. Their attitude is, hey, well, you know, if you didn’t take care of business, well, you deserve what you get. It’s kind of the same attitude the elites have towards the rest of us.
Well, if most of the little people are too stupid to know what we’re doing to them, well, they deserve what they get. And that’s just, you know, this woman’s a complete savage. Is that the kind of woman that you want to raise your kids with? Ideally, you would be better suited to go find a high character woman who has family values, who values loyalty, who values monogamy, who values exclusivity, who’s easy going, easy to get along with, who communicates like an adult. She brings peace into your life. She’s not constantly disturbing your peace.
And then you can set a good example for your child, because again, what’ll happen is, like, this guy basically thinks, oh, I won the lottery because he probably saw too many Disney movies where the woman’s in an unhappy relationship. She complains about it, he consoles her, thinks, oh, that guy’s such a jerk. What an idiot. He doesn’t know what he’s got. I’m going to save her. I’m going to take her away from this man that doesn’t love and appreciate her, and show her what a great guy I am, and we’ll live happily ever after. And they will, until, he fucks up, probably for the same reasons.

And stops dating and courting her, or doesn’t make her feel heard and understood. She gets mad. She gets angry. She gets attention from other men. She gives him the green light to keep pursuing her, and then she rides off with another guy. Because 90, 95% of the relationships that come from cheating typically tend to end in cheating. Not all of them, but the overwhelming majority do. And so typically what’s going to happen is either the guy that she’s with now, the fiance will cheat on her, or at some point she’ll be unhappy and cheat on him. And so you guys have a kid together.
I think you said a two year old son, if I’m not mistaken. And yeah, let’s see here. Two year old son. Yep. So you got a two year old son together and the best thing your son needs is an example. And so especially when he gets older and old enough and he sees what a train wreck mom’s life is, and dad can sit him down and says, well, this is why your mother and I didn’t work out. Love your mom because we got you. But she lied to me. She cheated on me. She ran off with another guy. She was dating him behind my back and lying to my face. And then once I found out what was really going on, I mean, she was already with the new guy and she was pregnant with his child.
And I thought to myself, well, that’s not my value system, you know. I was raised in a good home where loyalty is valued and respected, and the woman respects the father, and she clearly didn’t. And I resolved then that this was never going to happen again. And the next woman I was with was going to be a good woman, a good, loyal woman, a good family oriented woman who loves her father, respects her father, admires him, looks up to him, comes from a good family. She was raised properly, taught the right values. So I could be a good example because, you know, clearly the relationship I had with your mother in the past wasn’t, you know, she wasn’t a good mother for the kind of values that I wanted to instill in my children.
And while I have no control over her and her relationship life and who she’s with and who else she has kids with. I want to be the best example that I can be for you, and I want to provide you a good, healthy example of this amazing woman that is my wife or my girlfriend at this point. And all your kids, your brothers and sisters that’s the kind of family we want to have. And I knew when you were old enough that we could sit down and I could talk about this and you could understand it. Because typically, by the time your kids get to be like teenagers, then they’re going to start to see that, you know, you’re presenting a good, healthy archetype at home of what a family life should be.

And she’s presenting just cheating and lying and deviousness. And typically what often happens is the kids get older, they get to be teenagers. They don’t want to live with their mom anymore. They go and they go and live with the dad. Just because dad provides a more stable home life, just because they can’t ever really count on what their mother says and they don’t like how she lives. So the best thing that you can do is to find somebody who shares your value system, because it’s clear that this your ex girlfriend, your ex baby mama does not. And again, if you take her back, that just tells her that, hey, there’s really no consequences for that behavior.
And if you slack off, she’ll just do it again. Women like this tend to be loyal and faithful. As long as they’re happy and they’re in love and you do the right things. But when you don’t for a long enough period of time, she’ll just start giving out her number or seeking attention and giving other guys the green light to try to seduce her when she finds one that she really likes and who likes her. She’ll just run off with them. And then it’ll predictably end. Because again, 95% of the relationships that come from cheating end in cheating. Once a cheater, always a cheater. And so you it should stop with you. She should learn that she’s going to lose you forever because of her fucking ratchet behavior.
Two: Not to sound like a fool, but did I likely miss some clear signs she gave me instead of verbalizing her concerns?
Yeah, look. What did she complain about? It’s usually the same 2 or 3 things that she mentions it over and over. You never listen to me or we never do anything. You never take me out. We never go anywhere. And then most guys would say, hey, we just went out a couple of weeks ago, or we did this or we did that. And she’s trying to give you feedback to say, hey, take me on a date, romance me. And the guy wants to argue with her to win his point because he’s like, hey, I did something a few weeks ago.
All she’s really doing is complaining is like, well, that was then. What about today? What about this week? And again, you get a limited time frame to turn shit around, typically 6 to 12 months with most women before they start looking for the exits. And again, depending on their character, if they’re raised right, they’ll end the relationship respectively. But if they weren’t, it’ll be a fucking train wreck like this.
Three: Any books outside of 3% Man you recommend reading to fill my knowledge gap?
Thank you for your time in reading this email.

Well, the first one needs to be 10 to 15 times. There are several books in here that I recommend that you should go and read. “The Way Of The Superior Man.” You definitely should get a copy of that and start reading that. I would suggest you read that 10 to 15 times. But you got to vet for character when you’re dating, and you got to find yourself a woman who actually values it and was raised right. If her dad did a good job, typically she’ll be good to be with. If her dad’s a fucking Froot Loop and a lunatic, a liar, a cheater.
Well, you’re not going to fix that. That just typically doesn’t happen. It doesn’t mean 100% of the cases a woman comes from a broken home, can’t turn her life around and be a good person because she doesn’t want to be like her family, but, most of the time they do not. Most people major in minor things. You got to see reality as it is not better than it is or worse than it is, but as it is, and you got to take learning this stuff serious. You shouldn’t have the attitude. Oh, just read Corey’s book once, maybe twice. I’ll watch a few videos and then I’ll be on to the next book.
On to the next thing. If you don’t fill in your knowledge gap and you don’t change your behavior, especially your unattractive behavior, you will turn her off for exactly the same reason the next woman and the woman after that. You’ll lose them all for the same reason. If you do a good job vetting for character, they’ll let you know. They’ll give you a chance to take corrective action. And if you don’t, they’ll leave. If you date another low character woman like this, then you’ll get dicked over and cheated on by the next one.
When she gets tired of the fact that you’re not dating and courting her properly and not making her feel heard and understood. Because again, women complain about the same 2 or 3 things over and over and over again. They mention it over and over and over again. And at some point when they said it a bunch and nothing changes and they just give up on you. And again, depending on their character, determines how pleasant and loving and respectful the breakup is or how shitty it is like this.
I mean, can you imagine you thought everything was great in your relationship? Next thing you know, your girlfriend’s fucking another guy weeks later, hope she’s pregnant with that new guy. A few weeks after that. Holy shit, she’s engaged to that guy. Now you know. Four months, four and a half months ago, he thought he had a family. He’s planning for a house. He’s buying things for it. It’s at his parents’ house. Maybe he was trying to surprise her with it. And look what she did. But again, it’s clear that her dad did a shitty job of raising her. And so this is not this guy’s fault.
But he did the vetting, and he probably didn’t pay attention to it because he only focused on how much he liked her and the fact that she was with him and never really bothered to vet for character. Probably ignored the fact that, you know, she told white lies. Things didn’t add up and he just brushed it under the rug. And that’s what happens. You get burned in a really nasty way. So I totally feel compassion for you, dude.

But take this seriously. Read The Book 10 to 15 times, and then after that, at least once or twice a year, you should go through it and you should master this stuff, learn it backwards and forwards. If you’re just going to half ass it and read a book a couple times, watch a few videos and think, hey, you’re good, well, the next woman will leave you for exactly the same reasons.
That’s just a reality. I’m a coach. All I can do is suggest I can tell you what the fundamentals are, but you’re going to have to do the work. Nobody’s coming to save you or to fix you. You know, each time you go through the book, you’re going to get maybe 7, 8% of it. You’ll retain it. But after that it’s, you know, again, it’s a 250 page book. And if you’re trying to undo a lot of unattractive behavior, going through it once or twice is not going to work. And besides, it’s Free To Read in the Members Area. All you got to do is subscribe, put your name and your email, create a password, and boom, the book will open up right in your web browser.
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Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
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